Building Superheroes at Marvel

Chapter 28: day of choice

Kyle's thinking fell into a misunderstanding. He thought that ordinary people could become superpowers.

But he never thought that those who become superheroes can also be targets, just like Iron Man, his body is no different from ordinary people without the armor.

"The Antarctic side can be considered. S.H.I.E.L.D. should not know yet."

In addition to the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver who have already sent people to Sokovia to look for, other people, Kyle, can also intervene.

But for the next-generation Supreme Mage Strange, Kyle didn't dare to make small moves. At present, he doesn't have anything that can check and balance the ancient one.

You can do your own thing at will. The ancient one is not protecting human beings, but the entire earth.

But if you are going to move someone's retirement plan, then the feud will be big, and it might just turn the table over.

"Alice, please come up."

Picking up the contact number on the table, Kyle needs to discuss with Alice.

After a few minutes, Alice came up.

"Boss, what's the matter?"

When I just received the call, my face was covered in a circle. My boss didn't say anything and let me come up, and even threw away the work in hand.

You must know that this is a critical period. The daily documents are extremely heavy, and Alice has to work until midnight every day to get off work.

"It's nothing, there's just a problem."

"If I grant you 50 million, will we be able to increase our production to a level sufficient to supply the world within a month?"

After thinking for a while, Kyle said, these two products must not be handed over to outsiders for OEM production.

You must know that a large part of the reason why the product has such an outstanding effect lies in the extremely tiny No. 7 crystal energy contained in it.

And it's obviously impossible for the Water Company to hand over the No. 7 crystal together. To do so is simply asking for a dead end.

"Boss, if that's the case, I'm confident that I can do it within half a month!"

Alice raised her head and assured that all the local material suppliers in New York had indeed signed contracts with Walter.

However, due to funding problems, I couldn't communicate with the material suppliers outside New York. Now that I have sufficient funds, Alice can do it.

But there is one thing that makes her very concerned, and that is why Kyle suddenly approved so much money.

You must know that the 50 million money is already half of the account.

"Don't think too much, just do what you need to do."

Kyle crossed his hands together to hold his chin. He needed to exchange money for a chance to draw.

There are still four full months before the plot begins, and he does not want to waste these four months of development.

At the same time, Kyle also had an idea, all kinds of monsters and monsters appeared after Tony Stark shouted that sentence.

According to the law of causality, as long as Tony doesn't say that sentence, does it mean that everything that follows will not happen?


Two days later.

Today is an extraordinary day. Kyle came to the company with Gasco at six in the morning with a tightly sealed portfolio in his hand.

In the past two days, the Red Queen has dug up all the information that can be excavated. If you want to know more, you can only ask people who know it.

"Gasco, take care to protect my safety later."

Before entering the room, Kyle had to say hello to Gasco, otherwise his small physique would not be able to withstand Natasha's attack.

Using the ID card to open the door of the room, not only did Natasha wake up, but Barton, who was next door, also felt something.

But unfortunately, the room is absolutely soundproof, and it is impossible for Barton to hear the conversation here.

"You are... Kyle Walter!"

Natasha was immediately ready to fight, with boundless chill in her eyes, as long as she had a chance, she would run her fingers through Kyle's throat mercilessly.

But these are not important now. The two king bang cards in Kyle's hand can make Natasha cast their hands on him.

As a loyal bodyguard and housekeeper, Gasco also showed a fighting stance when he saw Natasha treating Kyle like this.

"Don't be so serious, wouldn't it be better to laugh more?"

Seeing that the momentum changed in an instant, the swords were drawn, Kyle still had that incomparably gentle smile on his face.

For him, Natasha is likely to become their teammate when they go out through this gate.

"Let it go, Gasco."

Although it is clear that Gasco can kill Natasha in an instant, this action is not mixed with any violence.

Unless Natasha took the initiative to attack Kyle, Gasco would be able to protect Kyle's safety.

"I believe that you should have seen me on some documents a few days ago and know my identity."

Kyle moved the small round table between himself and Natasha, then took out a chair and sat down without any precaution.

Seeing that Natasha didn't move for a while, she even stretched out her hand to do a gentleman's etiquette and asked the other party to sit down together.

"If you have something to say, I'm afraid I can't help but punch you."

Seeing Kyle who has been squinting and smiling, the alarm bell in Natasha's heart is beating wildly, and a bad feeling covers her whole Even on the battlefield, the sense of danger in her heart is not so great At this level, but her senses told her that Kyle in front of her was an ordinary person who couldn't be ordinary.

Things in the world can't always be satisfactory, they can't always be bright and complete, and there will always be cracks somewhere!

"I know very well that you are Nick Fury's subordinate, but I like you very much. Would you like to come to me?"

Kyle didn't start with a bunch of nonsense in the foreword, but went straight to the point. He likes to pursue efficiency instead of grinding.

But what happened was just as he expected, and Natasha threw it over without even thinking about it.

"Everyone can change. If he doesn't change, he can only be said to have died before he can change. I believe you are a smart person."

Kyle didn't get angry either, but pushed Natasha the file bag in his hand, which he couldn't refuse.

"No matter what you say, I can' did you find it!? It's impossible!"

Originally, he was still holding on to his point of view, but when he saw the contents in his portfolio, he instantly bounced off the chair.

His eyes were full of horror, and there was a serious deviation in Nick Fury's news, and it could even be said to be a mistake.

Gasco is not important at all, only the young man in front of him is the one who is really important!

Even S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't find this information, but the young man in front of him actually checked it out.

A lot of news is buried deep in the deepest parts of various institutions, and even S.H.I.E.L.D. does not have the energy to rummage one by one.

"Compared with dying, living is different. As long as you live, you can find many interesting things, just like you found flowers, and I found you again."

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