Building Superheroes at Marvel

Chapter 40: Slate Deciphering

Manhattan, New York.

After dealing with Arkham's affairs, Kyle and Natasha flew back on the earliest flight of the day.

But not long after landing, Gasco and Alice were caught and forcibly brought back.

As for the reason, the Sumerian slate given by Tony Stark that night has been deciphered.

So, Kyle threw himself into the intense work again and came to the research room in charge of Dr. Green.

"First meeting, Dr. Green."

Kyle stretched out his hand to the green-haired woman in front of him, but he always felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

The person in front of him made him feel like a snake but not like it, in a particularly contradictory state.

"After all, you are a big boss. It's not that easy to meet you."

She simply shook hands with Kyle, now she looks like a cold female doctor.

After a few simple greetings, everyone turned their attention to the Sumerian slate in front of them.

As we all know, the Sumerian civilization was a very developed civilization in ancient times, especially in digital astronomy and water conservancy.

The Sumerians divide the year into 12 months, each with 30 days each, and the other 6 months with 29 days each, for a total of 354 days in the whole year.

This is more than 11 days less than the time the earth takes to revolve around the sun every year, so they created the method of setting leap years. This is the solar calendar.

In addition to this, they introduced a timing system that divides the hour into 60 minutes and 60 seconds per minute.

As for the slate in front of you, you need to rearrange the cuneiform characters in the order of the stars.

"According to the current deciphering progress, this is not a design drawing or research data of an ancient nuclear bomb or a world-annihilating bomb."

"And the research and development materials for energy weapons are the firearms or energy cannons that fire energy bullets in the movie."

Dr. Green pushed off his glasses and said that all of them were wrong.

However, energy weapons are also out of reach for modern people, and only the future Tony Stark can use them.

The energy of the Ark reactor can be fully supplied, and there will even be a lot of wealth, even if you add a shoulder gun, it will not be a problem.

"Energy weapons? How advanced is Sumerian civilization?"

Kyle frowned. How could an ancient civilization have such advanced equipment? This is something that cannot be studied in modern times.

This kind of equipment only exists in the design concept, and there are many aspects that have not been conquered.

"Boss, you have to think about the time of the leaders on the Sumerian king list. Which one has been in power for less than ten thousand years? So this civilization is full of fantasy and unknown."

Natasha patted Kyle on the shoulder and said that as her brain develops stronger, her memory and learning abilities also increase.

But every time she saw the series of records in Sumer that could be called mythical stories, she also had a headache.

"Forget it, record all the information, Natasha, destroy this slate. This thing must not be leaked."

Green, who was in charge of the deciphering work, hadn't thought about what reward he would give the other party yet, so he simply put it on hold for the time being.

However, there must be a way to deal with the slate in front of you. There is only one answer, and that is to destroy it.

As an egoist, Kyle will not let anything unfavorable to him spread out.

The Red Queen has already recorded all the words on the slate and uploaded it to the database, and people from the technical department can start manufacturing later.

"Okay, boss."

Natasha nodded slightly, then held out the Sumerian slate in the container with her right hand.

The empty grip with one hand began to exert a little force, and the glass box was instantly blown to pieces by the strong squeeze, and the slate also made a sound of being overwhelmed.

Just a few seconds later, this 4,000-year-old Sumerian slate was completely destroyed by Natasha's hands.

Gasco and Alice were not surprised by this, they knew Natasha's ability.

The only one who was shocked was Dr. Green.

Obviously, she has a great sense of fear for Natasha's hand, and she crushed the slate and glass box so easily.

According to this calculation, can her head be crushed by Natasha in a single thought?

"Dr. Green, you should take the lead this time. The reward will be told to you later, or you can mention it yourself!"

Kyle's handsome and harmless face is like a devil in Dr. Green's eyes at this moment.

Of course, she knew what the subtext of Kyle's actions meant, it was nothing more than a warning to her not to reveal what happened here.

To show Natasha's ability is to demonstrate, your life can be taken away at any time, it is best to have some knowledge.

After the slate matter was dealt with, Alice and Gasco returned to their posts.

Kyle and Natasha naturally had nothing to games in the reading books.

"Boss, I need to remind you about energy weapons. S.H.I.E.L.D. has also researched them, but they are only half-finished products."

"Due to the limitation of materials and energy, usually after a few shots, it will directly explode, or the inside of the gun body will melt."

Natasha hesitated for a while, and decided to tell Kyle the news and not make this mistake.

S.H.I.E.L.D. uses the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to develop this new type of energy weapon, and the ability of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is drawn from the universe.

The energy source recorded in the Sumerian slate is the use of nuclear fusion to provide energy, and the bullet is a kind of energy tube.

There is a big gap between the two. The second one is much more stable than the first one, and Kyle already has an idea about the material.

"Natasha, have you ever heard of a thing called Zhenjin?"

After finishing the game and putting down the phone, Kyle turned to Natasha and asked, Zhenjin can be called the universal metal in Marvel.

Even the most common steel products can be strengthened unexpectedly by adding some vibranium to them during manufacture.

"Zhenjin? I've heard of it, what's wrong? But this thing is rarely sold on the black market."

Natasha naturally knew about this metal. There are some stocks in S.H.I.E.L.D., but the quantity is very rare.

It is completely impossible to use this metal to make weapons.

"If I said that I could get a large amount of vibranium, enough for us to arm one of our reinforcements, how would you feel?"

With a gentle smile on Kyle's face, it seems that it's time to go to Wakanda, a giant of Zhenjin.

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