Bulgarian Empire

Chapter 26: ,plot

   "The mud can't support the wall!" Ferdinand commented to the opposition party.

   Under the government's rebellious rule, the opposition party did not organize the masses to overthrow the government, but wasted its limited power on violent assassinations. The use of violence to suppress violence can only arouse the people's resentment.

   In 1888, most of the people in Sofia sympathized with the opposition party and expressed dissatisfaction with the government. Then in 1889, everyone's popular base was pulled to the same level-disgust.

   The Enraged Stam’s cabinet once again declared a national martial law. The secret police was expanded again and dispatched to various places.

   There are revenge and grievances. The rapidly expanding secret police have become mixed, abused their power, retaliated against the common people, and caused public resentment.

   "What should I do now? Stam's lackeys are crazy and arrest people everywhere. Sooner or later, we will be exposed!" Petko Karavilov (one of the pro-Russian leaders)

   "How about a coup?" Major Panitza (a supporter of the Conservative Army) suggested

   "No, although the government is perverse, but the Liberals still control the army, our people are too weak?" Weiber (a democrat) objected


"Okay, now we have no choice. Stam-Bolov wants our life and can only fight to the death! Hope God bless us!" Petko-Karavilov did Final decision

   "Maybe it's not that bad?" Major Panizza

Seeing the hairy eyes of everyone, he sneered and said: "Don’t forget, Sofia also has a royal guard! Our Grand Duke Ferdinand has been expanding since he took the throne, and now there are more than 3,000 people. Up!"

   Weibo said coldly: "Yes, but so what? Our Grand Duke seems to have no interest in politics, otherwise, how could he let the cabinet's recklessness behave?"

   "The most important thing is, why would he support us? Don't forget that many of us are his opponents!"

   Major Panicha said confidently: "That may not be true. The Cabinet has already turned against the Grand Duke in order to increase agricultural taxes! Does our Grand Duke really bear no hatred at all?"

   "Also, we were opposed to Ferdinand's succession as Grand Duke, and we were naturally an enemy. But now it's a established fact, we cannot oust him, and there is no need to oppose his succession!"

   "The fundamental contradiction between the two sides no longer exists. Don't Grand Duke Ferdinand want to hold real power? Then what is he doing to expand the Guards? No matter what, no one in Bulgaria will want to attack the palace crazy?"

   "Major Panizza, you are right! But if Ferdinand is in power, we are not in vain? I don't think that if the Liberal Party is killed, he will put us in power!" Weibo asked rhetorically

  Milner-Weilov (People's Party) smiled and said, "No, this can't be our Grand Duke! Don't forget, now in Bulgaria, except for the Liberal Party, that is our people, other political forces are still out of fashion!"

   "Your People's Party, naturally, it doesn't matter. Our Conservative Party is the main force against Ferdinand, and it is strange that it is not suppressed!" Weibo said grotesquely.


  The conspiracy of the opposition is not a secret to Ferdinand. Their internal disputes were quickly passed on to Ferdinand through the inside line.

   "Stupid!" Ferdinand sneered.

   This is the time, still vying for power, a group of mobs.

   Even if you want to divide the spoils, you have to overthrow the government. If you fail, everyone will have to play. Now you start fighting for dominance, and you will get it in the future.

   If they weren't needed to attract the government's attention, Ferdinand sent people to help clean up the beginning and the end. Now the opposition party has long been eliminated. A group of mobs are still thinking about calculating him.

   "The enemy of the enemy is not necessarily a friend. It is very likely that it is still an enemy." This sentence is a good illustration of the current situation in Bulgaria.

   The government formed by the Liberal Party and the opposition party formed by the Conservative Party and the Democrats are now the targets of Ferdinand's cleanup.

   "The husband is not guilty, but he is guilty!"

   Ferdinand has not taken action, just intending to borrow a knife to kill. Let the Conservative Party anger the Stam cabinet and force the cabinet to kill.

  The reason lies in the huge amount of property that the government has seized. The Stam cabinet intends to use the money to complete the five-year plan, which coincides with Ferdinand.

   If the chaos is set out now, then the huge sum of money that was checked must be returned. What about the funds needed for the next five-year plan?

   Ferdinand is not the Virgin, so he didn't plan to pay the money himself, so he could only swallow this windfall! Only if the property owner is dead, can he legally confiscate this huge sum of money.

   can also clear the obstacles of Ferdinand's reform almost. You must know that in addition to the Conservative Party, democrats, pro-Russian factions, and radical nationalists, there are also a large number of feudal landlords and agricultural capitalists.

   Throughout history, any reform is bloody. Those with vested interests will certainly not let go willingly, and **** wind is indispensable. It couldn't be better to be able to use Stam's cabinet as a scapegoat now.

   In 1888, Ferdinand benefited a lot from the great purge campaign of Stam’s cabinet and his assets expanded dramatically.

  Ferdinand himself is disciplined, does not do anything wrong, strictly abides by the ethics of the nobility, and does not bully the weak.

   But his lackeys, Ferrantz colluded with the intelligence chief Fhu, in order to combat competitors, framed up, and contributed to the flames, but did not do anything less, many capitalists were confiscated their property and went to jail in a confused manner.

   Then they purchased a large number of high-quality assets from the government at low prices. Of course, there are many people who do this, but they are not as straightforward and clean, leaving no hidden dangers.

   A large number of capitalists went to jail, and there was no major turmoil in the market. Ferdinand’s industry has contributed a lot to UU reading www.uukanshu.com.

   "Your Excellency, we have basically monopolized food processing in Bulgaria. There are only a few small family-style workshops left, which is nothing to worry about!" Wei Li'an reported to Ferdinand with excitement.

   Ferdinand listened to Wei Li'an's report, nodded with satisfaction, and said, "Yeah! But be careful not to let people find out, the market is already monopolized by us!"

Wei Li'an said with confidence: "Don't worry, your Excellency! We still adopt the old method. Processing factories everywhere produce different brands. And on the bright side, we occasionally create some friction artificially, which will not let people. suspicious!"

   "Well, yes! You have to pay attention to the international market at any time, what is the trouble. Do a good job in technological innovation, increase our competitiveness!" Ferdinand stared again.

   Bulgaria’s largest export industry at present is the export of agricultural products. It is also the most promising industry in Bulgaria at this stage.

   It is impossible for Ferdinand not to pay attention to it. Historically, the export of agricultural products has been Bulgaria's largest source of foreign exchange.

  In 1911 alone, the export volume of Bulgarian agricultural products was as high as 129.4 million levs.

   The total export value of Bulgaria at that time was only 184.6 million levs, and agricultural exports accounted for 70%.

   But the Bulgarian industry has not yet developed, and the export of agricultural products accounts for a higher proportion, occupying the ninth layer of the total export.

  In 1888, Bulgaria’s annual agricultural exports amounted to only over 40 million levs, and there was huge room for development.

   These are only primary products. If the agricultural products are processed and then put on the international market, this number can continue to increase.


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