Cold cobblestone floors had taken away the temperature from the woman's body.

The St. Uranium Grand Empire is about to enter a short winter.It was snowing paradoxically outside for the first time this year.

The woman began to stack a few thick books, trembling her senseless hands and feet.Peach beautiful hair is dirty and smoky, and dresses like simple underwear with white skin are also dirty.

As she moves her trembling body away from the ground, she puts her feet on a pile of books that are dirty and bleeding everywhere and reaches out to a rope hanging from the ceiling.

Her lovely, plump lips became blue and purple and rough, but tears continued to fall from above.

A soldier preparing a rope with a woman reaching out watched the situation quietly and painfully.

After a glance at such a soldier over the lattice, the woman smiles with desperate eyes and hangs the rope on her neck.Soldiers suddenly turned a blind eye, but they watched the woman bitterly, not to say that it was their mission to watch the end.

The woman slowly closed her shivering eyelids and flushed the last drop, sliding the book at her feet.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

(... wake up... Ellie...)

Who are you?

(... I'm sorry I couldn't save you until now...)

Save me? Why would you do that?

(--I 've made you feel painful....)

Does it hurt?

(--There is very little I can do now that I have lost power... but I will give you the protection of my love.)

Love or protection?

(... it will never be easy for you to wake up and walk... and you'll get hurt more than ever...)

Are you hurt? I hate pain...

(... but don't forget the protection of true love I gave you... I'm sure it will protect you...)

True love...?

(I'm sorry I can't do so much... now, someone who truly loves you is waiting... it's time to wake up)

Wait! You left...!

(--I was born from Daiki... called uranium.Please, don't forget my words... and be happy without giving up...)

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