The bald Taoist priest and the blind Taoist priest were suspicious of each other.

And Chen Zhenren looked back at me and said, "Did you see anything?".

I shook my head and said, "I have never met the four Taoist priests. If you want to see anything, it should be a real person."

"But I know more about the skin-covered ghost. Taoism is useless to it. It can even move other people's skins randomly."

The two Hu Taoist priests suggested, "That thing is fake after all. I don't believe he knows everything."

So the two Hu Taoist priests began to ask questions,

From the origins of the four old Taoist priests to the experiences after coming to Longhu Mountain, etc.

Chen Zhenren was listening on the side,

But what happened next made everyone's face change suddenly

No matter what the two Hu Taoists asked, the four of them could answer fluently,

There was almost no mistake in their words, and no hesitation.

The two Hu Taoists didn't ask the reason, but asked themselves confused?

They couldn't even tell who was who among the four of them.

The confusion between their skins and real people was still acceptable to me, after all, I had only met them twice,

But for the two Hu Taoists and Chen Zhenren, it was difficult to distinguish and confusing,

The person who was familiar in the past had exchanged identities with another person,

What he should say was said by another person.

The disorder caused by the skin exchange also alienated the four old Taoists,

Originally, the old Taoists were just a little suspicious, but after seeing Chongyang's death, they no longer dared to believe the people around them.

There was only a skinless blood corpse and a Taoist boy's skin in the basement, so someone must have been swapped.

This is probably what the skin-covered ghost did on purpose.

It didn't dare to confront Longhu Mountain head-on, so it used this despicable method to create a chaotic situation.

After the two Hu Taoists failed,

Chen Zhenren tried to use Taoist magic on the four old Taoists, but there was no doubt that the Taoist magic had no effect.

As the bald Taoist said when he came out, Taoist magic was useless against the skin-covered ghost.

I tried to suggest cutting the palm,

and the palms of the four old Taoists were bleeding...

In fact, it doesn't make much sense. Our understanding of the skin-covered ghost is not enough. The skin-covered ghost is just a code name.

No one knows whether its true identity is a ghost or something else. Who knows whether it will bleed?

I asked in confusion: "Why are the four masters so suspicious of each other?".

The bald Taoist spoke first. He pointed at the blind Taoist and said:

"When I woke up, I found my skin on someone else's body, and the evil spirit disappeared. Is there any other possibility of suspicion?".

The blind Taoist angrily scolded: "Can such words serve as testimony? My skin is still on you, but you are the first to blame me'.

"That's nonsense, you have been targeting me, and you have repeatedly accused me of being evil. You are trying to kill someone with someone else's knife!"

"I saw an unhealed cut on your back before!"

The bald Taoist priest retorted: "Bullshit, how could there be a cut on my body? Who would believe such nonsense?"

Even though he refuted, the blind Taoist priest's words still attracted everyone's attention.

The hostile fat and thin Taoist priests also looked over.

The bald Taoist priest was stunned and couldn't believe it: "Do you doubt me?"

Perhaps because he was questioned, he said with a flushed face:

"He is confusing the audience, how can you believe him?"

"He is the evil spirit!"

The blind Taoist priest suddenly pounced on the bald Taoist priest and pressed him down with his weight.

At the same time, he grabbed the back of the collar and tore it, exposing a large area of ​​skin.

He said excitedly: "See, it is..."

The words were choked.

There was no wound on the bald Taoist priest's back, not to mention a cut, there was not even a scar.

The two beard Taoist priests and I could not move our eyes away. Chen Zhenren and others stared at them, ready to make a move.

Because the blind Taoist priest's action, his neck was exposed.

And there was a cut on his neck where the skin had not yet connected.

The inside was scarlet, like an unzipped pocket.

The thin Taoist priest immediately rushed over with red eyes, but unfortunately the talisman was stuck in the air.

The blind Taoist priest successfully jumped back and touched the back of his neck... and touched the cut.

He trembled with his hands and his eyes widened as if he wanted to brand the bald Taoist priest in his eyes:

"It's not me, I'm not evil!"

"It's him, it must be him who did it, he just touched my neck!"

"He has always wanted to kill me!".

The bald Taoist priest stood up and turned paper into a knife again, his face full of murderous intent:

"You have exposed the flaws, and you are still hesitating

What? ! "

"He is the evil spirit!" .

The blind Taoist took a few steps back: "No, it's you! You have been doubting me from the beginning to the end, how could Senior Brother Li doubt me?"

"You are definitely not Senior Brother Li, you are an evil spirit in Senior Brother Li's skin."

The bald Taoist wanted to take action but was stopped by Master Chen. Although he did not attack the blind Taoist,

the suspicion in the eyes of the Taoists and the vague figure surrounding them revealed distrust everywhere.

Master Chen knocked the ground with a wooden sword: "Don't be misled, this may be a trick used by the evil spirit to deliberately mislead us"

"But Junior Brother Wang, you'd better not act rashly."

The blind Taoist was like being struck by lightning, his steps shaky: "Senior Brother Chen... Even you, Senior Brother, don't believe me..."

"Even you suspect that I am an evil spirit" .

His bloodshot eyes suddenly smiled,

The twisted smile appeared strangely, which made us shudder.

The blind Taoist suddenly stretched his hand behind his neck and inserted his fingers into the open skin bag,

Tear... snap... snap...

The hot blood splashed on the ground and flowed on his body,

The blind Taoist forcibly peeled off his skin, and his bloody face faced all of us.

Holding the half of the skin hanging down under his body with both hands, blood dripped down his blurred chin,

The eyeballs were exposed without any cover and were almost shaky, and the teeth, crowns, etc. were completely exposed.

"Brother Chen, look... look!"

"I'm not evil! I'm not evil... Look... Look"

He looked around at everyone with the appearance of a flesh and blood skeleton

"Look clearly for me! Am I a human or a ghost? ".

The three old Taoist priests took a few steps back in unison,

The smell of blood, the sound of skin and flesh being torn apart, and the blurry bloody scene all impacted my five senses.

I froze and murmured: "Master".

More than a dozen Taoist priests were physically and mentally hit hard.

Will anyone take a closer look at the bloody skin?

They were also withdrawn when they approached.

Blood splashed on everyone... No one would remain indifferent, and no one was innocent.

The blind Taoist priest knelt on the ground helplessly, holding the torn skin and wanted to show it to all of us,

wanting those who doubted him to see clearly,

His voice was hoarse as if there was a big hole in his throat, full of desolation and the urgency of wanting to be clear.

"Look... Look at me... I... I am really not evil...".

"Brother Chen... Brother Liang Hu... Brother Lin...".

"Why... you... just don't believe...?"

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