The two Taoist priests fell to the ground, holding the ground with both hands and retreating: "Little Chen... Little Chen is crazy...".

"He is killing his fellow disciples... Little Chen must be crazy."

I didn't dare to step forward, let alone intervene, because I roughly guessed what Chen Zhenren was up to.

He wanted to kill everyone here to eliminate all possibilities!

Kill everyone to ensure that the skin-covered ghost disappears in this temple!

Let this unknown thing disappear in Fulong Mountain!

The brain is swelling, the mind is in disorder, as if unable to accept this reality,

Why would Chen Zhenren use such an extreme method?

The death of the four Taoist priests and Chongyang stimulated Zhenren, so that Zhenren would do anything to achieve his goal?

Facing this situation was totally beyond my expectation, and I didn't know how to deal with it.

Go up and stop Master Chen? Will Master Chen recognize me in this state?

Don't forget that I am still a suspicious object.

If I go up rashly, I will be killed directly.


Should I escape? Four Taoist priests, Chongyang died here,

Master Chen decided to use this crazy method, and I want to escape like a villain?

When I was hesitant, a cold light came at me,

A Taoist priest covered in blood roared and stabbed me: "You are an outsider, you must be evil!"

"You can't live even if we have lost so many brothers!".

My pupils shrank sharply and I dodged subconsciously, but I found that my feet were held by several small paper figures and I couldn't move.

I could only twist my body to barely avoid the Taoist priest.

His sword couldn't kill me, but it would call that person out.

Calling her out at this time is not helping, it is simply adding to the chaos. She never talks about reason and only kills people.

The little paper people were still holding my feet, and the Taoist's second sword had already stabbed over,

This sword stabbed the throat.

The Taoist seemed to have lost his mind, and no whites could be seen on his blood-red face.

The tip of the sword pierced through his throat, and a drop of crimson ruby ​​rolled down from the tip and fell to the ground and shattered into stars.

A wooden sword pierced the Taoist's throat before he did,

so that the sword only stayed in front of me and could not go in half an inch.

The wooden sword spun, and the Taoist's head flew up, followed by a sad face with blood flowing down the wrinkles:

"No, you are not either!".

Master Chen!

He saw me, and a smile squeezed out of his sad face: "It's almost over, it will be killed soon, it can't hide anymore."

"It must be eliminated!"

Five or six Taoists rushed over from behind, each holding a different magic weapon in their hands, wooden tokens, wooden rulers, Bagua mirrors, etc.

"Master, please stop!".

Chen Zhenren brushed the wooden sword with one hand, and in a blink of an eye, a piece of talisman was attached to the sword of the wooden sword.

He turned around and fought with those Taoists.

Some Taoists had already retreated, and staying here would only wait for death.

But their escape would only add to the suspicion. Some Taoists treated the escaped man as an evil spirit.

There were also a few Taoists who simply sat down, closed their eyes and sacrificed themselves generously:

"As long as we can get rid of that evil spirit, what is there to fear about our death?"

"If that evil spirit is not eliminated, it will cause greater harm sooner or later."

Chen Zhenren only used a few moves to repel those Taoists. He was the best in experience, Taoist skills, etc.

Broken swords, wooden rulers and other magic tools fell everywhere, and the Bagua mirror also rolled outside.

The only two or three people left were still entangled with Chen Zhenren, as if they had regarded Chen Zhenren as an evil spirit.

Focusing on Chen Zhenren, who was closest to me, I was in such a mess that I couldn't move.

Chen Zhenren performed his Taoist magic with ease, wielding a wooden sword.

The Taoist priests who ran away because they didn't dare to face him, the Taoist priests who wanted to come to Chen Zhenren and die, and sacrificed their lives for justice.

The Taoist priests who wanted to join in blocking Chen Zhenren, etc.......

I was in the crowd and couldn't move forward or backward.

At this moment, someone suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the chaotic scene.

He took me out regardless of everything.

After the two Hu Taoist priests let me go, they sat on the ground and panted: "Crazy, all fucking crazy"

"Little Chenzi is going to kill us too, could he be replaced by an evil spirit?"

I stared at the temple with my eyes, and there were fewer and fewer people in the semi-dark space, and the black objects piled on the ground increased accordingly.

Chen Zhenren was replaced?

It's not impossible. Judging from Chen Zhenren's reaction, the probability is higher.

He killed all his fellow disciples.

Even if it was for Fuxie, it was not too extreme.

At this time, there were only two figures left in the temple. Chen Zhenren raised his sword towards that figure.

I couldn't help but raise my heartstrings. If even the last person in the temple was killed,

the identity of the evil spirit was self-evident.

I dared not even think about finding the evil spirit in this way, and it was hard for me to agree with it.

A cowardly evil spirit used strangeness to sneak into Fulong Mountain, and caused internal strife by switching the skin.

So many people died for such a guy.

Was Chen Zhenren really switched? Isn't he the highest Taoist master besides the Heavenly Master?

If the evil spirit is Chen Zhenren, then the next person I will face is the first person under the Heavenly Master.

I have made up my mind to get rid of the skin ghost today no matter what, even if it means dying together!

Otherwise, how can I feel at ease........

I held the bones of the wronged soul and waited anxiously for the result.

"Who are you?", the Taoist priest with two beards next to me suddenly asked.


I looked over and saw him sitting on the ground with his eyes wide open, looking at me in horror.

Is there another stranger behind me?

I looked back and saw nothing.

When I looked at the Taoist priest with two beards again,

he had already taken out an eight-diagram mirror, squinting his eyes and shouting, "Get out! Don't come over?".

I stared at the mirror blankly, and I saw an eyeball hanging in the eye socket with difficulty, and a skeleton with exposed flesh and blood, tooth crowns, bones, etc.

I raised my hands again, scarlet flesh and blood, beating pulse,

I looked down at my bare hands with flesh and blood exposed

"It turned out to be me, but where is my skin?".

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