After changing the medicine, I asked again: "Nurse Xiaojing, how many days have I been here?" Xiaojing packed up the medical waste and said: "You were sent here the night before, and you have been in a coma since the operation." "The Taoist priest on the mountain comes down every day, and it will probably be soon today." "You can get out of bed and walk around, but don't run outside for too long." "Yes." After Xiaojing left, I looked around the ward. It was more like an apartment than a ward. I was the only one in the room, and the layout of the room seemed to be changed from a resort village. I saw my backpack and the bones of the wronged soul on the table not far away. Both of them were stained with a lot of blood and looked dirty. I got out of bed a little uncomfortable and went to the backpack to open it and check it. I was relieved to confirm that the Red Evil Box was still there.

I lost enough things that night. If the Red Evil Box was lost again, I really wouldn't live long.

I was scared when I thought about it. If the ghost wife hadn't appeared,

I was afraid that the skin-covered ghost would have succeeded completely and taken away the double pupil of the Heavenly Master, and I would have lived without skin and one eye.

The loss of the double pupil of the Heavenly Master's four pupils is probably a big event in Fulong Mountain. Who would have thought that the skin-covered ghost had planned for so long for the double pupil of the Heavenly Master.

At first I thought he was here to kill me, but after going around in circles, he used me to get involved.

I suddenly remembered what the Heavenly Master said. The skin-covered ghost has no entity. It has never had its own skin from beginning to end. It has always used the skin of others. But why did it deliberately try to take away the double pupil of the Heavenly Master?

Fortunately, it only succeeded halfway. The few figures that flashed by at that time should be other Heavenly Masters.

I don't know if the other Heavenly Masters have caught the skinned ghost. If they catch it in time, maybe they can return the pupils.

I looked at the time and it was still early for dinner. An idea came to my mind.

I searched in my backpack and closed the windows, curtains and doors.

I returned to the bed and took out the dagger with some trepidation.

There were still two wounds on the neck, one was almost healed, and the other was healing.

The skin bag was not there when the throat was cut that night in Fulong Mountain, and the wound was shallow.

I closed my eyes and adjusted my breathing heavily, then skillfully placed the dagger on my throat.

Sizzle... The red liquid slowly flowed on my clothes and chest.

Feeling the pain in my throat, I took a breath and took the dagger away.

Thinking that it should be almost done, I wiped the dagger clean and put it on the bed.

When I looked back, I saw a black figure standing in front of the curtain.

The light in the almost completely sealed room was very limited. Under the shadow of her position,

I could only see the thin figure and the pair of shiny little leather shoes.

The figure was pulled more slender by the light and shadow, and the long hair fluttered from time to time.

I had thought carefully about closing the curtain.

I guessed that she didn't want me to see her, otherwise she wouldn't appear so mysteriously every time, and she would break the light even when it was on before appearing.

After making the room semi-dark, I really called her out.

I skillfully wrapped the gauze around her neck while staring at her furtively.

Like the previous times, she was very indifferent. Even when I called her out, she just stared at me without saying anything.

I also looked at her without knowing what to say.

But I always spoke first, and I got used to it.

After all, those two slaps were not in vain. I tried my best to show a sunny and gentle smile.

She gave me the impression that she was not very old, so maybe this would bring us closer.

My stiff smile lasted for two minutes, and she stared at me for two minutes.


.......Not only was there embarrassment in the air, but if the floor was mud, I could have made a three-bedroom, one-living-room, two-bathroom apartment out of it.

Okay... I won't pretend anymore, I will return to normal and start my own intention,

My intention is very simple, thank you...

Yes, thank you, "

If she didn't show up that night in Fulong Mountain, I don't know whether I will die or not, but I will definitely be skinless in the future, and there will be no more pupils left of Tianshi.

Whether I want to see her again, at least say thank you...

"That night in Maqing..."

Just halfway through the words, the remaining half of my vision was suddenly covered by a shadow, and there were faint hair blowing on my face.

The heart-stirring beige flashed by,

Pah!.........The right face was like being hit accurately by a football flying at super speed, and the skin on my face was

First, the right side of my face was shaken, and then my entire right face sunken into a deep pit, and I flew out and hit the wall. This slap made me dizzy, and the wound on my left eye was about to burst open. I don't know if the injury was severe, but I know it was definitely swollen, and the only remaining right eye had even poorer vision... I couldn't help but get angry and a little irritated for a moment. I got hit again, and it was still so inexplicable. I turned over and frowned as I looked at the thin black shadow: "You..." As soon as I said a word, I saw another exquisite and perfect palm waved, this time on my left face. I quickly shut up and picked up the thing I had been holding tightly in my palm to block it in front of me. A gust of wind blew my face and it hurt. I didn't get slapped away by the 300-pound strongman as expected. Didn't get slapped this time? No, she didn't slap me. The small palm stayed in the air. She stopped staring at me and shifted her attention to the hand I stretched out.

To be precise, it was the thing in my palm.

Hmm?........I let out a breath of turbid air in fear, and cold sweat broke out on my back. I didn't dare to think about the miserable situation of being hit on my left face again.

Sensing her gaze, I tried to move my palm to the side, and her faint attention also moved with it.

There was a hint of interest at the corner of my mouth. Sure enough, she was interested in this.

I didn't move left and right, but pushed my palm in front of her.

She stared at it for a while, stretched out her hand and pinched the thing in her palm. It was a candy........

The fingers were very cold, but smooth, like the touch of jade. Of course, it was only touched when she took the candy.

After pinching the candy, she didn't say much and walked towards the corner of the shadow.

But I vaguely heard a tempered "hum".

The meaning was probably that I should know what was good for me.

After she took a few steps, her figure became transparent, illusory, and disappeared.

Actually, she didn't disappear, but just left in a mysterious way. She had the ability to make me invisible, so she was right next to me, but she liked to make this mysterious appearance and mysterious departure.

Maybe this makes her look more like a ghost?

After she left, I lay exhausted on the bed, and my right face rubbed against the quilt and suddenly tore the flesh and skin...

I almost suffered on both sides of my face, but fortunately I gave her candy in time.

I didn't expect that she was really interested in candy, and giving her candy was just a sudden whim of mine.

It was a candy that made the ghost marriage contract complete, so I am more sensitive to candy.

To be honest, she really didn't do me any harm after the ghost marriage contract was completed. On the contrary, she took excessive care of me, all of which were exchanged for a candy.

So I wondered if she would be interested in sweets like candy. Now it seems that it really works, and I didn't get slapped.

I peeled off the sugar coating and put a candy in my mouth, letting the sweetness spread. worth it...

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