The smell of fried eggs and oil, the sweetness of rice porridge... This was too tempting for a starving ghost like me. I suspected that I had diarrhea and had an illusory taste until I went out and the smell became stronger. I came down to the first floor following the smell. There were several things on the dining table on the first floor. A few fried eggs, a small pot of rice porridge, and fried beef slices with a full brown feeling, dotted with a little salt. The rice porridge was fragrant, sweet and refreshing, and the peculiar smell of fried eggs between burnt and mushy was even more tempting. After swallowing my saliva, I knew who did this. I was the only one in the villa.

I looked at the room where the mother and daughter lived. The door was closed.

"Thank you," I shouted, and then I couldn't wait to start eating.

At noon, in order to thank them for breakfast, I went to the town to buy a stuffed doll.

Just like last time, I put it at the door and it disappeared in a short while.

I started to clean the villa in the remaining time. The whole villa is not small, and it is a big project for one person to clean it.

It was almost lunch time, and the smell of food wafted from the first floor again.

I took the mop and went downstairs. On the dining table was steamed rice and two dishes, braised eggplant and stir-fried beef cubes.

The portion was just enough for me to eat.

Through the window, I could see the little girl swinging on the swing, accompanied by her mother.

They didn't seem to need to eat. I still don't understand whether ghosts need to eat or not.

They can eat, but it seems they can also not eat.

I washed my hands and sat down to eat, looking out the window from time to time.

There was a figure swaying outside, and the back of a person leaning against a tree to read a book comfortably.

After living there for two days, I got to know the mother and daughter better.

The woman's name was Lin Xin, and the daughter's name was Tang Jia.

Tang Jia usually spent most of her time playing on the swing or in her room, while Lin Xin liked to sit under the tree and read a book while looking at Tang Jia.

As for the cause of their death, they didn't say it, and I didn't ask too much.

We had a strange relationship.

Lin Xin would help me cook silently, probably because she couldn't stand my cooking skills.

To be honest, Lin Xin's cooking skills were really great. After eating her dishes, I really didn't want to use a knife.

In return, I would bring candy, toys and other things from the town to help Tang Jia.

Lin Xin should like reading, but there were only a few books in the storage compartment of the villa, so I often saw her flipping through those books.

So I bought more than a dozen books to fill the storage compartment. I found that one book was missing.

The back figure under the ginkgo tree was very quiet. The creaking sound of the swing and the gradual sound of turning the pages of the book added a sense of vitality to the villa.

We didn't need to talk to each other, and it seemed that we had formed a tacit understanding.

In addition to the swing and the room, Tang Jia also had a new place to go, the sofa on the first floor.

She would not stay on the first floor in the past.

Maybe I am getting more and more familiar with her, and I have naturally had a good impression of her after giving her so many things.

She saw me staying on the sofa and slowly came over.

He didn't talk, just playing with the Rubik's Cube.

The Taoist Liang Hu pulled me into a mysterious group chat, which seemed to be about the industry.

The group was full of boasters, and the Taoist Liang Hu was one of them.

His nickname in the group was Tianshi Liang Hu, and he was as good as two when he boasted. When I entered the group, he had just finished boasting.

He said that the evil spirits that invaded Fulong Mountain could wear human skins. If he hadn't discovered it early,

something big was going to happen in Fulong Mountain. He cut off 7749 human skins of the evil spirits with his sword and rescued other trapped Tianshi.

He even chased the great evil cultivator Zhang Asi for thousands of meters, and let me escape in order to save the villagers passing by.


He chased me?

I was a little confused at first, but when I looked up at the chat records, I suddenly understood that I, Zhang Asi, had become the evil man who led the evil spirits into Fulong Mountain.

What about Zhang Asi using the gods to cover up the three Heavenly Masters, Zhang Asi using tricks to disperse thousands of Fulongshan disciples,

Zhang Asi driving the skin-covered ghost to make trouble in Fulongshan, etc.

When I thought about the fact that Sanhua Heavenly Master deliberately attacked me and let me go, I immediately understood.

Sanhua Heavenly Master wanted to maintain the reputation of Fulongshan, and used my name to create the impression that there were multiple factors in the incident in Fulongshan, making it seem that Fulongshan was not so passive at the time.

The more powerful the enemy is, the less face Fulongshan will lose.

I don’t think there is anything wrong with this, isn’t it just reputation? If I don’t say I am Zhang Asi, who would know?

Besides, I still made a profit, I got a double pupil.

But since

Since the name Zhang Ah Si has become everyone's enemy, I have no choice but to use another nickname.

After confirming that there is no such name in the group, I decisively changed my nickname to Tianshi Si Tong.

In the group:

Xiao Lingdang from the Supernatural Countermeasures Bureau: "Wow! Tianshi Si Tong has joined the group. I told you that the person invited by Tianshi Liang Hu must be extraordinary",

"I heard that Tianshi Si Tong is very handsome!".

Wang Zhi, the ghost hunter: "Junior Wang Zhi has met Tianshi".

Li Muyu, the matchmaker; 'I have met Tianshi'

Ahuai, the corpse driver: "I have met Tianshi".


Led by Wang Zhi, 10 to 20 people in the group replied one by one.

I was at a loss holding my phone. It seemed that I had gone too far. I hoped that Tianshi Si Tong was not in the group.

They made me hesitate for a long time to send a message.

Finally, I hesitated for a long time and deducted a "hmm".

After sending it out, hmm.

Little Lingdang from the Supernatural Countermeasures Bureau immediately replied: "It is said that the four pupils of the Heavenly Master are particularly cold, it seems to be true".

Red Lady Li Muyu: "Lingdang, don't speculate about the Heavenly Master casually, the Heavenly Master is not a person we can understand".

Corpse driver Ah Huai: "We are all children in front of the Heavenly Master".

Liang Hu Taoist did not expose me, but said: "My junior brother is more withdrawn, and may not show up often. You can also try to find him if you need anything".

My forehead veins jumped and I turned off my phone and rubbed my head.

It's troublesome. I don't know if I can find the news of the skin-covered ghost or my mother and sister through this group of people.

As for the skin-covered ghost, Liang Hu has asked these people to pay attention. Even if they don't have a way to see through the skin-covered ghost, as long as they find the skinless blood corpse, they can basically lock the approximate location of the skin-covered ghost.

The only thing I know that can see through the skin-covered ghost is the double pupil of my left eye. It's no wonder that the skin-covered ghost would attack the double pupil.

The two pupils were not in Fulong Mountain, so the Taoists naturally had no ability to see through it.

Not only to investigate the whereabouts of the skin-covered ghost, but also to improve their own methods.

There is a lot of room for improvement in soul flame and pupils, so I have been practicing again in the past two days, but the effect is not great.

A silent gaze secretly stared at me, turned her head and saw that it was Tang Jia,

She immediately turned her head back when she noticed my sight, and continued to fiddle with the Rubik's Cube in her hand that she had been playing with for several days and could not restore.

I tried to talk to her: "Do you want me to help you? Can I restore it?".

Tang Jia stopped the action in her hand, handed the Rubik's Cube to me, and looked at me seriously.

Regarding the Rubik's Cube, I will not let her down. My cooking skills are not good, but I have been playing with the Rubik's Cube since I was a child.

Pick up the Rubik's Cube, use only one hand to twist it dazzlingly, and the Rubik's Cube restores the six colors.

Tang Jia held the restored Rubik's Cube in her hand, looking up and down, left and right, with curiosity in her big eyes.

The three or four-year-old girl's serious attitude is very lovable.

I subconsciously wanted to reach out and touch her head, but when I was floating above her head, I didn't have the courage to let go,

I let it go.

I can't be too close to them, it's good for them and me.

It's good to maintain such a non-interfering relationship. I have never asked about the cause of their death. That would undoubtedly poke their pain and be arrogant to pry into their depths.

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