The second wooden nail also fell to the ground.

Lin Xin sat down weakly against the ginkgo tree. The edge of the hole on her shoulder was transparent. She raised her paper-like face and wanted to say something.

I asked, "Why don't you make a sound? I can hear you if you shout."

Lin Xin bit her lip and replied, "I promised you not to disturb each other."

The landlord came to grab me in a hurry: "What do you mean, you?"

I twisted my body and swung the soul bone with a full moon, hitting the landlord's head accurately.

This time he rolled on the ground with blood on his head.

After training, this time is much more powerful than when I first got the soul bone.

The owner of the house held his head and cried: "You are done, you are done"

"My head, my head is broken".

The man in black cursed and pulled out a small jar necklace from his neck. He opened the jar while muttering in a mysterious way.

I clearly saw that after the jar was opened, wisps of black smoke came out, and gathered into the shape of a child.

"Raising a ghost?"

I held the bone stick horizontally in front of me to protect myself. It seems that this guy is not a good person either.

The man in black pointed at the talisman and drove: "Go!".

Immediately, the black child screamed and crawled towards me. His face was full of wounds, and he was as fast as a crawling gecko.

But I didn't feel much about this ghost child.

Perhaps I have seen many ghosts, and I can basically tell the strength of ghosts at a glance.

Like the ghost child in front of me, it is completely the same level as the two ghosts eating each other on the train.

I took the initiative to put down the ghost bone, facing the ghost child, and suddenly opened my left eye.

The ghost child wanted to pounce on me, but he froze as soon as he raised his head, looking at me in horror.

His short limbs slowly retreated,

The man in black angrily ordered: "Go ahead, he's just one person, why are you afraid of him?"

"I've raised you for so many years in vain, hurry up and do it!"

The ghost child just mustered up the courage and met my eyes,

I looked at it and shouted: "Go back!"

Its face turned pale with fear, like a frightened rabbit madly running back to the jar of the man in black.

The man in black didn't react for a while while holding the jar, and shook it: "Damn, what are you doing?"

Suddenly, he realized that something was wrong and looked at me hurriedly,

After noticing the two pupils coexisting in that one eye, his mouth opened wide enough to swallow a fist: "Double pupils!"

'It's impossible, how could that person appear here? ’

“Fulong Mountain Heavenly Master, you are the Heavenly Master of Fulong Mountain!”.

In front of that eye, all his intentions seemed to be exposed, and any action would reveal flaws.

It was like a huge eye that filled all the scenes in front of him, an unspeakable sense of oppression.

The man in black was sweating profusely, not daring to breathe, and a huge wave was set off in his heart. Why did the Heavenly Master appear here?

No, the question now is whether the Heavenly Master will let me go!

I turned my head and glanced at the peach wood nails under the tree: "Get out, take your things and get out."

The man in black was relieved when he heard this, and bowed repeatedly in ecstasy: "Thank you Heavenly Master, thank you for your magnanimity"

"I will leave immediately, I will leave now, I will quit this business in the future, and never appear in front of the Heavenly Master again."

The homeowner was lying on the ground dumbfounded: "What the hell? You want to leave?".

He was still counting on the man in black to make a move, but this expert who was invited at a high price was going to run away after a meeting?

"You don't want the money anymore, right?".

The man in black ignored him and cautiously came to the ginkgo tree to pick up the two peach wood nails. When he left, he kicked the owner.

He cursed in his heart: "Why don't you go die? You almost killed me too."

"I thought I would take your little job, but who knew I would meet the Heavenly Master? I wouldn't have the guts to do it even if you gave me one million."

"He didn't even let his own wife go. He's really a piece of shit."

He knew who the owner of the house was. He was in a hurry to sell the house right after his wife died, and he wanted to disperse the souls of his wife and daughter. He was very wicked.

To be honest, he also made money from such wicked things. He did it more than once or twice, but this time he couldn't touch it no matter what.

"Hey, wait a minute," I called the man in black who was about to leave.

The man in black stood still with a start, the hair on the back of his neck stood up, and he didn't even dare to turn his head.

I reminded him: "I remember you didn't bring the two nails like this when you came here, you should take them back the same way you brought them."

"Yes, I understand," the man in black said.

After biting his teeth, he trembled and picked up two peach wood nails, and inserted them into his shoulders in one go, grimacing in pain.

"Are you satisfied, Master?"

"You can go now."

"Thank you, Master."

The homeowner forgot the pain while watching the performance of the man in black on the ground, and was extremely suspicious whether the so-called master was a fool?

Stabbed himself and apologized to the other party?

The man in black walked out quickly, rushed into the car and drove away.

He completely forgot about the homeowner.

The white bone stick suddenly fell in front of the homeowner, and I squatted down and threatened him a little: "Isn't it impolite to trespass into a private house?"

'What do you want to do? '

The homeowner retorted with a plausible argument: "Nonsense, this house is mine, and I haven't sold it to you yet."

"You just hit me, I warn you, I have friends outside too"

"Send me to the hospital now, apologize and get out, and I can't let you go."

Sighing, I reached out and grabbed his neck

"Hey, what do you want to do...", he started wailing halfway through his words: "Ah, it hurts, it hurts so much"

"What did you do? It hurts so much, my neck is going to burn... Ah, it hurts...".

Three fingers were pressed against his skin, and the soul flame was in contact with his neck over a large area. It would be strange if he didn't feel pain.

I pinched him for a minute, and he fainted from the pain. After he woke up from the pain, I let go of my hand and bewitched him: "Look, if you had a better attitude, wouldn't there be so many things?"

The owner of the house was half dead, and he only knew to nod in a daze: "Yes, yes, I have a good attitude, I have a good attitude."

"Then some of the things you told me are also reasonable, such as what did you do to Lin Xin and Tang Jia?".

When the soul flame burned him into a daze, coupled with the bewitching words, he had no reason to refuse.

The homeowner confessed with a cold sweat on his face: "I'm telling you, don't mess with me anymore."

"I killed them. Both mother and daughter are allergic to sea shrimps. I mixed the shrimp paste she bought with river shrimp paste. One day I deliberately quarreled with her and broke her mobile phone. That day I went out early on the pretext of going on a business trip. Once mother and daughter eat sea shrimps, they will have allergic asthma, and their medicines have been poured out by me."

"In fact, I was hiding in the villa. After Lin Xin had an asthma attack, she wanted to go out for help. I had already locked the door on the first floor, and the rooms on the first floor all had anti-theft windows."

"Lin Xin had no choice but to go up to the second floor and down from the balcony on the second floor. I had been hiding on the second floor. When Lin Xin was about to jump, I pushed her."

"She suddenly fell down and hit her head. In addition to the allergy, she died soon after, and Jia Jia died of allergies in the house."

"After they died, I slipped out of the villa and returned to the business trip as planned before."

The homeowner seemed very satisfied with his plans, and there was a hint of pride in his words.

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