I was in a state of panic, but I was in a state of panic.

Death? The first scene that flashed through my mind was the grandfather I met when I encountered the supernatural event for the first time a month ago.

She is now very similar to my grandfather at that time, both of them told me to leave quickly,

The difference is that my grandfather told me how to save my life, and she told me that tonight is my death.

Death... It's a death again,

After a month, I am entangled with death again?

And I can only save my life after three o'clock in the morning.

At the beginning, Master Guo also let me survive until three o'clock in the morning in Qinglong Temple. Is there any meaning behind this three o'clock? It's always three o'clock...

I wanted to ask more clearly, but she didn't give me a chance. She went through the soul flame alone and faced Ma Qing.

The next moment, a large-scale soul flame that surpassed all the previous ones rose. The flame was so thick that I could hardly see what was going on inside. I could vaguely see two moving black shadows.

I gritted my teeth and rushed out with Lin Xin and Tang Jia.

They didn't take the responsibility for Ma Qing's anger for me. God knows what Ma Qing's reaction would be after I ran away?

Of course, I couldn't run away with them. It was neither realistic nor necessary.

I threw them into another room on the first floor and ran out of the villa by myself.

If I ran away, it would attract Ma Qing, and Lin Xin and Tang Jia would be spared.

Compared with me and the mother and daughter, Ma Qing should chase me first.

I rode the villa's bicycle and rode hard.

Riding in the wilderness in the middle of the night.

I rode madly for four or five kilometers, not knowing that my legs were tired or the night wind was cold. I just rode aimlessly, following the instructions and riding away.

In fact, I was just venting my inner powerless anger.

I was forced to go again and again, and escape again and again.

I am always a little short of the truth, and I am always protected.

I have been protected since I was born. Even when I am an adult, I am still protected.

I can't figure out the truth, and I am constantly in a messy fog. I am like a headless fly, running forward madly.

No matter how far I run, I find that I still can't get out of this fog.

Click... The wheel hits a high-rise stone,

The body of the car suddenly flew up at high speed. I was riding with one hand, so I naturally fell down and fell a long way.

The dislocated left arm hurt even more after falling. I gritted my teeth and held on for a long time before I got up.

I came to the bicycle. Although the bicycle was hit hard, it was of good quality and not broken.

I looked up and saw several buildings and bungalows with windows lit not far ahead.

This is the town closest to the villa. I usually come here to buy vegetables.

Maybe it's a habit that made me ride here unintentionally.

I pushed the bicycle and limped to the town. A small shop in the town was still lit.

It was strange that it was still open so late. I first used my pupils to take a look and made sure there was no dirt inside before entering.

I opened the door and entered. There was no one near the counter.

"Boss, boss, buy a bottle of water?".

"Okay, I'm here."

There was a noise from the shelf. I leaned against the counter and looked around aimlessly.

Suddenly, my sight stopped and I saw a woman on the shelf.

A woman in a red wedding dress stood under the dim light!

"Ma Qing!"

Goosebumps broke out all over my body, and the chill came from all directions.

She caught up with me!

When did she enter the supermarket in front of me?

She came, and what happened to that petite figure?

Didn't she want to stop Ma Qing?

Thinking of this, my face burned with shame.

A grown man was protected by a girl everywhere, and let a girl take the blame for him to escape.

This is not easy for anyone to accept, and as a man, it is even more difficult to agree, and the most shameful thing is that I did it.

Could it be that she...

The woman in the red wedding dress walked backwards towards me, and I had already stood up and ran out of the supermarket.

When the woman heard the noise, she immediately dropped the cart in her hand and chased after him:

"Stop! Stop right there!"

I heard a strange voice not far from the supermarket, and turned back in surprise.

The woman in the red wedding dress at the supermarket entrance ran over like crazy,

but her face was very ordinary, an ordinary woman, not Ma Qing.

She rushed up with a stick, panting and pointing at me, saying: "Stop right there, you thief!"

I quickly waved my hands, emptied my pockets, and took off my coat: "I'm not a thief


"If you are not a thief, why are you running?" ".

"If I don't run away wearing this at night, who will? I'm asking you, who are you trying to scare to death?" ".

The woman stared and said righteously: "I'm getting married in two days, what's wrong with wearing wedding clothes in advance? ".

"I just pulled the goods out and saw you turn around and run away. I thought I met a thief."

It was all a misunderstanding, but it also reflected my sensitivity and fear towards Ma Qing.

After buying water, I looked at the bicycle parked at the door.

Where should I go next?

Continue to escape?

Escape without a purpose?

Continue to escape under her cover?

It's right to listen to her. It is both a trust in her and a protection for my own life.

Shaking his left shoulder, his left arm, which was like a hemp rope, fell on his shoulder with only pain left.

With a bitter smile, he just stretched out his finger to me, and almost crippled me. If I go back, I will definitely die.

Ma Qing is very scary. It's difficult to even face her.

But she blocked Ma Qing alone , let me escape.

Although I was told to escape regardless of everything and to escape according to her words, when I left the room, I saw a trace of loneliness from that petite figure.

Raise your head and sigh, forget all the sorrows, isn't your life the most important thing at the moment?

That's right, cherish your life, and you can abandon everything for this. Isn't that how you have survived all along?

My grandfather's life was exchanged for my life, and the ghost marriage contract signed with an inhuman existence allowed me to live to adulthood. Master Leguo of Qinglong Temple tried his best to help me...

Escape, keep running...


I cursed in my heart and rushed back to the supermarket. Under the boss's frightened expression with his hands folded in front of his chest, I took down the relic and put it on the table: "Leave this thing with you, I will come to get it tomorrow! "

Without waiting for the boss's consent, I walked out and rode my bike to the villa at full speed.

Why should I ask others to save my life? Only I can control my own life!

Now I am like a puppet without strings. No one knows my fate or my next goal.

I dare say that this is the fastest time I have ever ridden a bike. My feet are not tired.

I pedaled numbly. Fortunately, the bike did not hold me back. The chain and the bike did not break down.

One person and one bike rode in the wilderness. The only sound in silence was the sound of me riding the bike.

I don't know when a cyclist appeared next to me. He was wearing a tattered helmet and pedaling the bike with his only remaining leg.

He smiled curiously at me: "Where are you going, brother?" .

I responded without looking back: "Take you to a fun place."

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