The first time, the second time, the second time.

A strange scene appeared in the villa at this time.

Hundreds of wild ghosts surrounded the villa tightly.

And the wild ghosts in the living room on the first floor fled frantically, as if they had seen something terrifying.

The wild ghosts outside who didn't know were still stubbornly pouring in.

They didn't seem to notice that their number was rapidly decreasing.

In the hall on the first floor, I took the initiative to approach the wild ghosts, making them unable to help but attack me.

When they had this idea or reached out to touch me,

their heads would fly up in the next second,

twisted out of thin air, even if they were a few meters apart, Ma Qing only needed to raise his hand,

these wild ghosts would die one after another.

This is the horror of Ma Qing.

Even the one who used the soul flame was easily defeated, not to mention these lonely ghosts.

Although this approach is a bit impolite to those lonely ghosts, it is not my fault.

Who asked them to want my life? Since they have the intention to kill me, they must be prepared to face the price of attack.

I did not force them, they just couldn't resist my temptation.

Judging from the current situation, Ma Qing's primary action logic is to protect my safety.

She didn't even pay attention to the petite figure who had no resistance, but cleared the ghosts around me without any boredom.

This logic is actually a bit contradictory, and it may be her persistence.

Her purpose is to kill me, but she does not allow other ghosts to hurt me. I can only die in her hands.

And according to Ma Qing's strength, she can completely kill me from a distance, but she stubbornly wants to touch me. This may be her obsession.

If Ma Qing hadn't wanted to kill me, I might have been really touched, and I am still touched now.

Being remembered and protected by such a powerful being,

is a good feeling, but also a desperate experience.

Anyone will feel powerless in front of Ma Qing. Even if I attract so many ghosts, I don't have the confidence to survive past three o'clock.

God knows how many minutes these lonely ghosts can stop Ma Qing?

I looked at the petite figure lying on the sofa.

She tried to move helplessly, but except for her right hand, her other limbs were twisted and deformed, and it was difficult for her to move.

She was also surprised by this situation. Maybe she didn't expect me to come back and attract so many ghosts without knowing whether to live or die.

With so many ghosts to confuse the situation, I also carried out my next move.

Ma Qing would not kill me before she met me.

And I used this logic to lead many ghosts to move.

It seemed that the ghosts were chasing me, but in fact I was intentionally leading them to move in one direction.

As for safety, there was no need to consider it at all. With Ma Qing there, they could not touch me at all.

And they also attracted Ma Qing's attention, making me closer to that position.

However, this method was opportunistic.

After all, it was impossible to always work by luck and Ma Qing's indulgence, and it was impossible to get close to that person by this method.

If Ma Qing hadn't spoiled me, I would have died countless times.

When the distance between me and that person reached a certain extent, I decisively broke away from these ghosts and rushed towards her.

In fact, there were not many ghosts left.

It seems that after I ran away, Ma Qing's methods became more relaxed. He grabbed upwards with five fingers.

Suddenly, five or six lonely ghosts were lifted up, and their heads rotated five or six times in his mouth.

Miserable and terrified faces flashed in my sight again and again, and finally these faces flew high.

At the same time, I successfully achieved my goal. I came to the side of the petite figure.

She was surprised: "Why did you...".

The next moment she was interrupted, and I picked her up with the only hand I could use, but the posture was not very elegant.

Crack...Suddenly, I felt an inexplicable force on my back.

It was as if an invisible hand grabbed my spine and pulled it out forcefully. The severe pain of the main trunk being separated almost made me kneel down directly.

I turned my head and happened to meet Ma Qing's eyes. She stretched out her hand to me.

Her bright red lips were tightly pursed and slightly changed color. From her lips, I could see that she was very angry.

The eyes under the red cloth were staring at my hand holding the petite figure. Her angry glare seemed to want to break my hand.

Was Ma Qing angry because I hugged someone else?

She would not kill me from a distance, but she also did not say that she would not teach me a lesson or punish me.

I brought many wild ghosts to her but she didn't react at all.

Instead, she got angry because I hugged her. I really don't understand Ma Qing's thoughts and ideas.

I can't escape at all like this, and Ma Qing will twist my limbs and wait for death.

As for the wild ghosts in the hall, they have already fled. So many companions have died. Wouldn't they be stupid ghosts if they can't see the situation clearly?

Knowing that there is a killing god inside, they won't come even if I am tempting.

I suppressed my blood and looked at Ma Qing. My left eye had opened in advance.

The figure of the blood-red wedding dress and the phoenix crown and bridal robe was reflected in the two deep pupils, and the miniature in the pupils became clearer and more solid.

The bloodshot on the white of the left eye spread like crazy.

Suddenly, the miniature in the pupil stopped, as if it was out of the real world.

I quickly closed my left eye, hugged her and ran to the second floor, while Ma Qing remained still for a second with her hand extended.

She recovered after only a second, but this second had already made me escape from her control, and my spine also escaped from that invisible hand.

I ran to the second floor stairs,

Ma Qing tilted her head in confusion, as if she was confused about what had just happened,

I desperately climbed up the stairs on the second floor, feeling the pain in my left eye, and my heart was pounding. This move was used by the Four-Pupil Heavenly Master,

At that time, the Four-Pupil Heavenly Master used his double pupils to freeze the skin-covered ghost in Longhu Mountain,

From breaking its skin one by one to nailing the skin-covered ghost to the ground, the skin-covered ghost did not escape the Four-Pupil Heavenly Master's double pupil gaze.

Just now, I used this move to deal with Ma Qing, and the effect was unexpectedly poor. I don't know if my pupil power is too poor or Ma Qing is too strong.

The pupils couldn't even hold Ma Qing for a second. That second was more like a gap of curiosity and doubt.

I successfully escaped to the second floor. Ma Qing followed me slowly with her dignified posture.

The girl in my arms, because I don't know her name, I will call her Xiao Ma Qing for the time being.

Xiao Ma Qing looked back and noticed Ma Qing. She couldn't help but tremble with fear. Obviously, Ma Qing had left a big shadow on her.

She usually didn't say much, and could even be described as concise.

Seeing me run to the second floor, she complained lightly: "Dead end".

I ran without hesitation: "There will be a way".

After reaching the second floor, I ran directly to the balcony. In Xiao Ma Qing's slightly surprised eyes, I took her and jumped from the second floor.

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