The boss complained and cursed, and I had to pay money to get out of it. After all, I was not in the right.

I ran into someone else's supermarket late at night, smashing things and quarreling.

Even if it was Ma Qing who did it, I was the one who paid the price.

What a sin I had to suffer. I was chased all the way and beaten in the end, and I had to clean up the mess for Ma Qing.

I dragged my half-disabled body and walked slowly back to the villa. Although I wanted to go directly to the hospital, I had to go back to the villa first.

Back to the villa,

All the ghosts in the villa had left, and they might have been killed by Ma Qing.

I didn't have to deal with it myself. I came to the room where Lin Xin and her daughter were hiding.

I knocked on the door a few times first, and then pushed it open after waiting for a while without any response.

The first thing I saw after entering the room was Lin Xin lying quietly on the ground, and Tang Jia, who was weak not far away.

They haven't woken up yet. It seems that Ma Qing's attack was really heavy...

I went forward to check on the two of them.

In fact, I don't know how to check whether the ghosts are still healthy and alive.

But judging from their still heaving bodies and the slow recovery trend from illusion to reality, they are in good condition.

Their recovery speed is faster than that of a human like me. I put them on the bed and left.

I still have a lot of injuries to deal with, and I don't know where little Ma Qing has gone.

Thinking of her, I can't help but frown. Ma Qing's appearance this time can be said to be a big move, causing everyone to be injured.

Among them, Xiao Maqing should be the most seriously injured. She stayed alone to forcibly stop Maqing before, and was almost killed by Maqing.

She was injured by Maqing again in the supermarket, and each injury was more serious than the last.

The most troublesome thing is that she is still missing.

Not only worried, I still have many things to ask Xiao Maqing.

Because those things can only be explained by Xiao Maqing.

Why are there two Maqings? Why is there a death disaster from Maqing, etc.

Drag my body upstairs, and as soon as I opened the door, my loose eyelids suddenly lifted up, looking at the room in disbelief.

A pair of shiny little leather shoes swayed in the moonlight,

The petite figure sat by the bay window, and her delicate and exquisite figure was better than the full moon.

The black hair was torn into thousands of lines by the night wind, and the hazy profile was even more desolate.

I was surprised and said: "Xiao Maqing?".

Xiao Maqing raised her eyebrows and said calmly: "Don't call me by her name."

"I hate her."

I calmed myself down and went into the room and locked the door: "Are you okay with your injury?"

Xiao Maqing: "No, I'm just holding on now, I can only move."

"I came here to tell you that her story is not over yet."

I grinned with a hint of bitterness: "I know, I still remember what she said."

Xiao Maqing stared outside and said word by word: "On the 14th of next month, you will die."

This news was not unexpected to me, but it was like a huge mountain that could not be moved pressing on people.

Another death...

Is it not over yet?

Maqing will appear again on this day next month!

Thinking of the red wedding dress, Maqing couldn't stop shivering all over.

Xiao Maqing complained as if she was used to it: "Don't worry, she will appear every month in the future."

Her words instantly plunged me into a deeper abyss, and my mind was stagnant for a while.

A huge wave of waves rose in my heart, and I looked at Xiao Maqing in disbelief: "Every month? Really?".

Xiao Maqing turned her head and stared at me with bright eyes: "Is it fake?".

For some reason, I saw a hint of a sinister smile from her expression.

I sat on the bed and grabbed my hair helplessly,

Maqing will appear again, and every month...

God, you know, this time Maqing's appearance almost took half of my life, and I almost died many times before I survived three o'clock.

Will I have to experience something like tonight every month in the future?

For a moment, I even wanted to die,

Really, no matter how I think about it, there is no way to survive, and despair is everywhere.

Tonight is a fluke, what about the 14th of next month?

Can I still escape the 14th of the next month?

It took me a while to accept the news of this bad luck, and I asked in a daze: "What is going on?".

Xiao Maqing sat on the cushion of the bay window, her two thin legs dangling from her mouth, and she uttered three words calmly: "Yin Hun Qi".

I rubbed my eyebrows and began to think: "Yin Hun Qi...Yin Hun Qi


"That is to say, the reason why Ma Qing killed me was because of the ghost marriage were the one who signed the ghost marriage contract with me"

"But Ma Qing wanted to kill me because of the ghost marriage contract?".

Suddenly, a clue flashed like a flash of inspiration, that was what my grandfather had said when he saw me.

Ghost marriage contract, Hades' note, she protected me before marriage, and the ghost killed me after marriage...

So it seems that my grandfather was talking about Ma Qing at that time

So, the person who changed my fate of early death and protected me for seventeen years was Ma Qing!

I touched my left arm that was like a rope:

"If that's the case, Ma Qing's existence is very reasonable, and her actions are also very reasonable..."

"I didn't complete the ghost contract with her..."

I smiled bitterly: "So she killed me? Because I didn't complete the ghost contract with her, so she killed me? ”

“This kind of action logic is very consistent with Ma Qing, unexpectedly extreme...”.

“Then the death of Master Leguo is also very clear. It is probably because Master Leguo hindered her. Lin Ying died because of her jealousy. Abacus, Zhao Kang and the nurse all died because of her protecting me.”

“The fourteenth of every month happens to be the day I was born, and the death disaster that grandpa talked about is also on the fourteenth. It turns out that the death disaster will not be completely resolved, but will come once every month.”

Little Ma Qing reminded: “Don’t dream of making a phantom appointment with Ma Qing. If you make a phantom appointment with her, your end will be more miserable than death.”

I looked up at Little Ma Qing. This little girl now looks like a junior high school student in her teens.

When we first met, she was only about ten years old. She aged very quickly, or maybe this is not her real age.

“So... your existence is to prevent me from completing the phantom appointment with Ma Qing? ".

Xiao Maqing's cheeks puffed up: "Hmm...sort of...".

I asked again: "Why is Death Jie Maqing number 14? I've seen her at other times, so it should be easy to kill me then."

Xiao Maqing was a little unhappy: "How do I know? She seems to be under some kind of restriction."

At this point she glanced at me coldly:

"Whenever you flirt with her, this restriction will be unilaterally weakened, or it may be that the restriction cannot suppress Maqing"

"Many times you are the one who seeks death, not me , you have been killed by her long ago".

"From the early morning to three o'clock on the fourteenth of every month, this restriction cannot suppress Ma Qing, and Ma Qing can appear freely during that time".

I muttered to myself: Restriction?..... Is it a ghost marriage contract?

It is indeed me who restricts Ma Qing. Every time Ma Qing appears, it is because of me, and every time she attacks, it is also because of me.

Little Ma Qing stared at me and complained: "Her strength is getting stronger and stronger. At first I could suppress her, but gradually it became like this".

I thought: "Is Ma Qing's strength slowly recovering?" .

She shook her head: "No, her recovery is because of you. The more you contact her, the more terrifying she will be"

"In other words, if you flirt with them a few more times, she will not be able to help but kill you sooner or later".

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