The old lady pouted: "What a thing, it breaks when touched." She picked up the bowl and chopsticks and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes. I froze in place, and my back couldn't stop shivering. Liao Yin once said that this Buddhist bead can protect me from evil spirits! The beads that can protect against evil spirits broke when the old lady touched them? Is this a coincidence? Or something else? I comforted myself that it was just an accident. After all, this Buddhist bead is from forty years ago, and it is normal for it to break. I was still calm until I picked up the Buddhist beads. But when I picked up a fallen Buddhist bead, my eyes were stunned. A crack crossed the round bead, and I picked up other beads one after another.

Without exception, a deep crack appeared on the beads.

This seems to be impossible to explain by coincidence or accident...

If this Buddhist bead is real and the effect is real,

Doesn't it mean that this old lady is evil?

Or it is a terrible thing, and the Buddhist beads will fall apart when touched.

Goose bumps appeared on my arms, and I couldn't help but feel cold all over when thinking about this.

I didn't even dare to think about it.

If the old lady is evil?

Is Qinglong Temple a ghost temple?

Is there anyone else on the entire Wangwu Mountain?

Have I met anyone in this Zhaocheng?

Many contradictions, tricks, and confusions made my head ache,

A high wall inside and outside my heart was unconsciously built at this moment.

Who can I trust? , I asked myself...

At this time, the old lady brought me a few blankets: "Here, it's cold at night, so you don't catch a cold."

I took the blankets and thanked her.

In any case, whether the old lady is a human or a ghost, at least she is not harming me now.

If she wanted to harm me, she would have died if she didn't remind me at the Zhaocheng bus station, right?

Let's sleep first to wake up.

I spread a blanket on the recliner, and covered my body with another blanket, pressing the corners tightly.

It's rare to have this warmth in the dark and cold mountains.

I was very tired after escaping back, but now I'm not sleepy after what happened just now.

Cat on the recliner, my mind is particularly empty.

I looked at the beams with spider webs, and subconsciously sorted out the context of the matter again.

Everything is like a spider web, unfolding little by little, but it can't escape that core point...

Core point.........

I sat up suddenly, and a detail in my wild thoughts made me connect everything to everything.

I frowned and thought,

Suddenly, I seemed to think of something, my pupils swelled violently, and even breathing became much more difficult.

I rolled down from the recliner and rushed into the room of the old lady in flowery clothes.

Her room was in the side room of the main hall, but the scene inside after opening the door frightened me.

There was no one on the bed, and the dark gray bedding was neatly folded.

I was lying in the main hall, but I didn't know when she went out.

Damn, I should have discovered it earlier, it was so obvious!

I looked at the house and cursed in my heart.

It was unreasonable for an old lady who was about to be buried to suddenly disappear in the middle of the night in the deep mountains.

Maybe she can't be defined by common sense at all.

This old lady in flowery clothes is not a human at all!

She is the evil ghost who killed all the monks in Qinglong Temple forty years ago!

She told her own story from beginning to end!

I frowned and ran out of the door. I thought I should know where she went.

I didn't care that it was late at night and ran to the mountain blindly.

Maybe I was crazy, and I was crazy.

The death disaster was coming at twelve o'clock, and I was still running to the mountain in the middle of the night.

It was not easy to escape from Qinglong Temple, and now I have to take the initiative to deliver myself to the door.

But I know that the key to everything is in Qinglong Temple!

I must go to Qinglong Temple, which even concerns my life and death.

If I am one step late, the death disaster will really be impossible to break, because the old lady in flowery clothes went to kill Master Yin.

The old lady was an evil ghost forty years ago, no wonder the Buddhist beads were broken by her touch.

The monks in Qinglong Temple were killed by her and became ghosts left in Qinglong Temple. Monks such as Jingchu are also ghosts.

But there is one person who is not, that is Liao Yin! He is a human!

Liao Yin is very different from other monks in Qinglong Temple. Just the way he burns incense is very unusual.

Moreover, he gave me Buddhist beads. If it was evil, the beads would have broken in his hands long ago.

When the old lady in flowery clothes first said that Qinglong Temple was a ghost temple, she said that a monk with the name Liao died tragically forty years ago.

The second time she

When talking about Qinglong Temple, I completed the story. There were two monks named Le in Qinglong Temple, Le Yin and Le Guo.

The old lady said that forty years ago, a woman killed all the people in Qinglong Temple overnight. Did Le Yin and Le Guo belong to the whole family?

So when the old lady learned that Le Yin was there, she was surprised and even sneered.

At first, I just thought she was laughing at me for entering the ghost temple and Qinglong Temple.

But it wasn't...

She came to Qinglong Temple just now, not just to save me, but to confirm that Le Yin was indeed in Qinglong Temple!

Le Yin was not killed by her that year, and she wanted to kill him again after forty years!

It has been almost an afternoon since I returned to the temple. Even if it was a normal person's schedule, he should have chased to Qinglong Temple early, not to mention a fierce ghost.

The old lady didn't show up later or earlier, but just when I climbed over the wall and Le Yin caught me.

At that time, Le Yin called me Le!

The old lady appeared afterwards.

Now the disappearance of the old lady has confirmed my guess that the old lady went to Qinglong Temple.

The evil ghost that killed all the monks in Qinglong Temple forty years ago, what good will it be if it visits Qinglong Temple again after forty years?

She wants to kill Yin!

Master Yin did not save her back then, so she killed the monks. How could she let Master Yin go?

I have walked up and down the mountain several times, and it is not difficult to walk at night now.

But what really worries me is not getting lost, but the things on the road.

However, what you fear will come true...

When I ran to the middle of the mountain, I heard the sound of footsteps behind me again.

This footsteps coincided with my steps,

Is it louder than my footsteps?

I looked back, and the veins on my forehead could not help but bulge.

A pair of dark gray cloth shoes chased after me. The cloth shoes seemed to be worn by someone, and the uppers were bulging. Every time they walked, they could leave deep footprints.

It is worth mentioning that this cloth shoe is more worn out than last time, and has some dried blood stains.

I couldn't help but curse inwardly, it's this damn thing again.

This thing is just so annoying to me,

And it chooses this time, but this is not the first time I have met it.

I deliberately slowed down my pace to let the thing catch up

The sound of my heart beating in the same rhythm as the sound of my footsteps.

I counted a few numbers silently, and suddenly turned around and threw out a handful of beads.

This is exactly the beads that Master Laoyin gave me after the beads fell apart

Suddenly, a shrill scream sounded behind me, and I took this opportunity to escape.

It seems that this Buddhist bead is still useful, and there is no more footsteps.

However, without the cloth shoes, it seems that I have been targeted by other things again.

I don't know when there were many more figures in the forest,

These guys hid behind the trees, stood on the mounds, and followed my actions and walked slowly.

It seems that they are very slow, but I can't escape their pursuit.

I took a deep breath and ran forward as hard as I could until I was almost out of breath. I took the opportunity to take a look.

The ghosts around me seemed to have disappeared.

But when I turned my head back, I was stunned........

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