"Be careful of Ling Bai!".

The reminders given by the Red Evil Box can scare you so much that you can't sleep for three days,

Every reminder will never let you down.

I just met someone, and the box said she wanted to harm me.

After so many times in a row,

My tolerance has become much stronger. If it were before, I might still be afraid and panic,

But now I don't feel anything, after all, I have long lost the sense of security,

My sense of security has been broken again and again, resulting in no feeling at all now.

I sat on the bed and used a knife to cross out the words, while thinking about the details of the matter.

The Red Evil Box will give me a warning when I am about to face life-threatening situations, which means that Ling Bai will threaten my life.

Suddenly, I guessed several possibilities.

First: Ling Bai is not a good person, and I might be harmed by her if I go with her on this trip.

Second: Ling Bai has impure intentions towards me and wants to persecute me, but this one is a bit unreasonable. I have never met Ling Bai, so there is no reason for Ling Bai to harm me?

Third: Ling Bai will cause something that threatens my life.

I personally think that the first and third are possible. In short, I must be extremely vigilant against Ling Bai.

The Red Evil Box does not give a time. The life-threatening incident caused by Ling Bai may happen in the early morning of today, or in the daytime,

but it will never be later than twelve o'clock tonight.

The predictions of the box are regular and only appear in the early morning of tomorrow after twelve o'clock.

In summary, my life may be lost at any time today.

The box returned to silence, and I stuffed the box into my backpack,

Then I put on my backpack and put the stick on my waist.

Hide away from Ling Bai?

There is no need for that. I am not Zhang Asi who was chased by the paper man a month ago.

Was I scared to flee back to Fulong Mountain just by a prophecy?

I will adapt to the situation first. It is not so easy for Ling Bai to harm me.

I looked at the bed and used my brain.

I stuffed the pillow into the quilt and made it look like someone was sleeping inside.

And I crawled under the bed.

In addition to the locked door, this is equivalent to adding another guarantee to myself.

Double insurance is the real caution.

I waited for an hour hiding under the bed.

After no movement, I let myself fall into a daze and half-drowsy.


Finally at two o'clock I was awakened by a slight noise,

I shook my groggy head and tried to identify the sound carefully,


This noise was like an iron bar scratching and bumping against something, and occasionally moving some tiny objects.

It was like...

After I half-peeked out to determine the source of the sound, I came to the conclusion,

Someone was prying the door open!

Click! With a slightly heavier click, the movement of the iron bar stopped,

Instead, it was a creak...The door was opened a crack

I quickly hid my body back under the bed,

Creak...The door was pushed open most of the way

The second person's footsteps suddenly appeared in the room,

I looked through the bottom of the bed, and just by looking with my eyes, I could see two flexible and graceful legs,

Looking at the details, I could tell that they were women's legs.

Suddenly, the two legs disappeared.

Then the bed above me was hit by something heavy, and the bed board almost hit my back.

I seemed to hear a sound of "eh".

I opened my eyes and looked directly at the bed board.

The bed board could only be slowly transparent in my eyes, and the sheets and mattress were the same.

A face was just above me, and I happened to look at her through the bed board.

Ling Bai!

The one on my bed was Ling Bai!

The pretty face with wine red was full of doubts.......

Although we were looking at each other, I could see her, but she couldn't see me.

I could feel the movement on the bed. She was lifting the quilt and searching...

I frowned. It was not strange that Ling Bai had the skill of unlocking.

What was strange was why she unlocked my room? Why did she come to me?

Judging from the prophecy of the Red Evil Box,

Could it be that Ling Bai came to assassinate me?

Isn't this too inexplicable?

Ling Bai was fiddling with something on my bed. Because she came in, the room smelled a bit more fragrant.

It was probably some kind of compound perfume, so strong that it made me dizzy.

While I was thinking, Ling Bai's face above me suddenly disappeared, and the bed suddenly became lighter.

My eyes followed the figure and finally came to the bed.

A face fell from the bed.

, long hair hanging on the ground

She smiled charmingly and said, "You are here?".

The wooden stick had already been thrust out, and stopped in front of her forehead when she spoke.

The wooden stick was wrapped with a thin layer of soul flame

I warned: "Miss Ling Bai, you'd better give me an explanation, otherwise the wooden stick will not show mercy."

Ling Bai's cheeks were rosy, and she said with amusement: "The Taoist priest is really interesting. He doesn't sleep on the bed at night but sleeps under the bed?"

"And you pointed a wooden stick at me. If you used a dagger or something, I would be afraid."

She even teased and wanted to hit the wooden stick with her head.

I didn't intend to take it back, so she just hit it with her head accurately.

Dong.....the sound was so subtle that it was almost inaudible, but she did hit me.

I had already closed my left eye, but I could see her reaction after being hit by the stick with my right eye.

First, she was stunned, her pupils were dilated, and the distance between her pupils disappeared.

She fell off the bed with a bang. She was only wrapped in a nightgown, and a large area of ​​brilliance was exposed.

She rolled over with her head in her hands in an unsightly manner, wailing: "Ah...Ah".

"Wuwu...Wuwu...It hurts so much...My head exploded."

I crawled out from under the bed with the stick in my hand. After she rolled over for a while and recovered, I continued to point the stick at her:

"Miss Ling Bai, I think we can have a good talk now."

Ling Bai sat on the ground with her legs apart, covering her forehead with one hand, her eyes red, looking like she was being bullied.

This time, she no longer dared to underestimate the stick, and even wanted to hide.

"This disciple of Tianshi is too powerful. How can a stick hurt so much?" She muttered. I pushed the stick forward: "Miss Ling Bai, what do you want to do?" Ling Bai pretended to be pitiful and said aggrievedly: "Isn't it that I want to help the Taoist priest relieve some of the fatigue on the road?" "The Taoist priest not only closed the door, but also hid under the bed. How can he be so careful?" Evacuate fatigue? My eyes twitched: "What kind of evacuation do you mean?" "Does Miss Ling Bai know how to massage?" Ling Bai retreated a little, lowered her hands so that her waist naturally fell back, and her bathrobe slowly fell apart. The bound rabbit had a little intention of jumping out, and the horror of the abyss slowly opened up its temptation. As she moved, the strong fragrance on her body became stronger and rushed into people's noses crazily. "I don't know how to massage, but I know other things."

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