The tomb was buried, and the tomb was buried.

Shao Xiaolong was calmer. He squatted down to investigate, then picked up the soil and ground it carefully:

"Look at the soil, they just went in not long ago"

"We made the mark a few days ago, but we didn't think it would be convenient for these guys."

A Huai seemed to be very annoyed with the tomb robbers:

"There is no other way. Besides us, there are also some people who know about this tomb."

"I didn't expect them to dare to go down."

"Let's go. We can't let them destroy this place. They can't take anything out!"

Shao Xiaolong: "Any damage to this kind of tomb is irreversible. It is a destruction of history and disrespect to the tomb owner."

I interrupted a little ashamedly: "We seem to be tomb robbers too."

Shao Xiaolong tilted his mouth and shook his head:

"That's not the way it is. We just want a piece of metal in the tomb, and they want the treasure in the tomb"

"If they can also guarantee not to destroy the ancient tomb and only take some insignificant things from it, we can also sit back and do nothing, but how can human greed be easily satisfied?"

"I used to be like them, going crazy all day to fill my greed, but suddenly one day I woke up, and after waking up, I will spend the rest of my life making up for and repaying the first half of my life."

He fumbled in his backpack and finally took out an iron thing with a dark metallic luster:

"Hehe, who said that tomb robbers can't guard the ancient tomb?"

Ah Huai first put down his backpack, took out the headlight and put it on,

He looked around as if he was looking for something,

I asked: "What are you looking for, brother Ah Huai? I'll help you find it too."

Ah Huai leaned his head and responded: "Fragrance, looking for fragrance."

Fragrance? Why is there incense in such a place?

Confused, I quietly used my double pupils to explore, and quickly locked a direction after a scan.

I walked over there and squatted down to look for it. Under the messy leaves were four burnt incense roots.

"Brother Huai is over here."

Upon hearing this, Huai hurried over and saw the incense roots, and breathed a sigh of relief: "Burned out."

I asked: "What's the meaning of this?"

Huai returned to his backpack and searched for "Brother Zhang may not understand the rules of this business, let me briefly explain it."

"This is also a taboo in our business."

"Go to the tomb at dark, and leave the tomb at cockcrow."

"God three ghosts four, four incense to test the evil."

"People light candles and ghosts blow them out, the candles and lights are extinguished and people are not left."

"These are a few basic rules."

He took out a box of long incense sticks, opened it and pulled out four sticks. Ah Huai inserted the four sticks in front of the earthen bag.

"Three sticks are for worshipping gods, while four sticks are for worshipping ghosts. It is best to offer four sticks before going to the tomb. It is said to be a way to show respect to the tomb owner and ask him not to blame you. It is also a test of the good and bad luck of your trip."

The four sticks of incense were lit by Shao Xiaolong with a lighter, and four wisps of green smoke rose.

"We judge good and bad luck by the burning of the incense. Each stick of incense is only lit once. If four sticks of incense can be lit, it is a good omen. If only three can be lit, then this trip is a bit dangerous. Going to the tomb requires repeated consideration. Only two sticks are lit, which is bad. There will be bloody disasters, so it is not suitable to go to the tomb."

"What if none of the four sticks of incense can be lit?"

Shao Xiaolong looked at the burning momentum of the four incense sticks and said jokingly: "If all four incense sticks are extinguished, it is obvious that four equals death. If you go down, you will die!"

"When we see such a thing, we pack up and run without saying a word, and we will never think of it again."

"If the four incense sticks are extinguished, the person is no longer a human being."

"I have only encountered the four incense sticks being extinguished once in my life. That time I was still a stubborn kid and wanted to follow others to force myself to go down."

"Fortunately, an old senior I knew forcibly pulled me away. The other few newcomers did not believe in the evil and forced themselves to go down to the tomb. A few days later, there were several corpses that were bitten and looked like human beings beside the tomb."

"That old senior saved my life, a young boy, and made me remember the taboo of the four incense sticks forever."

‘But this trip is auspicious, and the incense that the tomb robbers lit before was also auspicious. If we pay attention to this tomb, nothing should happen.’

“I can’t wait to deal with those bastards,” he said, touching the iron tool on his waist.

Ah Huai bowed to the four incense sticks, then put on his backpack and cleared the way.

One end of the climbing rope was tied to the tree, and the other end was tied to the body in a special way.

He and Qin Yan went down the tunnel dug by the gang and saw Ah Huai going down.

Shao Xiaolong and I followed suit, wearing headlights. It was dark and had no effect.

After we left, this

The earthen mound beside Qianling Mountain has returned to silence.

The white lines of the four incense sticks rise intermittently, and the faint sparks flicker and go out like breathing.

Suddenly, a white line broke!

Then, another white line broke, and the remaining two green smokes suddenly dissipated.

The four incense sticks seemed to be blown out by something, and the remaining sparks were completely extinguished.

The incense is all out.........


We went down the tunnel, and after climbing down carefully for a few minutes, we touched the ground.

The feedback from the foot is hard and flat, and it turns out to be a stone slab when the headlamp is used.

Looking forward is a narrow and dark cave entrance.

The black curtain wrapped us from both sides of the light source. I dare not imagine whether we will be swallowed by the darkness without the headlamp.

A Huai adjusted the headlamp and led the way with the engineer shovel: "Everyone be careful."



I walked parallel to Shao Xiaolong, and instinctively out of a man's sense of protection,

We let Qin Yan walk in front of us, just in the middle, with Ah Huai in front and me and Shao Xiaolong behind.

We stopped not long after walking,

Ah Huai was stunned in place, his hand holding the engineer shovel trembling slightly, and Shao Xiaolong and I were also stunned when we walked in.

There should be no road ahead, and there was a charred hole on the light gray wall, which was very discordant, and the ground was full of rubble.

Looking inside, many stone statues fell to the ground and were broken into pieces.

Shao Xiaolong couldn't help but curse: "These bastards use such explosives in such a place? Why don't you bury these bastards?"

The diameter of the hole is no longer for passage,

It's like deliberate sabotage, three or four people can go in side by side.

Ah Huai stepped in and helped the fallen Terracotta Warriors up, and several of them were broken and couldn't stand.

Behind the wall are hundreds of terracotta warriors, as if they are guarding the inside of the mausoleum.

We followed Ah Huai through the terracotta warriors, who looked like living people.

They perfectly presented human postures, laughter, chatting, sadness, and even the details of their faces were made as ingenious as the work of nature.

When they smile, their faces will have wrinkles, and when they talk, their mouths will be empty...

It is hard to imagine how these terracotta warriors were created in that era.

How many craftsmen have shaped them with their blood and sweat, and how long have they waited again...

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