The old man was stunned, but the old man was still alive.

Shao Xiaolong was stunned for a moment, his face flushed and turned pale in an instant,

It took him several seconds to wake up, and he punched the wall in a venting manner

"Five years... Only five years left"

"Life-eating insects... Those are forbidden insects that eat people's lifespans. Ordinary people will consume decades of life if they raise five or six of them. His control by controlling corpses will greatly reduce the demand, but he can't keep so many of them."

"When did he start raising them?".

I asked anxiously: "Do these insects have weaknesses? Is there any way to disperse them?".

Shao Xiaolong: "Life-eating insects have very few weaknesses. You see, Miss Qin Yan, who can even dispel brain corpse insects, has no effect on these life-eating insects."

"I remember that silverware is a weakness. I wonder why Ah Huai likes to carry so many silverware. If he didn't carry silverware, I'm afraid he would have been bitten to death by these insects."

The tall corpse's black hole eyes glanced at the insects on the ground, and there was a hint of sarcasm in the unpleasant voice:

"Life-eating insects> This is the name of this kind of insect in this era... I didn't expect that this kind of insect is still alive today"

"Your behavior just now was very strange. You left and came back to destroy the host body of my follower..."

'What is your purpose? '

Ah Huai firmly stated his intention hidden in his heart: "Corpse heart, I want your corpse heart!".

It was difficult for Shao Xiaolong and I to remain calm.

The former was shocked that Ah Huai had set his sights on this ancient corpse, and he wanted someone else's corpse heart.

The latter had a kind of hairy panic: "Corpse heart? Ah Huai, what are you talking about? Are you crazy?".

Ah Huai ignored us. With those life-eating insects around, we couldn't take a step forward and could only shout helplessly on the spot.

"Hehehehe...", the laughter was like iron sand stirring in an iron pot, and the strange penetrating power penetrated people's hearts, making people feel uncomfortable.

"You want to use these insects to deal with me?"

"I have seen this kind of insects before, but the insects I saw at that time were a hundred times stronger than Bill and others. You are just the remnants of bloodline dilution and hybridization for several generations."

The tall corpse laughed at Ah Huai, and it seemed that in its eyes, Ah Huai was no different from those insects on the ground.

Ah Huai shook his head: "No"

"I have thought of various methods, talismans, asking experts, Taoism, etc., but facing you, those methods have only a minimal effect"

"My best method is to control corpses, but is there really a corpse stronger than yours? Even if there is, it is difficult for me to get it"

"So I use my life to raise these insects, but these insects are not used to deal with you, but for trading."

"Your Excellency, this place has been exposed. Even if no one has broken into it in recent decades, what about a hundred years later?"

"The traps in this tomb have a good blocking effect, but there will still be fish that slip through the net. You and your master will definitely not want to be disturbed when you sleep here"

"I can leave these life-eating insects. After I die, these life-eating insects will sleep here until someone breaks in. The life-eating insects will wake up and eat all invaders."

"I can exchange the life-eating insects I raise for the rest of my life for your peace."

The tall corpse was unmoved, still indifferent and unruly: "Do you know what you just asked for?"

"You want my corpse heart."

A Huai did not give in at all: "I know very well what I want."

"I want your corpse heart."

"If my information is correct, you should have more than one corpse heart."

"It takes a hundred years to become a corpse, and a thousand years to form a heart. Your living dead body will form a corpse heart every thousand years, and you are more than two thousand years old. I want your corpse heart."

I learned an important information from Ah Huai's words.

A Huai started preparing a long time ago. He started to plot this ancient corpse a long time ago.

If so, this trip was not Ah Huai helping me find the evil copper, but Ah Huai using me to go down to the tomb.

What Tan Yan said was also reasonable. She said that she wanted to kill Ah Huai who took off the silver jewelry. Did she want to stop Ah Huai from his current behavior?

Prevent Ah Huai from obtaining the corpse heart?

"Hehehe... a corpse takes a hundred years to become a corpse, a thousand years to form a heart, a corpse brings disaster to a thousand miles, a heart is against bones", the tall corpse suddenly looked in our direction.

The bottomless eye sockets made everyone shudder.

"If I'm not mistaken, your purpose of wanting the corpse heart is to save that girl"

"Poor quality corpse refining technique, blindly imprisoning the soul, even if it is the one in her body

The worms can no longer hold her soul, so you want to use the corpse heart to recast her body and create a living corpse".

The words of the tall corpse seemed to hit the soft spot in Ah Huai's heart, and his strong body was weaker than ever.........

I looked at Qin Yan, who was silent and kept looking at Ah Huai.

She knew Ah Huai's thoughts a long time ago, so she would tell him that when Ah Huai took off the silver jewelry, she would kill him immediately........

Taking off the silver jewelry was equivalent to Ah Huai taking action, and Qin Yan actually wanted to kill Ah Huai to stop him.

Shao Xiaolong was confused again,

The corpse heart saved Qin Yan?

What happened to Qin Yan? Why did it say that there were worms in Qin Yan's body and that it could not hold the soul?

Miss Qin Yan was going to die? So Ah Huai did this?

It was getting harder and harder for him to understand.....

After being exposed, Ah Huai gritted his teeth and said forcefully:

"Since you have guessed it, I will confess that Ah Huai wants a corpse heart! ".

The tall corpse raised his hand gently and a life-eating insect flew into its palm.

The fleshless palm was sunken with a big pit, and the insect lay obediently in it.

"How dare you have such a bold delusion to exchange these insects for corpse hearts?" It asked, trapping the insects with five fingers.

Not to mention that the ancient corpse would ask this, even I couldn't help but think that Ah Huai was crazy.

His idea was too unrealistic and too extravagant.

Even Ah Huai himself said that this ancient corpse had lived for at least two thousand years,

and Ah Huai had only used seventy or eighty years of life to raise these life-eating insects, but he wanted to use them to exchange for the ancient corpse's thousand-year corpse heart. Is this possible?.

No, Ah Huai doesn't seem to be such a brainless person. Did he just use insects to exchange?

The next moment Ah Huai answered my confusion.

He no longer pleaded or negotiated, but coerced and threatened:

"You must accept this transaction, and you will definitely accept it! "

"This is not a negotiated deal, but you will have to agree to it."

The tall corpse joked: "I can kill you if I do it."

Ah Huai looked like a rolling knife: "If I die, your master will wake up."

The joke on the tall corpse's face disappeared instantly, and the cold murderous aura burst out like a fountain.

Ah Huai, who was closest to him, had been bent over, and his knees couldn't stop shaking.

He shouted with all his might: "If you don't believe me, you can try it. If I die, your master will definitely wake up, wake up in advance!" .

The murderous aura of the tall corpse was still surging, and even the middle room seemed to start shaking,

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!.......

A sound similar to the sound of a heartbeat came out of nowhere, and the room shook with this sound,

Rustle...dust and gravel flew everywhere.

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