The dead body was buried, and the dead body was buried.

A strange scene suddenly appeared in the middle tomb.

The tall mummy, who was at the peak and could kill us at will,

opened his chest to his enemy and opened his hands as if accepting the upcoming sharpness.

And Ah Huai, who once knelt down and begged to withdraw in front of the tall mummy, has become another existence. Now he is the knife holder.

He is going to stab the dagger in his hand into the tall mummy and dig out the so-called corpse heart.

In just a few minutes, the identities of the superior and the inferior were exchanged.

The sharp blade flashed across each of our eyes.

Shao Xiaolong couldn't believe that Ah Huai could swing the knife at the ancient corpse that was thousands of years old.

That kind of Ah Huai was not like Ah Huai. Ah Huai shouldn't do this.

Using despicable means to coerce the ancient corpse into submission, and slashing the ancient corpse with a long history for his own selfish desires.

If this knife really falls, Ah Huai's long-standing persistence, beliefs, and self-construction will collapse.

He will do what he hates the most!

Shao Xiaolong tried to take a step forward, but the life-eating insects under his feet suddenly became irritable.

The buzzing sound warned that they would pounce in the next second.

Is there no way...

The dagger showed white light, like a thunderbolt falling, and its sharpness might be able to untie the skin of the ancient corpse.

Of course, when the ancient corpse gave up its defense.

Clang... The white light quickly disappeared... Only the edge remained in the air like a poisonous snake showing its deadly fangs, but it was always one bite away from the target.

Shao Xiaolong's hanging heart stopped, and he looked at everything in shock with cold sweat: "Stop... Stop."

Ah Huai's muscles were still in a state of contraction, and the whole person was like a crane with full firepower, but it stopped against reality.

Qin Yan turned her head and looked at me, the initiator.

The tall corpse's eyes swept over me, as if he felt something interesting.

Ah Huai roared wildly, shaking violently all over and unable to get rid of the stopped state

"Who! Who!"

"Just a little bit, just a little bit, who did it!"

"It was me."

I said frankly, and the little paper man fell from my hand behind me,

The deep cat's eye eyes, the virgin black hair, struggled to get up after landing, and ran towards Ah Huai with clumsy steps.

Hug him in Ah Huai's collapsed eyes

From the gap between the paper figures, I could see a pale yellow talisman inside, which I had borrowed from Ah Huai.

I sighed helplessly: "I still used it."

"At that time, it was just to keep a backhand, but the result was still unavoidable."

"Stop it, Brother Ah Huai."

Ah Huai could only move his mouth, and he roared angrily: "It's you! Why did you do this!"

"Why did you stop me."

I looked at him seriously and said: "It's not me who stopped you, it's Miss Qin Yan."

"The Brother Ah Huai I know is not a person who takes others' hearts to satisfy his own selfish desires. I don't want to see you destroy your bottom line."

"Brother Ah Huai, you can hate me, and you can kill me afterwards. It doesn't matter if you hate me for the rest of your life."

"It's better to hate me than to hate yourself."

"This is my idea, and also Miss Tan Yan's wish...",

Ah Huai's eyes were red, he understood my idea, but he still didn't want to give up,

His strong body trembled and cried: "Let me go... please let me go..."

"Xiaoyan... Xiaoyan is going to die... No... I want to save her"

"I have the ability to save her, I must save her...".

"Ah... She still has hope."

I shook my head gently: "She is dead, she has no hope for a long time."

I lit the soul flame on my right hand and took a step forward,

The golden little bugs on the ground instinctively pounced on me,

I waved the flames of my five fingers in my right hand, leaving four flame tails in the air, and the bugs fell to the ground and rolled after hitting the soul flames.

And the small wooden stick on the waist couldn't help but jump out, spinning a few circles and suddenly inserted in front of my feet,

A strange phenomenon occurred, the life-eating bugs retreated in a circle.

I picked up the stick and walked forward. The life-eating insects dared not approach.

Qin Yan followed me silently.

She could not disobey Ah Huai's instructions, but following me was also Ah Huai's instruction, wasn't it?

Every step I took, I cruelly tore Ah Huai's obsession apart:

"Qin Yan died a long time ago,

You know better than anyone else"

"Do you think that state of living a dead body, living by the heart of another person, is still considered alive?".

"Why do you regard the corpse heart as Tan Yan's hope? Have you ever understood Tan Yan's thoughts?".

"Does she still want to exist like this, does she still want to stay in this world, does she still want to stay with you?".

"Your obsession is not a reason to bind the other person, can one-sided longing be considered love?".

My words made the tall Ah Huai bend his waist, and he shouted verbally: "Nonsense!"

"Tan Yan is still alive! As long as there is a corpse heart, she can be resurrected! ”

“I don’t care if she’s a corpse or not, I just want her to be by my side”

“Qin Yan will understand me, she will understand my love, everything I do is for her”.


The rest of his words were drowned in Qin Yan’s mouth,

Qin Yan hugged him and accepted Ah Huai’s full defense with her mouth.


The tears dripped down the two people’s feet, I don’t know whose tears they were,

Qin Yan’s? Ah Huai’s?

Or maybe they were combined…..

Tick…..This time the tears were not crystal clear, but blood red.

Blood dripped from the jaws of the two people, Qin Yan separated from him, blood stains on the lips,

Ah Huai looked at Qin Yan in a daze, and the ragged lips that kept oozing blood expressed Qin Yan’s thoughts.

“Xiao…Xiao Yan…”

“You…you don’t want to be with me anymore? ".

Qin Yan's voice lacked emotional ups and downs, but the words were full of emotion:

"I like you now."

"I like you as the ancient tomb expert I met when I first did archaeological work."

"I like you who are enthusiastic towards everyone and care for cultural relics and ancient tombs."

"I like your meticulous care and your spacious mind like a bed."

"So... please let me still like you until I leave..."

Ah Huai suppressed his sobs in grief: "I just want to stay with you for a little longer."

"I don't want you to leave before me."

"Obviously... for this... I can give up a lot... I can change myself, I just want to be so willful... just this once."

Qin Yan grabbed his hand, took the dagger from his hand, and then put her head against it. , silently said:

"Go back"

"Let's go back together".

"Okay... Let's go back together... Until the last moment".

Ah Huai tasted the blood in his mouth, how familiar was this blood?

How deeply did the blood that young girl brought to him before her death a few years ago leave in people's hearts...

Shot through by the compound bow of the tomb robber... Artificial respiration full of iron smell... Lost body temperature.

The bottomless eye sockets of the tall corpse looked at the two people, and there was a hint of teasing on the wrinkled face, and it put on the black robe again.

I sighed deeply,

Forcibly stopping Ah Huai, God knows how determined I was,

I was like a villain for doing this, and I ruthlessly destroyed Ah Huai's long-accumulated actions.

I chose Qin Yan's side...

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