The water was flowing, and the water was flowing.

Under the Black Water Source

The cloth shoes seemed to grow on my feet.

A pair of size 39 shoes was forced on my size 42 feet.

This was not pleasant.

Not only that, it was still tightening, and the next second it was already size 38.

At the same time, the floating corpse under me caught up, and dozens of white maggots floated up with the water flow.

Following closely behind was the empty eyes, the white fat and rotten face, it chased me crazily.

My feet were bound by the cloth shoes, and the floating corpse behind me caught up again.

The most terrible thing was that I couldn't hold my breath... the oxygen had been consumed.

I have never been in such a desperate state, such a dead end...

My left foot sank, and the floating corpse grabbed my foot again.

Brute force dragged my body down.

The only magic weapon I had was the Buddhist beads.

But they were not fools. They would not be hit by the Buddhist beads again and again, nor would they just watch me take out the Buddhist beads.

They just wanted my life.

I looked up at the water surface with faint moonlight, but that light was getting farther and farther away from me.

Correspondingly, I fell deeper into the abyss...

Zhang Asi drowned?

In the dense black forest of Wangwu Mountain, a deep abyss swallowed the moonlight, and the water surface with floating scales gradually calmed down.

There were many human figures in the bushes around the abyss, and ghosts were attracted from farther away.

At this moment, the ghosts that were attracted stopped.

The ghosts near the abyss looked at the abyss with jealousy and hatred.

A short dwarf old woman came with one hand covering her face, and wisps of white smoke came out from time to time.

She had been injured by someone with Buddhist beads before.

Chasing again, it seemed a step too late.

The old woman stared at the abyss, her angry teeth bit several cracks, and angry screams squeezed out from between her teeth

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!!!"

"Let it succeed!"

"How could it succeed! It was so close!"

"That little ghost was almost...!"

Following the old woman's scream, the ghosts around also whispered.

Before, their eyes were hot and greedy, but now there was only jealousy and hatred.

Looking up from above, the black pool of the abyss is a bottomless black.

Just looking at it will make an inexplicable terror attack the heart.

The surface of the abyss is still very flat, even if countless things stare at it, it can't cause any waves.

Everything was flat, everything was silent, only those inhuman things were whispering.

This seemed to mean that nothing had happened.

Perhaps only the traces of struggle on the shore could prove the self-salvation of a young man who wanted to survive.

No matter how much he hoped, he could not escape the fate of being dragged into the abyss.

The boy's unwillingness, useless behavior, and all his extravagant hopes would be sunk into the abyss...

How could human struggles escape the whirlpool of destiny?

Perhaps he should die the day he was born... Or maybe he should thank God for giving him seventeen more years.

Gulp... Gulp... Gulp...

No, it's not over yet, the story continues!

The abyss, which was as smooth as a mirror, suddenly had a bulge,

and a bubble floated up from below.

The bubble was like a leading ant, followed by dozens of bubbles surging up together.

Instantly, the abyss boiled like a hot pot at the extreme temperature.

Countless bubbles surged up and broke the flatness of the water surface, expressing the will of the unyielding.

Countless ripples symbolized that everything was not over yet!

The sparkling water faded away little by little.

Black clouds occupied the sky without knowing when, and the deep mountain was completely covered by the night.


The red lightning tore the black clouds apart for a moment,

The red light was about to split the sky in half, and the dark clouds rolled over the sky again to cover everything.

Boom! Another thunder that shook the mountains and forests.

The dark clouds broke, and a red sky thunder fell directly into the Black Water Pond.

The Black Water Pond was silent for a moment,

and the next moment it exploded with waves that reached the sky.

At the same time, an indescribable charm...or a breath...a feeling

exploded together!

This gas explosion expanded and suddenly swept the entire mountain!

Gaga gaga........

Countless birds flew up in the night, and the beasts woke up and tried to escape from the mountain as if they were facing a great enemy.

The old woman beside the dark pool of the abyss suddenly changed her expression, and pointed at the abyss with a trembling finger.


As if she had sensed something,

or as if she was a weak cat that had sensed a huge beast, her hair stood on end in shock, as if she was about to die!

The old woman's scream resounded throughout the area again,

but this time it was filled with terror and panic.


'What the hell! ! '

"What the hell is this!!!".

She screamed and retreated, not like an old woman at all,

crawling and rolling on the ground but escaping quickly into the mountains.

The frightened figures of the ghosts around her twisted and fled, hiding in the darkness.

Qinglong Temple on the top of Wangwu Mountain.

In the magnificent ancient temple hall, only Le Yin was sitting in front of the Buddha.

Suddenly Le Yin's eyebrows opened,

He looked outside with a horrified look, looking in the direction of the dark abyss.

A lot of sweat oozed out of his neat bald head, and the hand holding the Buddhist beads began to tremble.

On the way to Qinglong Temple

Zhang Asi, who was leaning on a cane, suddenly stopped

Her pupils trembled as she looked back into the distance, her eyes filled with disbelief.

Her lips trembled as she murmured...

"Oh my God... what on earth is coming out?"

"What is that?!!!"

She didn't dare to stay any longer, and hurried to Qinglong Temple as if running away.

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