After the death of the idiot, the dead body was found.

Lin Xin and Tang Jia have both woken up,

but they couldn't say a word when they saw me,

maybe there was nothing to say, they all knew what had happened and what I had done.

The memory of being covered by the ghost as a ghost still remains,

What Lin Xin remembers most is the man who struggled at the end of despair, but ultimately failed to save his family.

Even if he used all his tricks...

Maybe the ghost was ready to light the paper man from the beginning...

I basically didn't leave the house for the next few days,

maybe to recover from the injury, or maybe to adjust my mood.

Because at this moment, a murderous seed quietly grew up.

It sprouted from the first time I saw the ghost.

After these experiences, the departure of people around me gave this seed sufficient nutrients, making it slowly mature.

Now I don't even dare to touch the bronze horizontal sword. Every time I get the sword, the thoughts in my mind will surge wildly.

The condemnation of myself, the hatred of the ghost, and the fate of the Zhang family in the dark are all driving me forward.

Three days later, I took Lin Xin and Tang Jia away from the villa.

This place is at risk of being exposed, so there is no way to stay.

I returned to my home without anyone in the village knowing.

My home is still deserted, and the door I demolished is still on the ground.

I simply repaired the door and cleaned the room, and let Lin Xin and Tang Jia stay here.

"It's safe here for the time being, you stay here."

Lin Xin hesitated and asked the first sentence, "Where are you going?".

From the villa to here, she has been obedient, without any questions or curiosity, but now she finally can't help it.

I walked out of the house with a bronze sword and a red evil spirit box on my back: "Return to my roots".

The country roads at night are always so dead silent.

Of course, there are a few houses with lights on, but how can you be sure that there are people inside?

Once at night, wild cats are inevitably in heat, and their cries are as sleep-depriving as the cries of children.

I walked outside and bumped into an old man walking on a small road.

The old man was smoking a dry pipe and looking around. When he saw me, he hurriedly shouted: "Isn't this Zhang's Ah Si?".

I looked back slightly and was a little surprised: "Uncle Liu? You are still hanging around here so late?".

Uncle Liu turned back and knocked on his pipe, sighed and smiled: "I went to see my grandson. Hey, my little grandson is white and fat."

"Where are you going, Ah Si?".

I pointed in a direction, and Uncle Liu coughed: "Then we are on the same way, let's go together."

Uncle Liu followed my steps, and we chatted a little, mostly about things in the village.

Soon I arrived at my destination, a circle of graves in a field.

Uncle Liu smiled at me, walked straight to a grave mound, and walked in slowly.

There are many ancestral graves of people in the village here.

And I walked to one of the larger graves. The soil on this grave mound is blood-brown.

And this grave mound is also very strange. There is no grave around it, as if it occupies a piece of land alone.

There were other graves around it before, but now the surrounding graves have been moved away.

Since the incident 18 years ago, my father and my grandfather died here. Who dares to live next to my family's ancestral grave?

I came to sit in front of the ancestral grave. Even the soil next to the grave is blood-brown.

Some people say it is naturally formed, and some people say it is stained with the blood of my father and grandfather.

Anyone who has been near this grave tends to believe the rumor that the soil is stained with blood, because there is always a bloody smell around this grave. No matter how long it has been, it looks like someone has just died here. This grave is also different from other graves. Other graves are already full of vines and wild branches at this season, but there is not a single weed on my ancestral grave. It seems to be isolated by the green vitality of the fields. I put the rosewood box containing the bronze horizontal sword aside, and took out the red evil box and placed it flat on my knees. I sat in front of the grave all night. I packed up and left at dawn, and after dark I came to the grave again and sat there like the night before. I sat there until dawn and left. This went on for several days, and I don’t know how many nights passed. One night, Uncle Liu sat on the grave and asked me: "Ah

Four, what are you doing sitting here every day? ".

"Your grave is so weird that we don't even dare to get close to it."

I was silent for a while and replied: "I want to know the meaning of my life."

Uncle Liu smiled and shook his head: "This kid is crazy...".

I laughed at myself, maybe I am really crazy...

Touching the incomplete paper man in my pocket,

Looking back on many escapes from death and many confused lives, I am really curious about the meaning of my existence?

Why did grandpa insist on letting me live? Is it just to pass on the bloodline of the Zhang family?

Would a normal person let his grandson sign a marriage contract with evil spirits?

Because of my life, I frequently let others pay for me,

My mother and sister have incomplete souls,

Li Youyou to alleviate I blamed myself and saved Lin Xin and Tang Jia despite my deep sleep.

What exactly is a skin-covered ghost?

It came out of my family's ancestral grave and lingered with the Zhang family for life. I was eager to know the truth and why my grandfather kept me alive.

What should I do next? Continue to escape from Ma Qing? Or avoid the fate of the Zhang family?

What does my birth represent?

Surrounded by doubts, one night, I came to the ancestral grave with a shovel.

The shovel was stuck in the ground next to it. The blood-brown soil in the dark night exuded a strong stench. There was not even a bug in this piece of soil.

I stared at the soil for a while,

Facing the big blood-brown soil, I knelt down and kowtowed a few times,

I took a deep breath and pulled out the shovel to start,

I want to see what is in the Zhang family's ancestral tomb.

Why did my father and grandfather die tragically here? Why is the ghost in skin related to the Zhang family?

It seems that all the answers are in this ancestral tomb.

Dig it up and see clearly inside!

I tried to see through this ancestral tomb with my double pupils.

Suddenly my pupils trembled, the hair on the back of my neck trembled automatically, and an inexplicable chill surged up.

But as expected, I failed.........

What I saw with my double pupils was a blood-red, thick and sticky, surging and boiling.

It seemed that there was something hidden in the water, revealing some black shadows from time to time.

Could it be that there was a pool of blood in the ancestral tomb?

I think it's because I can't see through it. I've been sitting here for these days and I'm biting it. Ya made up his mind to move this ancestral tomb.

Now that my double pupils can't see through it, I want to dig up this tomb and take a look!

After praying to my ancestors in my heart, I grabbed the shovel with both hands and prepared to start.

Just as I was about to start, I suddenly felt like I was being stared at by something, something was staring at me!

I immediately turned around and looked, and there was only a dark forest behind me.

And the staring feeling just now came from the forest.

I opened my left eye and used my double pupils to look into the forest. After a quick look, there was no trace of anyone or any ghost.

It is impossible for anyone to appear in the grave circle.

I frowned and turned back, grabbed the shovel,


This time the footsteps were coming towards me!

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