The old man was very happy.

The enchanting red lips under the thick black hair pursed out a happy smile

"Yeah, you found it."

This was the most calm and calm time I faced Ma Qing.

"Today is the 14th, how can I forget this day?" I smiled, but there was no smile in my eyes.

Today is June 14th, another death disaster after the last death disaster.

I have been waiting for this day, the day that determines my life and death.

I just saw who the real Lin Xin was.

But it was meaningless. If I left with the real Lin Xin and ignored Ma Qing,

Lin Xin would undoubtedly die, and I would not be able to escape.

That's why she was worthy of playing the role and taking her away from Lin Xin.

She walked around with her hands behind her back.

The black bangs strangely covered most of her face, leaving only her lips.

At this moment, a ray of moonlight penetrated the towering trees, and her shadow was slightly distorted.

She had a shadow, and her shadow was very slender.

The shadow walking around me changed at some point.

It became miniature, like a hunched old man.

He walked and said, "Master Zhang, are you doing well?".

Master Leguo's face, which was full of ditches and vicissitudes, was half-hidden and half-revealed in the night. He walked and asked,

"Master Zhang's life was saved by me, but now I regret it. Can you give it back to me?".

"The person I trusted is not a person. I am shortsighted. Mr. Zhang has no great talent. He is afraid of death. Why does he struggle to live?".

I stared at Master Guo in a daze and blinked in disbelief.

Suddenly, Master Guo disappeared...

I searched for him everywhere. Suddenly, footsteps sounded behind me. I turned back in shock.

Behind me was a beautiful girl dressed in fashionable clothes.

The girl's eyes were empty, with only empty eye sockets. Blood scars formed scars on her face.

She slowly raised her twisted hands like hemp ropes and stretched them towards me.

"Lin Ying!" I took a step back in a daze.

Lin Ying covered her black eyes: "You hid? Why did you hide?"

"Zhang Ah Si, why didn't you save me?"

"Didn't you promise me that you would save me and not let me die?"

She questioned like crazy with her dark eye sockets, her rotten face peeling off...

"Why did I die, not you, Zhang Ah Si, tell me why!"

"Tell me!"

My throat trembled, and I made a confused sound, but I couldn't say anything about it.

Lin Ying approached me step by step, and the already dried blood and tears flowed from her eye sockets. She stretched out her hand to grab me.

Snap... I ran away...

I didn't even dare to face her, and didn't want to look back... I just ran two steps and there was another person in the night ahead,

A familiar nurse's uniform, like Lin Ying's dark eye sockets without eyeballs, she looked at me and cried:

"Am I wrong?"

"Why did this happen to me?"

"Why is it me? Please tell me, am I wrong?"

I shook my head stiffly, and the nurse tore her face and approached me:

"Then why do you say I have to die?"


"Will you be sad if I die? My father and my mother are so sad!"

"Shouldn't you pay for my life?"

"Why don't you die!"

"You are the one who should die!"

"You have to pay for my life!"

She rushed towards me frantically,

I subconsciously dodged a step, causing her to pass by me and fall to the ground,

But when I looked over,

A Taoist in white waved a toilet brush and pointed at me and cursed: "You are a disaster, you are a disaster"

"I shouldn't save you!"

"Because of you, I have lived a life without skin for seventeen years!"

"I am living a life worse than death without skin, but you are living well, why!"

"Why can you live a healthy life for seventeen years? And I have been suffering for seventeen years?"

"Give me back my skin!"

My pupils trembled, and I stepped back emotionally.

Suddenly, I seemed to have bumped into someone. I turned back instinctively and bumped into the ferocious face of my schoolmate Suanpan.

His eye sockets were also empty, and he roared angrily: "It's all you! It's all your fault!"

"If it weren't for you, everything would be fine. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't die!"

"You are the one who caused my death!"

"How can a murderer like you live well?".

I stood there in a daze, and my pupils opened automatically.


The memories of the past are presented like a revolving lantern, and the vision at this moment is torn into several pieces.

The fragments that I least want to recall and least want to see come up, and I retreat as if running away.

I don’t know how to answer them,

I don’t know who to answer,

I don’t know what to answer........

Bang...I fell down, and there were strange branches and a half moon in the sky.

It moved around me, and its shadows fell in front of me one after another.

The Taoist in Taoist robes...nurse...fashionable Lin Ying...slim Abacus...bending Master Leguo...their shadows appeared one after another, and their voices rang in my ears one after another,

Their demands were also the same

"Zhang Ah Si!...You!...don't deserve to live in this world!".

"Only you...only you don't deserve to live!".

I don't know how long it took, the voice in my ears dissipated, maybe I was numb to it,

The shadow in front of me stopped changing and remained a slender, exquisite woman.

I said unfocusedly: "Have you had enough fun?".

She stepped forward and stood in front of me, her shadow covering me.

Her slender hand blocked the moonlight and floated lightly on my hair.

Her words seemed to comfort and bewitch: "They all want to hurt you... They don't want you to live..."

"You... only... only me."

"I only have you..."

"So... let's be together."

I lowered my head and said one word: "Okay."

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