"Hello, my name is Zhang Asi, an expert in hiding evil spirits." I stood in front of a wooden shack and practiced my introduction. I said to myself for a few words and knocked on the door. There were almost all simple buildings like this in the area, which seemed to be enough to shelter from the wind and rain. Dongdong... Dada... Someone was walking in the shack, and it should be a woman. Creak... The door opened to reveal a dry and wrinkled face like straw paper. She carefully showed her two eyes and looked around outside. When she saw me, her pupils shrank and she immediately tried to close the door in panic. I grabbed the door with my hands and leaned over to say, "Don't be afraid, I'm a good person." The woman's pupils trembled as she looked at the man with multiple scars on his neck, one blind eye, and white skin like a ghost.

She immediately used more force and tried to close the door frantically.

Good man? How could there be such a good man?

But her strength was always inferior to mine. I forced the door open and broke in.

This woman was a middle-aged woman who was a little too old.

The room was dark, filled with a faint smell of mold, and the dampness inside made the skin sticky.

The cement floor seemed to be wet by water, making it even darker.

The woman found a steel pipe from the side to protect herself. She held the steel pipe tightly with her gloved hands.

I shook my head helplessly and took out my certificate from my arms.

In the past six months, I occasionally helped the Supernatural Countermeasures Bureau solve problems, but because I was always unwilling to join them,

they gave me the identity of a non-staff expert, which made my actions reasonable and legal. It was also an official identity, but it was not under the control of the official.

The woman took the certificate with shaking hands.

I scratched my hair: "Didn't you reveal the information? Someone here was skinned."

'I came here to investigate.'

The woman nodded tremblingly and handed the certificate back. I took it and asked, "Whose skin was skinned?".

She pointed to the compartment inside and led the way in.

The compartment was separated by wooden boards and opaque thick cloth. It was a private space in this shack.

It was darker than the shack, with a bloody smell and an indescribable stench.

A bed was supported by wooden boards and buckets in the corner of the compartment, and a person was hidden in several quilts.

I frowned and walked over to lift the quilt.

Suddenly, a skinless, bloody hand grabbed my hand.

I looked sideways alertly and saw the woman slowly lifting her clothes.

Under the clothes was a bloody red, without a single inch of skin.........

Only the skin of the body was peeled off? .

I looked at the woman, and the woman being looked at did not feel ashamed, but broke down and cried:

"I... I don't know what to do?"

'It's hard to live now'.

The body without skin is not only ugly, but almost disgusting...

The murderous intent in my eyes surged like a tide, and my five fingers turned white.

I finally found your trace.

In the past six months, my sense of the skinned ghost has become stronger and stronger. I can even feel which city it is in.

But finding a ghost in a city is still like finding a needle in a haystack.

But as long as the skinned ghost attacks people and peels off their skin, its actions will be exposed.

I almost caught it several times with this method.

I asked the woman to put down her clothes: "Tell me what happened first."

"Where did you go? Where did you lose the skin?"

The woman wiped her tears and said: "It was in the abandoned hotel at No. 24 Anning Street. Several people died in that hotel a few months ago. There are stories of ghosts. Now everyone there has moved away."

"My family and I thought that no one cared about it anyway, it was abandoned, and no one would go there, so we went there to find some scraps and scrap metal to sell for money."

"It was going smoothly and we got a lot of scraps, but when we came out, the cold wind blew and I realized that my skin was gone..."

"I was stunned at the time. It was so horrible. I didn't feel anything, no pain, and I didn't even know when my skin was gone."

I nodded: "How many days ago?"

Woman: "The night before."

After hearing this, I didn't say anything, went straight to the bed and lifted the quilt.

There was also a skinless person under the quilt, his flesh was exposed and black, and his body had already shown signs of decay.

I covered him with the quilt again: "He's dead."

The woman lowered her head and said:

"He is my man, we were together that night

We went together. I lost the skin on my upper limbs, and he lost the skin on his entire body."

"He couldn't make it."

Since the location of the skin-covered ghost was confirmed, I didn't dare to hesitate.

When I left, I took some money out of my wallet and put it on the table.

"Bury him as soon as possible. , I will try to find your skin back, or restore it".

The woman looked at my back and thanked me repeatedly.

Actually, this was just a consolation. A woman who lost less skin might live longer.

The man couldn't bear it and died first. How long can the woman hold on?

I am not a doctor, nor a saint. I can't save anyone.

I can only kill the ghost in human skin!

No. 24, Anning Street.........I took a taxi to that place.

But I didn't go in right away, but sat down in a small restaurant more than 200 meters away from the hotel.

The boss was a man in his thirties, sitting on the counter looking outside, and the boss's wife was washing dishes inside.

I ordered a bowl of noodles and chatted with the boss while eating.

"Uncle, I heard that the Hongxing Hotel is haunted?" .

The boss laughed and said, "Hey, what's the matter, has this matter spread? ".

"It's haunted, otherwise you can see who lives here. Those people died a few days ago, and the people around here either rented houses in other places or dared not go back home."

"If my place was not far from the hotel, I would have moved away too."

"The stores nearby have all encountered weird things."

I took a sip of noodle soup and asked jokingly: "Weird things? What kind of weird things are they? ".

Boss: "Since someone died in that hotel, the people nearby have not had a peaceful day. Some people often hear someone knocking on the door at night, but when they open the door, there is no one. As a result, they look back and see a line of wet footprints going straight to her bedroom."

"There is another family with three children, two boys and a girl. His family has three children and lives a good life. The children are also obedient and strive to be top students in the class. Since someone died in that hotel, he often found that his children often ran downstairs to play by themselves these days."

"One day he secretly followed his second child to see who his child was playing with. He was immediately scared when he saw it. His second child was talking to himself downstairs, talking to the air, laughing and playing"

"He couldn't help but stand up and ask the boss Who is the second child playing with? The second child pointed at the air and said he was playing with his mother. He was almost paralyzed when he heard it. His wife had been dead for two years.

"He was so scared that he took the children back home. Since then, he would not let the children go out alone. But one day when he took the children out to school, the children suddenly turned around and said goodbye to their mother........"

"His children have been talking nonsense since then, and occasionally shouting "Mom" to the air."

"Do you think it's weird?"

I nodded in agreement: "It's quite weird."

At this time, several children ran in.

The boss's wife heard the sound and wiped her hands and came out: "School is over, go back to the house and do your homework."

Waiting the children into the house

The boss's wife asked me curiously: "Handsome boy, there was no one in the store just now, who are you talking to?" .

A child leaned on the counter and shouted happily: "Dad! .....".

The boss's wife was shocked when she heard this and pulled the child over: "I've told you a thousand times that your father has been dead for two years, why are you yelling here?"

"Dad is right here..."

The boss in his thirties looked at me with a smile

And I silently looked at the photo of a family of five on the wall,

a harmonious couple, three lively and lovely children.

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