The dead body was buried, and the dead body was buried.

Noticing the man in the shroud,

I was ready to move my knife,

At this time, the supernatural blogger shouted: "Don't do it, he is a human".

He rushed up to stop me, and explained breathlessly: "He... He is a human..."

"His face is made up, and the clothes on his body are also intentional. He is my companion."

"We are a two-person team, one person shoots, and one person pretends to be a ghost to do things."

"Otherwise, how can the show effect be achieved."

I shook my head speechlessly and walked into the corridor on the third floor.

The supernatural blogger and his companion followed behind,

The supernatural blogger complained: "You really know how to choose a place, you almost scared me to death"

"You didn't say a word."

His companion said silently: "Sorry".

Looking forward from the corridor on the third floor, there is still a dark mass in front of me that I can't figure out the way.

And it seems that you can see the end at a glance. The end is a wall. The third floor is the same as the second floor. There are four rooms.

I chose the nearest room and pushed the door into the room full of shadows.

A scarlet head flew towards me, with dark eye sockets and a deep mouth.

I tilted my head to avoid it, and the head just hit the supernatural blogger. He was so scared that he trembled and screamed while holding the head.

I cut the rope behind the head with a knife: "What are you shouting, didn't you do this?".

Ah? The supernatural blogger took a look and was relieved: "It turned out that I made a fake head."

I couldn't help but ask in confusion: "Aren't you a supernatural blogger? So timid?".

The supernatural blogger threw the head aside:

"I used to be an ignorant and stubborn kid, who knew there were really ghosts in this world"

'Damn it, I can't do this job if I change jobs'.

I walked in and looked around. The furnishings and layout of the room were no different from other rooms. So I left,

I came to the room opposite, and as soon as I opened the door,

a black shadow mixed with blood hit me heavily, and I could vaguely see the pale skin color and the terrifying face,

I dodged it, and the black shadow hit me next to a corpse.

I turned my head and looked at the supernatural blogger: "Is it something you arranged again?".

Who knew that the supernatural blogger suddenly got angry and jumped up and shouted:

"No! I have never been to this room"

"I didn't put this corpse!".

"This is a real corpse."

I turned my eyes back and stared at the corpse: "Indeed, this is a real corpse, you can't get it."

I walked past the corpse and went inside.

The supernatural blogger asked horribly, "Aren't you scared?"

"This is a corpse."

"Call the police, you should call the police first."

Seeing that I ignored him, he became even more scared and looked at the corpse with trembling lips and tongue.

Finally, he mustered up the courage to hold the side of the corpse and turn it over little by little.

He froze at first sight.

The pale face, the scar on the cheek, the ink-black pupils... This is his companion!

The corpse is his companion!

No wonder he looked so familiar.

No, that's not right. The supernatural blogger reacted immediately and got goosebumps.

He turned around suddenly and saw his companion in a shroud and with a pale face standing quietly behind him.

The corpse companion is here, but who is the companion behind him?

It's a ghost!

The supernatural blogger crawled and rolled in, eager to jump on me.

I dodged him skillfully and said calmly: "He is not a fierce ghost, just an ordinary ghost."

"He died of fright, and his soul is still undetermined."

"I have no intention of harming anyone."

The supernatural blogger was even more terrified when he heard this. He asked in disbelief: "You knew he was a ghost?"

I nodded: "Yes."

"You saw through it the first time we met?"


He looked at his companion's body with great sadness, and he cried:

"Brother, you should have told me earlier... How uncomfortable would he be if he saw me so scared of him."

I walked around the room and responded: "Sometimes knowing is not necessarily a good thing."

There were some loudspeakers, fake blood and other props in the room, which he probably hadn't had time to set up.

After leaving the room, the supernatural blogger was still grieving over the death of his companion.

He knelt on the ground and confessed to his companion who had become a ghost,

"It's all my fault, I came up with this ghost idea."

"It's all my fault"

"Why did I come up with this idea? We are so ignorant..."

His companions were silent.

He stood there in silence, but he reached out and helped the supernatural blogger up.

I came to the door of another room, and this time I asked again:

"There are no things you arranged or your companions in this room, right?".

The supernatural blogger shook his head repeatedly:

"No, you have explored all the things I arranged."

"I have never entered this room."

Push the door open with the handle of the knife, and you can see everything at a glance just by standing at the door. This room is much smaller than the other rooms, and there are very few furniture.

After confirming that there is no one, I cast my eyes on the last room,

This is the last room in the entire hotel,

I am sure there is a ghost in this hotel, and it should be the second type of evil ghost if nothing unexpected happens.

I came to this room cautiously with a knife in hand.

Standing in front of the door and about to open it, I suddenly stopped. I moved closer and moved my nose.

A faint corpse odor... and a faint smell of blood.

As soon as I approached the door, I could feel the coldness inside, and it was even colder when I held the door handle.

The supernatural blogger wiped his eyes and walked over: "Isn't this the only room left? Why don't you go in?"

"Hurry up and take a look. Let's go quickly."

"This place is so weird. I still want to take his body out."

I didn't respond, nor did I choose to turn the door.

Instead, I raised my leg and kicked the door panel hard, kicking the door open with one foot.

The ghost opening the door will always be a small shadow in my heart. I can't suffer the loss I almost suffered a second time.

As the door fell backwards, gusts of cold wind blew in from the room, and my clothes swelled up.

The cold wind was like a flood that accumulated, and it became silent after it was vented.

I looked at the room and stood in front of the door for a while.

The supernatural blogger felt strange and went to take a look. At first glance,

There were human skins hanging in Ji Mo's room, moving with the wind like wind chimes in front of the door.

The faces of those human skins were facing them from time to time, and the rotten eyes and the torn holes on their faces were terrifying.

The wind blew into the skins, and the human skins swelled up.

The faces seemed to be smiling at them, and the wind passed through the human skins to make a sound like a ghost crying.

The supernatural blogger fell to the ground, his eyeballs bulged out of his eye sockets, shaking in fear, and he pointed at the human skins absentmindedly.

"This...this..." My hand holding the bronze horizontal sword trembled slightly, and my eyes took in these human skins.

They were filled with wind, and their shriveled faces looked like they were smiling.

There were about ten human skins, and some had begun to rot...

I exhaled deeply. I had been chasing the skin-wearing ghost for half a year. I knew that the skin-wearing ghost could not wear human skins indefinitely.

It treated human skins just like people treated clothes. It would peel off and replace the ones it liked, and take off the ones it didn't like.

These human skins were all replaced by the skin-wearing ghost.

It regarded people as hangers, taking other people's skins at will. It had no skin of its own and had been plundering others all along.

Unlike the rules and resentments of other ghosts, it was pure evil, ordinary evil deeds without deliberateness.

What it thought was natural was disgusting to others.

This might be the meaning of my vow to kill the skin-wearing ghost.

Standing in front of me with the horizontal sword in both hands, I walked in resolutely...

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