The ghost heard what I said and laughed, holding his head: "Kill me?" "Why do you have such an idea? Is it because of those two women? Or because of that shitty Zhang family?" "You are really a good descendant of the Zhang family." He smiled, and the shadow under his feet kept stretching like a piece of plasticine falling naturally, quietly reaching towards me. I dodged silently and pierced the shadow and the ground with a knife. Sure enough, it can control the shadow. The rules of the big evil it put on are related to touching the shadow. Just now, it used the shadow to control the four ghosts. The shadow range was limited and it was intentionally not exposed. Now that its identity has been exposed, it simply doesn't pretend anymore. Veins surged on the ghost's face, and the shadow under his feet rolled like a snake.

But he couldn't escape the piercing of the bronze horizontal sword,

So he gave up that shadow and took back the rest.

It now looks like a boy of eighteen or nineteen, but the lacerated wounds and double pupils on his face make it extremely weird.

The ghost spread his hands and said, "You said that the last time I went to your house, you started chasing me, which disrupted many of my plans."

"Every time you try your best to kill me, I don't understand why you hate me so much and why you want to kill me."

I was too lazy to pay attention to him, dodging the shadow while rushing over.

The ghost is naturally not as good as me in close combat.

It directly shrinks and gathers the shadow into a round surface, and it is in the center of the round surface.

It keeps talking: "Hey, don't rush to kill me."

"In fact, we can have a good talk, right?"

"Why are you like this?"

Blocked by the round surface of the shadow,

I had no choice but to put down the horizontal sword in my hand and stick it into the ground.

I stretched out my palms, one above and one below, and suspended them in front of my eyes at a distance.

The figure of the skin-covered ghost appeared between my palms, and then my arms bulged slightly.

The space between my palms was also slowly compressed, and the figure of the skin-covered ghost was squeezed further.

Snap... The fingertips of my palms touched in opposite directions.

"You..." The words of the skin-covered ghost were interrupted, and his back was slightly bent.

The shape of the shadow under my feet began to be unstable, changing from a circle to an ellipse,

or an irregular circle, and gradually had a tendency to dissipate.

Perhaps only I can feel the burning pain on my back, the burning heat of the large totem,

This is the effect of the Baxia Dragon Mark. Every time I use it, the Baxia tattoo on my back will be hot and painful.

It may be because of the mismatch. After all, I don't have the blood of the Nine Dragon Gate Families.

I just simply changed the skin. It is a good thing to be able to use the Baxia Dragon Mark like the tattooed man before.

The power of Baxia is to suppress. Baxia can step on the waves, so he can suppress people and ghosts.

In Baxia's suppression, both evil ghosts and great evils will be suppressed.

Just like the first time I was suppressed by Baxia, I was depressed, carrying a heavy burden, and it was difficult to concentrate my thoughts.

The shadow under the feet of the skin-covered ghost was difficult to form, and even had many gaps.

I put my hands together and approached. The skin-covered ghost raised his head and stared at me with difficulty. The two pupils in his eyes enlarged in proportion, locking my reflection firmly.

Suddenly, my body stopped, but my left eye was also opened at this time.

The same two pupils reflected the skin-covered ghost. The result of the four pupils looking at each other was that both sides were injured.

Sizzle... blood flowers jumped out of our eyes. There was no pain, just an overload of the eyes.

The skin-covered ghost had to close his eyes, and he cursed: "Damn it, it's just like my nemesis."

I walked and said, "I think this is why I have this double pupil."

"You can hide in human skin, I can see through you, you can use the power of double pupils, and I can do the same."

"You can blend into the crowd, and I can sense you at any time. No matter where you hide, I will catch up with you and kill you!".

"I won't die before I kill you!".

The skinned ghost panted heavily, blood flowed from our tears, looking at me approaching,

It suddenly smiled, grinned and showed its tongue,

At this time, I noticed something on its tongue,

That kind of fine... weird look seems to be a totem?

A totem tattooed on the tongue?

The totem looks like a short and fat dragon, like a dragon, and like a toad...

Suddenly I thought of a name, and the tattoo on the back suddenly burned,


Pulao, the fourth of the nine sons of the dragon!

The breath rushed into the mouth of the skin-covered ghost frantically.

I had a bad feeling and rubbed my hands, trying to mobilize the power of Ba Xia to accurately suppress the leader of the skin-covered ghost.

But the action was still a step too late. I immediately gave up the suppression of Ba Xia and covered my ears with both hands.


The roar of an unknown beast exploded from the depth of its throat, breaking through the wind and whistling out.

The sound waves almost exploded in my heart.

All thoughts and ideas were broken into countless pieces, and my head became blank in an instant.

All the commands issued by the brain to the body also failed after the sound resounded, as if the soul was roaring.

I can see myself losing consciousness and falling down. My vision is like the third person in a game.........

This free state lasted for a few seconds, and I returned to my body.

The roar in my head continued, and the whole headache was about to explode, and the eyes were also muddled.

I supported my head and stood up. After the roar, the skin-covered ghost also stood up with difficulty after escaping from the suppression of Ba Xia.

The tongue with totem stripes was particularly conspicuous in the mouth full of blood.

It looked at me provocatively and coldly, as if to say, "What if you change into Ba Xia skin?"

I patted my head to try to remove the noise in my mind and gather ideas.

The tattoo on its tongue appeared in my mind unnaturally.

It looks like a toad and a dragon, small in size, but loud enough to shock the soul........

Pulao... The fourth of the nine sons of the dragon, likes to sing, and will roar loudly when frightened. I didn't expect it to take the dragon pattern.

Last time it tried to take the Ba Xia dragon pattern but failed, and it took the Pulao dragon pattern again.

I tried to do some movements in my ear and could hear the sound.

So the eardrum was not broken. The roar just now did not put any pressure on the eardrum, but on the spirit and soul.

The nine sons of the dragon, Ba Xia... Pulao.

Two dragon patterns of the nine families of Longmen have been taken away. After all, this kind of thing can be used as soon as it is replaced, and it is as popular as a hot commodity. "

I still have to thank the skin-covered ghost, otherwise I would not know about the dragon pattern.

I scratched my ears and couldn't help but sneer secretly.

But now the gap between me and it has been narrowed again.

I changed into the skin of Ba Xia, and it took the dragon pattern of Pulao, and each of us has a double pupil.

We both have treasures on us, and we regard each other as enemies. If one of us dies, the other can get two dragon patterns and complete double pupils...

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