The three or four-year-old child had a knife as tall as it stuck in his body. The sword pierced through his body, and the green flame attached to the blade caused him pain all the time. ".....Ah ah...", he trembled and tore off the left shoulder with the bronze knife, and staggered out. The young body rushed out of the door and fell down while running away, but it still couldn't stop him from running away. He ran to the corridor and could see the downstairs passage at the end. He showed joy on his ferocious face, swung his legs hard, and ran towards the passage desperately, hoping to escape! As long as you escape, there is still a chance. As long as you are not dead, there is always a chance.

The psychic blogger and his companions who were hiding at the door witnessed the embarrassed ghost escaping from the house.

The appearance was completely different from the posture when he first came to this hotel.

The ghost now was like a stray dog, a child who was running for his life in a panic.

The psychic blogger was stunned and didn't even dare to move.

The ghost noticed them, but he didn't have time to pay attention to them.

The psychic blogger said with trembling lips: "It escaped...".

"That kind of monster actually escaped...".

His companions sighed: "It's a pity that the effort failed...

"It would be great if someone could stop it."

The psychic blogger shook his head desperately and said: "What a joke? Go stop this kind of monster? The two monsters in the house failed to stop it."

"Whoever dares to stop it might be skinned to death."

"I dare not, even if I am beaten to death."


The skin-covered ghost ran madly towards the stairs. The dark passage seemed to it like a ray of hope, a ray of hope that could save its life and change its chances.

Suddenly, two black shadows appeared in front of its eyes. The blood-red pupils behind its neck opened and it saw a pale man in shrouds rushing towards it.

By the time it reacted, it had been pinned down by two figures.

The supernatural blogger grabbed the skin-covered ghost's legs with one hand and pressed its head with the other hand.

He was trembling with fear, his face was pale, and he kept muttering:

"It will die will die...".

"Only a fool would do this...only a fool...".

His companion suppressed the skin-covered ghost with his knees and hands, and sighed: "Then you are here, aren't you? ".

The skin-covered ghost was furious and his skin was cracked in many places. His eyes stared at them from behind his neck: "You are looking for death! You are looking for death!".

The ghost blogger's eyes were red:

"Although I will die completely, you escaped"

"Our death is meaningless."

"You are not a ghost, you are not even worthy of being a ghost!".

The skin-covered ghost's skin burst in anger, and a large tear appeared on his head.

A small baby turned into a black shadow and rushed out, crawling towards the exit quickly with his hands and feet.

For a while, the ghost blogger and his friends pressed in vain. He looked at the black shadow of the baby that he could not catch up with, and despaired in his heart:

"I can't catch up...".

"Or let it escape...".

His companions shook their heads helplessly. They were just ordinary ghosts. It took great courage to rush up and hold down the skin-covered ghost for a few seconds.

"That's enough", my voice suddenly echoed in the corridor,

Snap...Clear hand The sound of palms clashing together was not loud or light.

The figure of the ghost crawling and fleeing was oppressed and fell to the ground. It was difficult for him to move his limbs, and even the movement of turning his head was very slow.

I passed by the supernatural blogger with my hands together. The ghost struggled, and his back was bulging.

The delicate skin was stretched with blue blood vessels protruding, bloodshot, and cracks slowly extending on it.

At this time, I let go of my hand, and the ghost suddenly felt relieved. When the crack on his back was about to open,

A hand with five fingers burning with green fire fell from above, and the burning fingers pressed on the crack of the bulge, forcibly pressing the bulge back.

The ghost screamed unwillingly: "Just a little bit more!"

"Just a little bit more! You!".

"You can't escape!"

"I will never let you escape this time! You should bear the consequences of your sins." I grabbed it with all my strength, holding its back tightly.

It no longer had skin, and this skin was its last.

The skin-wearing ghost had a certain limit. If it didn't have the skin of a fierce ghost or a fierce monster,

it could wear a dozen human skins at the same time, but after it wore the ghost skin, the number of skins it could wear was greatly reduced.

The right hand held

The weight of the body pressed the baby, and the five fingers were still exerting force. The baby's skin had been broken under the fingers.

The five fingers were inserted into the body, and the small body was swollen in many places. The dark green fire under the skin was spreading....

It cried like a child.

The sobbing sound was like a knife cutting into people's hearts. No one could be indifferent to the crying of babies, and no one could attack pure and ignorant children.

They were the most innocent and the most primitive.

My right hand seemed to have caught something in the baby's body. The soul flames at the fingertips burned freely, and the crying became more tragic.

My hands trembled slightly, and sometimes I had an illusion that what I was holding was not a ghost in skin,

but a real baby, the most innocent baby.

It struggled and tortured me as well. How could I not empathize with it when I knew it was just a skin.

But I absolutely could not let it go, just so that no baby would suffer this situation in the future.

I would bear the condemnation of morality and conscience.

It cried and a small bulge appeared on the back of its head, and finally the double pupils opened at the back of its head.

Two pupils were rotating in the blood-red whites of its eyes, and blood and tears were flowing in its eye sockets... It looked so pitiful.

Tears also filled my eyes unconsciously, and I stroked the baby's head with my other hand

"Soon... you will be free soon..."

"No one can manipulate you anymore..."

My comfort aroused the anger of the skin-wearing ghost, and it struggled and cursed: "Damn it, you all deserve to die!"

"What did I do wrong! What did I do wrong!"

"Damn it... Damn everything... I worked so hard... I was so diligent..."

"Why do I have to end up like this...!"

I used my five fingers to force hard, gritted my teeth and questioned:

"Why do you take his skin? You are just a thief without skin!"

"You deserve to die for taking advantage of people's feelings and using other people's skins to fulfill your own selfish desires!"

The voice of the ghost in the skin became weaker, and there was less struggle. It sneered:

"Should I die? Shouldn't you die?"

Me: "After you die, I will die too."

The ghost in the skin: "It's ridiculous. I am a non-human being. Why should I be bound by human concepts?"

"Everything I do is reasonable. I am the reason."

"There is no right or wrong, only rules written by the strong."

"You can be like me. Let me go and I can help you."

"I can help you get out of the Zhang family, and I can also help you get out of that woman."

I didn't respond, and still grabbed the thing in the baby's body, letting the soul flame burn it.

The ghost in the skin tried his best to negotiate:

"You can also be non-human. You can get out of this mediocre group. You are the reason."

"We can work together. I can even be your subordinate and help you."

"I have a way to help you get rid of that thing on you."

"Zhang Ah Si, you need me!"

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