The two of them were so angry that they had to go to bed.

Faced with the abnormality of the two Taoist priests Hu and Li Muyu, I chose to escape and hurried downstairs.

Now I need to calm down and find out the reason.

I ran down the stairs, and the hotel owner greeted me politely:

"Let's go have breakfast."

"The buns in the bun shop opposite taste good, you can try it."

"Okay, thank you," I responded casually, but I paused when my eyes swept over the boss,

because the boss has no skin, and his flesh and blood are exposed...

I looked up at the morning light after leaving the hotel, but my body and mind did not feel the slightest warmth, and my mood was tangled like a mess.

The hotel owner has no skin, Li Muyu and the two Hu Taoist priests both have the signs of being ghosts in skins... Overall,

The problem does not seem to be with them, but with me.

When I came to the bun shop, the girl selling buns smiled and asked:

"Hello, what do you want?".

I looked at her almost collapsed skin and said woodenly: "A cup of porridge will be fine."

After buying the porridge, I held it in my hand without drinking it, standing on the side of the road like a statue, watching the passers-by,

My eyes were confused and crazy, and many people cursed and hurried away.

A young girl suddenly came up to me. She had two pupils in her right eye, and there were complicated totems on her tongue when she spoke:

"Sir, do you need a pen?"

"This is an imported high-end pen, and the price is affordable."

She took a step closer to sell me something. Her rotating pupils and strange totems made me retreat.

My body was driven by hatred for the ghost in skins, which drove me to attack, but I knew I couldn't do that.

Faced with her coercion, I finally ran away.

I got on the bus in confusion.

I didn't know where the bus would go, but at least it wouldn't stop me.

I grabbed a window seat during the morning rush hour, and those who came later had to stand.

In the crowded environment of the bus, the world in my eyes was once again renewed.

Many people didn't even have skins, and flesh and blood were squeezed together.

Some people's skins were squeezed so wrinkled that they seemed to be torn off.

A man in front of me who was offering a briefcase tore open his skin in an attempt to wrap the girl in front of him with it.

The girl in front of me tore her facial features in the mirror and fiddled with her face, trying to adjust her face to a perfect state.

An old lady was sitting on the side. Her skin was very loose. The skin of her calves was hanging on the ground. The wrinkles on her face were hanging down to her shoulders.

She looked like melted plastic.

The skin of several middle school students was wrinkled. Their wrinkled facial features were twisted. Their skin was too tight and torn with blood marks........

The woman in the seat in front of me had double pupils on her neck and kept staring at me...

Everything would flow into my sight even if I didn't pay attention.

I leaned my head on the seat, and the child behind me kicked my chair from time to time.

Is the world sick? Or am I sick?

I murmured to myself in my heart.

Why does everyone look like a ghost in skin? Why doesn't everyone look like a human?

Why can only I see these?

Is it true that I am like what the two Hu Taoists said,

too paranoid, too sensitive...that leads to hallucinations?

But if it is an illusion, what about the ghost skin?

Where are the double pupils and the Pulao skin?

Da... Da... I felt a kicking sensation coming from behind...

I closed my eyes, but the images of those people wearing fake skins still appeared in my mind like a rising tide.

Loose skins like mud, fake people wearing other people's skins like coats... bloodshot pupils... the dragon pattern in everyone's mouth...

Human skins filled my mind with fragments, old human skins, rotten human skins, patched human skins, delicate human skins that can be broken by a breath...

The wall made of countless human skins blocked my thoughts and my reason. The wall kept pressing. What was hidden in each human skin...

Who is the ghost in skin? They are all ghosts in skin!

Who is fake? They are all fake!

Da... Da... The child in the back seat was still kicking my seat.

I couldn't control my emotions and couldn't stand it. I turned back and shouted angrily: "Stop kicking!".

My voice made the child in the back seat

The mother and son were stunned.

People in the bus turned their eyes to me. They stared at me with their skin about to fall off.

That look seemed familiar.......

The scolded little boy blushed and kicked hard: "What's it to you!".

"I'll kick!".

The push from my back made me extremely irritable. I suppressed my emotions and said:

"Stop kicking!"

"This is my seat, put your feet down!".

His mother reacted and scolded him immediately: "Are you kidding me? He's still a child? Why are you arguing with a child?"

"Children are naturally active, and kicking the chair is not intentional."

"You are such a big man, what's wrong with being tolerant?".

The little boy saw that someone was backing him up, and he kicked the chair even more arrogantly: "I won't let go!"

"No, let's see what you can do."

I stared at him, at the boy, with my eyes wide open. There was a crack on his face, which was pitch black.

There was no flesh and blood. If you look closely, you can see a double pupil hidden inside.

The little boy seemed to be just a human skin, a domineering human skin, almost the same as the skin of the ghost.

When the mother saw me staring at the boy, she shouted angrily:

"Why are you staring at me? What do you want to do?"

"You are an adult and you are picking on a child. What kind of character do you have?"

"There is only one baby in my family. Do you dare to touch him? Our whole family will fight you to the death."


The dragon pattern on his tongue was obvious when he opened and closed his mouth.

The inner confusion and impulse expanded more and more, and even the line that maintained rationality was so tight that it seemed to be about to break.

I took a deep breath, covered my eyes and turned back.

It's not...they are not...they are not...they are all fake.

The ghost is dead... The ghost is gone... I killed him myself.

Cover your eyes tightly, don't think about it anymore, don't look anymore... Don't go into who is the ghost...

I warned myself like this several times... Suddenly, a not very big but annoying force came from the side of my chair.

My pupils saw the man through the gaps between my fingers. It was a little boy with an empty skin.

He stubbornly kicked my chair with his feet: "I'll kick, I'll kick!"

"Why are you staring at me, one-eyed dragon!".

The dark veins on my forehead and arms were prominent. I maintained my rationality and didn't look at him. I relied on the thin silk thread to maintain my calmness.

However, the boy didn't plan to leave. He kicked the chair again indignantly:

"Isn't it just kicking the chair?"

"You are so troublesome? You still stare at me?"

"What's the use? If you have the ability, hit me? Do you dare?"

"I just like the way you can't stand me but can't get rid of me."

Even without using my eyes to see, his appearance was still present in my mind,

A human skin arrogantly said fearlessly: "Kill me, you can't kill me"

"You can't kill me no matter how hard you try."

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