The ghost was buried in the grave, and the ghost was buried in the grave.

I carefully examined the two Hu Taoist priests and deliberately said, "Or you suspect that I am a ghost in disguise."

The two Hu Taoist priests froze in thought. He had this suspicion when he saw the double pupil and the Pulao skin.

The real Zhang Asi died long ago. The current Zhang Asi is just a ghost in disguise...

This possibility is simply too great.

If the ghost in disguise wears Zhang Asi's skin and has Zhang Asi's memory, no one can really tell.

Thinking about it carefully, isn't this an extremely terrifying thing?

Zhang Asi, who has another double pupil and is constantly growing, failed to hunt down the ghost in disguise and instead became the ghost's nourishment.

I moved closer to him and continued to ask: "Do you think I am Zhang Asi or a ghost in disguise?".

The Taoist priest Liang Hu had confusion in his eyes, and he stammered: "I don't know...".

After another minute of silence, the Taoist priest Liang Hu gritted his teeth and said:

"Follow me to Fulong Mountain. If you go to Fulong Mountain, I will believe that you are Zhang Asi."


I laughed at myself: "Otherwise there will be no Zhang Asi in the world, and there will only be a ghost in Zhang Asi's skin!".

The Taoist priest Liang Hu said: "You know how hard it is to believe your explanation, and you also know how strange the ghost in disguise is."

"If you are Zhang Asi, you will not refuse this proposal."

I agreed: "It's like kidnapping. I know, I will go, after all, I was going to go."

The Taoist priest Liang Hu breathed a sigh of relief, but he was still wary of me until now.

The current Zhang Asi cannot be confirmed to be Zhang Asi, and it is difficult to identify without the double pupil.

If Zhang Asi had refused or killed him and escaped, things would be much simpler.

Fulongshan had already learned that he and Zhang Asi were on their way back, and also knew that Zhang Asi had killed the ghost in disguise.

If he got into trouble, Zhang Asi would go to jail as a ghost in disguise.

At that time, it would not only be people in the industry who would hunt down Zhang Asi, but also Fulongshan........

Li Muyu was confused, but she understood a little. She leaned over to the Taoist Liang Hu and whispered:

"You suspect that Taoist Zhang is fake, and it is actually the ghost that Taoist Zhang has been hunting down?"

Liang Hu nodded: "The possibility that Chongtong and Pulao Pi suddenly appeared on him is too great."


After this incident, Li Muyu and Liang Hu lost their trust in me, almost as if they were monitoring me.

I didn't think there was anything wrong, but I thought this suspicion was normal.

His fingers rubbed between his eyebrows.

I don't know when a crack appeared between my eyebrows, and I easily reached in with my fingers and peeled the skin off my face.

Sometimes I wonder if I died a long time ago. Now I am just a ghost in skin.

I changed my double pupils and pulao skin without realizing it. When I saw another double pupil, I woke up.

The characteristic of the ghost in skin is not to peel the skin, but to transplant the human body and ghost body........

The ghost in skin can remove the double pupils of the four-eyed master and put them on itself.

Just like it can pull out the dragon tongue of the dragon pattern person and put it on itself.

It can read the memory, which is actually the memory of the skin. The skin witnesses a person's life. Based on the same principle, it can transplant the ghost as skin to itself, but there are certain limitations.

I looked at a broken tongue in the corner with my peripheral vision, thinking.

The dragon pattern is the embodiment of blood. It is different from the double pupil.

The ghost in skin has no entity, so it has no carrier. What it does is to replace the tongue.

What I did is to transplant the dragon pattern on the tongue.

Now I look too much like the ghost. If I don't prove my identity, no one will believe that I am Zhang Ah Si.

The moment I killed the ghost and took its characteristics, it was difficult for me to be myself.

I tried to press down the double pupil with my hand, but it didn't work even when I was bleeding.

Sure enough, the characteristics of the ghost are unstable in my hands now, that is, they are not working when they are not working.

Things that are not yours always need time to adapt.

I don't think it's a good thing to take the characteristics of the ghost.

Because of the double pupil and my matter, I missed the train today and had to stay for another night.

During this time, the two Hu Taoist priests didn't dare to talk to me. He didn't know whether the person he was chatting with was a human or a ghost.

There were still three people in one room.

Li Muyu held a red rope when he slept, and the two Hu Taoist priests held a talisman.

I closed my eyes without a trace of sleep

I was surprised that things were getting more and more confusing.

I had killed the skin-covered ghost and was thinking that after returning the double pupil, I would find a place to stay until the 14th of next month.

Things are always unexpected,

Just like now I have the characteristics of the skin-covered ghost, double pupils, and the skin of the pulao is on me.

But the process has not changed. I will go to Fulong Mountain to return the double pupils and find a place to wait for death.

"A Si..."

"A Si...".

Suddenly, a familiar but old calling voice sounded in my ears.

I suddenly opened my eyes and sat up.

What I saw was a big grave mound, a blood-brown grave mound, a grave mound that was so familiar that it couldn't be more familiar.

This is my family's ancestral grave!

I looked at the grave mound again and again, and a glance at the surrounding environment made me more certain that this was my family's ancestral grave!

Wasn't I in the hotel? The only explanation for suddenly appearing here was a dream.

Da... Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me.

I turned around cautiously. Behind me was a little old man holding a lantern, wearing a worn-out Zhongshan suit and with very few white hairs.

He opened his mouth and smiled at me: "A Si...".

I uttered a few words with difficulty: "Grandpa...Grandpa".

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