The old man was very angry.

"It was just a minor fight, but later it affected his life. He had a nightmare every night that something was strangling his neck, and when he woke up, he saw scratches on his neck."

"The sleep paralysis became more and more frequent, and each time it became more serious. Once my dad was strangled to death during a sleep paralysis. Someone wanted to get rid of my dad's body, and that's when my dad met the corpse collector."

"The corpse collector saw at a glance that my dad could still be saved. He found the jade and put it on my dad's head. I don't know what he did, but the jade suddenly broke, and my dad woke up."

"After waking up, my father bowed down to the corpse collector and invited him to several banquets in a row. He became familiar with him. When the corpse collector left, he told my father that he would have a bloody disaster when he was 70 years old."

"If he met a destined person, it might be resolved. That's why my father valued you so much, Mr. Zhang, but my father still didn't survive."

"Maybe this is fate."

Corpse collector... Corpse collector... I kept repeating this name, and finally remembered where I had heard the name of the corpse collector.

Qinglong Temple!

I heard this name in Qinglong Temple.

At that time, it was mentioned by the young monk Jingchu when he talked about the grievances between Master Guo and the old lady in flowery clothes.

The old lady died in pregnancy and turned into a fierce ghost, slaughtering all the people in Qinglong Temple, but Master Guo unexpectedly escaped this disaster.

The corpse collector took away the old lady's body. The corpse collector also left a message

The resentment has penetrated into the bone marrow. The soul is not in the body after death. The blood will stain half the sky.

The most crucial piece of information is that when I hid in the hall,

The note left by Master Leguo in the hall mentioned that the method to crack the Yin marriage contract was heard by Master Leguo from a corpse collector!

The corpse collector... another corpse collector... This corpse collector who appeared many times is most likely the same person.

The corpse collector knows the method to crack the Yin marriage contract, so it is not surprising that he can drive corpses, and naturally he has the ability to save Mr. Kou.

Now there is another very interesting relationship.

The corpse collector reminded Mr. Kou that there would be a blood disaster when he was seventy years old. This year is Mr. Kou's seventieth birthday.

The half-immortal Taoist priest whose corpse was pulled back to Jinjiagou by the corpse collector appeared twenty years later when Mr. Kou was seventy years old.

Another point is that the corpse collector came from Niuma Village!

When did such a corpse collector appear in Niuma Village?

Knowing about ghost marriage contracts and the art of driving corpses is really chilling.

Mr. Kou bit his finger and thought about something, then looked up at me, and suddenly remembered something,

He shouted in surprise: "Mr. Zhang, I remember it, I remember it!".

I looked sideways, and Mr. Kou pointed at me and said: "Zhang! That's Zhang!"

"I heard my father mention that he once called the corpse collector Mr. Zhang! The corpse collector's surname is Zhang!".

The phone was startled when he heard it, and slapped his head: "Yes, yes, it's Zhang, the captain of Jinjiagou mentioned Master Zhang once, called Zhang Zhao".

One thing after another was linked together by an invisible line,

quietly forming a shocking truth, a truth that makes people think about it terribly.

The word Zhang Zhao entered my ears. When I heard that the corpse collector who appeared many times came from Niuma Village, I had a bold guess.

Now Kou Shao confirmed that the corpse collector's surname was Zhang, and Jinjiagou said the corpse collector's name.

Zhang Zhao!

This name is familiar to me,

Because this is my grandfather's name!

The corpse collector is my grandfather!

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