The bald man who suddenly appeared had a very strange aura.

Compared to young people like me and Chaofeng, the bald man was much older than us.

And the ability of the tattoo on the bald man's ear was also strange.

He just released a few ghosts through his ears, which was really a bit fantastic.

But I was not too surprised. It was normal for the bald man to appear. If the Longmen Nine Families fell into my hands like this, I would feel that things were not going well. Only the tortuous results were the most real.

The bald man looked at me and noticed the double pupils. He was surprised, but he pointed with one hand.

The ghosts rushed towards me.

I leaned down slightly and chopped them. It was so easy to deal with the ghosts.

I chopped and cut them like cutting melons and vegetables.

The bald man was not panicked at all. He said calmly: "The double pupils of the four pupils of Fulong Mountain, the rumor is true. Chaofeng and Chiwen are not your opponents. The double pupils are too restrained by their dragon patterns. A few dragon pattern people alone can't take you down."

"People with double pupils and transplanted dragon patterns are not simple, and your future will be uncertain."

As he said this, he looked at the Chaofeng dragon pattern that I had just taken from Chaos's hand:

"Skinning... As expected... You really are... Why do you want to transplant a third dragon pattern?"

"Your existence is intolerable in the world. You have taken three dragon patterns in a row, and the nine families of Longmen will never let you go."

I rushed up with a knife: "Will not let me go? I have never regarded the nine families of Longmen as opponents."

"If you want my life, you can come, as long as you are not afraid of losing the dragon pattern. I am curious whether I have a chance to collect all nine dragon patterns."

The bald man snorted coldly and pointed his left ear at me again.

Suddenly, a cold wind blew, and a shrill, miserable ghost howl came out of his ears.

I stared at him intently, and saw a poor old man's face emerge from his ear.

Then a woman's face covered in blood squeezed out, and more than a dozen ghosts poured out of the ear like a flood.

This greatly interfered with the double pupil and blocked my knife swinging line.

The horizontal knife burned with green fire and chopped off the head of a lonely ghost. On the other side, the bald man also took action after releasing the lonely ghost.

He turned and rushed: "Go!".

As he shouted, Chaofeng and Chiwen had no choice but to escape no matter how reluctant they were. In fact, this was the only chance to escape.

If the bald man hadn't come, they would probably die here today.

Are they going to stay here and wait for death?

I was blocked by those ghosts. Seeing them trying to escape, I raised my eyebrows:

"Want to leave?"

"Not that easy!".

I used the Pulao Pi and roared to subdue the ghosts, and also made the three people from Longmen Jiujia stop for a while.

I took the opportunity to get away and chased them.

"Damn, can this be used?" The bald man's forehead veins bulged and he turned his head suddenly. A blood-red figure flew out of his ear and quickly came towards me.

I raised my sword and fell down to collide with the blood-red figure. The blood-red figure was a woman.

She was covered in blood-stained clothes and was wrapped in evil spirits. It was obviously a fierce ghost.

The blood-stained woman twisted her head and looked fierce. I was too lazy to pay attention to her.

With the heat on her back, the blood-stained woman was suppressed by the Baxia dragon pattern, and her fierce look turned into panic.

I used my fist wrapped in soul flames to knock her aside.

After clearing the obstacles in front of me, I stared at the three people who escaped, and my four pupils kept turning and adjusting to take them in.

Chao Feng, who was running away, said angrily: "Asshole, why did he have double pupils? If he didn't have double pupils, how could we fail so badly this time, my skin wouldn't be peeled off, and Chao Feng's dragon pattern wouldn't be lost."

Chi Wen: "This is not a problem with double pupils. That guy is too wrong. Even if he didn't have double pupils, could we beat him? He can use Pulao, Ba Xia's dragon pattern, and that weird skinning, but your skin was suddenly taken away by him."

"It was a mistake for us to rashly find him."

"With double pupils, it's hard for us to escape."

The bald man felt the gaze from behind and couldn't help but sigh: "Who would have thought that the double pupils of the dignified Fulong Mountain Four-Pupil Heavenly Master would appear on such a weird boy"

"The double pupils interfere with many spells and make them ineffective, and close-range spells can't take advantage. If he

If you are targeted, you will not be able to escape."

"We have already lost three dragon patterns, Pulao, Baxia, and Chaofeng. We must not lose any other dragon patterns."


Chaofeng subconsciously looked at the bald man,

A strong hand grabbed his neck, and in just a moment his neck was broken and he lost consciousness,

"To reduce the loss, this is the only way. After all, your dragon pattern has been lost." The bald man threw Chaofeng back like trash.

The growing Chaofeng in front of him blocked the bald man and Chiwen,

"That's cruel," I grinned, and swung my left hand to slap Chaofeng's chest,

Chaofeng's eyes were already white, and the bloodshot in his eyes was surging wildly, on his neck and face , spider-web-like cracks produced blood flowers flying.

Gorgeous blood flowers exploded on his body, scarlet mercury dreamily sprinkled, Chaofeng rolled on the ground twice and died completely.

The Chiwen and the bald man were gone, replaced by a few lonely ghosts released by the bald man when he escaped.

I hesitated and gave up chasing him. Don't chase a desperate enemy.

Who knows if the Longmen Nine Families will set a trap for me, and it's not me who suffered this time.

The Longmen Nine Families lost these people and lost the Chaofeng Dragon Pattern. They will be uncomfortable for a long time if they escape.

After sorting out my thoughts, I looked at Chaofeng's body.

Blood was still flowing out of the cracks on his skin, as if his body was a broken vase filled with blood.

I knew very well how this situation happened. It happened,

Raised my left hand, and there was a strange totem on my left forearm, with a slender and magical body, a dragon head, four legs, and wings on its back.

The Nine Sons of the Dragon, the Mocking Wind Dragon Pattern!

I just used the characteristics of the skin-covered ghost to transplant the dragon pattern to my arm, and the palm that hit Mocking Wind used the ability of the Mocking Wind Dragon Pattern.

There is a prerequisite for using the Mocking Wind Dragon Pattern, which is that it must be in contact with it, or it must be very close, such as separated by several layers of clothes.

The ability of the Mocking Wind Dragon Pattern is very fatal to substantial things, and its main ability is to destroy the inside,

Just like holding a box in your hand, you can break the glass bottle in the box.

I can also use the Mocking Wind Dragon Pattern to destroy the internal structure of the door lock.

Blood is the easiest to use,

My palm destroyed the blood vessels in Mocking Wind's body etc.

That’s why Chaofeng wanted to touch me with his hands before.

If I was really touched by him with Chaofeng Dragon Mark, my fate would not be much better than Chaofeng’s now.

In this way, it seems that Chaofeng Dragon Mark is aimed at people, which is very opposite to Pulao Dragon Mark.

Pulao targets souls, while Chaofeng Dragon Mark targets entities.

The ability of Chaofeng Dragon Mark is really unexpected.

When I was thinking about the dragon mark, a cold body came up from behind.

It was as cold as ice. The pale hands stretched out from behind and hugged me.

But this was not a gentle embrace. It was a deadly embrace that could break a person’s sternum.

I could see some red clothes from the side. It was the evil ghost that the bald man had released before. I beat him aside and now it is entangled with him again.

My brows were gloomy, and the huge force of my chest shrinking made me a little breathless.

I didn’t bother to pay attention to her, but she took the initiative to seek death.

The color of the pulao on the tongue was so thick that it seemed alive.

When I tried to shake her off, the force on my chest suddenly disappeared.

The cold and fierce feeling behind me was gone.

Bang! I heard a heavy sound of falling behind me.

At the same time, another kind of coldness appeared. Compared with the coldness now,

the little ghost was nothing.

I looked back and saw that the little ghost in blood-stained clothes was stuck in a grave, with his limbs twisted like hemp ropes, and his body was transparent and almost disappeared.

I had a terrifying guess when I noticed the strange aura around me.

The strange things were not over yet. The ghosts released by the bald man suddenly flew up, just like picking fruits, and they flew away after twisting their heads a few times.

While I was stunned, the ghosts were gone.

And there was a cold touch on my face, like the fingers of jade touching me, and I could see a corner of the blood-red wedding dress in my peripheral vision.


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