The old man was very happy.

"Go to the ancient house!"

Looking at the words, the blood vessels in my forehead throbbed.

Go to the ancient house... can it be that ancient house?

Zhang's ancient house!

This door is the work of the Zhang family. Is leaving this word on the door to urge me or remind me?

I took a deep breath to calm down and smiled at the old lady: "I'm sorry, grandma, this is what I drew for fun last night."

"How much do you want? I'll pay you back."

The old lady patted her heart repeatedly: "What are you drawing on the door, young man? Fortunately, I have good self-control. If it were someone with a heart disease, you would have scared them away."

"Forget it, just wipe it off. You don't have to pay, but you can't draw it again."

"Okay, thank you grandma."

After the grandma left, I found a towel and wiped the door with water, wiping off the three words "Go to the ancient house" bit by bit.

I just pretended not to see it.

What warning, what reminder, go to hell.

It took me a while to clean the door. I was hungry and wanted to go out for something to eat.

The grandma was sitting behind the counter at the door. When she saw me coming out, she greeted me: "Go out, is the door clean?".

I nodded: "Clean it."

When I was about to go out, the grandma suddenly muttered: "Go to the ancient house."

I stopped dead in my tracks and turned back to look at the grandma.

The grandma looked at me and muttered stiffly: "Go to the ancient house."

"Grandma, what are you talking about?".

She ignored me and continued to say: "Go to the ancient house."

"Go to the ancient house."

"Go to the ancient house."

My face was gloomy. The four pupils under the sunglasses saw something on the old lady. Her forehead was bloody.

I stepped forward and pointed at the old lady's head with my soul-flaming finger.

The old lady trembled and fell down, and soon woke up again.

She touched her head and was confused: "Hey, what happened to me? Why did I fall asleep so early in the morning?"

"Hey, aren't you the young man who checked in yesterday? What's the matter with you?"

I dispersed my gloom and said calmly: "Nothing, I just want to tell you that I want to check out later."

The old lady: "Oh, then you can leave before noon. Remember to take your things with you. Many young people like to leave things behind."

After leaving the hotel, I found a breakfast stall and sat down: "Boss, a basket of steamed buns and a bowl of eight-treasure porridge."

Opposite me was an old man who was busy eating.

Soon my order came up,

a basket of hot steamed dumplings and a bowl of red eight-treasure porridge,

but when I saw the eight-treasure porridge, I was stunned. A trace of blood-red floated on the porridge, and the blood-colored traces formed three words

Go to the ancestral grave!

I called the boss who was about to leave.

The female boss looked at me in surprise and was a little flustered: "Hello, what's wrong with this porridge?".

I tried to ask: "What did you see on this porridge?".

The female boss: "Red beans? Kidney beans? Rice? Or red dates? We have everything that eight-treasure porridge should have. You didn't say to put sugar, so I didn't dare to put sugar."

I stirred it with a spoon, and the red words gradually disappeared: "I wanted to ask if you saw any words or something?".

The female boss was amused by me: "You are really funny. You want to drink words out of the porridge that costs 1.5 yuan. We don't have this skill"

"It's so funny."

The boss left with a smile, while I was still thinking about what happened just now, stirring the porridge with a spoon. I don't know when the hazy blood words appeared on the porridge again.

The boss can't see it, but I can see it.

Is it an illusion targeting me alone?

And what happened in the hotel before, the words on the door, the weird behavior of the old lady, plus this porridge, it seems that I am entangled in the Zhang family's affairs.

While I was stirring the porridge, the uncle opposite me was drinking porridge with his head down, and suddenly said: "You are going to the ancestral tomb."

I stared at the man opposite me for a long time, and he looked up and said blankly: "Why are you looking at me all the time?".

He seemed to know nothing, as if what I heard was false.

This man's situation is exactly the same as the old lady in the hotel. A trace of blood on his forehead quietly dissipated, and he didn't know what he said.

What he said stimulated me a lot.

Going to the ancestral tomb, going to the ancient house... It's all about the Zhang family,

So all these strange things are related to the Zhang family.

I chewed the dumplings and drank the porridge fiercely.

Because I didn't follow my grandfather's instructions to go to the Zhang family's ancestral tomb? So the Zhang family started to make trouble?

Although I don't know how the Zhang family did it, it still makes me confused.

According to my grandfather, the Zhang family's ancient house should be in the ancestral tomb, which is sealed. If other people in the Zhang family are alive, how could the residual soul of my grandfather come to find me?

Before my grandfather was born, strange things began to happen. Could it be that someone came out of the Zhang family's ancient house? Something ran out of the ancestral tomb?

I didn't dare to believe this guess, but those strange things couldn't be explained.

After breakfast, I went back to the hotel. When I passed by my grandmother,

Grandma didn't say anything about going to the ancient house.

I stopped in front of the door of the room. There were a few more blood-red characters on the door: "Return to the ancestral tomb!"

My mouth twitched, and I went back to the room to get a towel and started to wipe it.

What the hell is going on? Is it over? Why did the Zhang family question and force me to go to the ancestral tomb and the Zhang family's ancient house?

My grandfather was the same. He didn't hesitate to use his body to come back to life to tell me that I must go to the ancestral tomb.

That night, he didn't know how many times he said it and how many times he asked me.

When I put on my grandfather's skin, I also felt the strong will. They wanted me to go to the ancestral tomb no matter what!

The more obvious their intentions became, the more I wanted to do the opposite.

I stayed for another day. I wanted to figure out what these strange things were. Let's start with the blood words on the door.

I paid a one-day rent extension with the old lady. I stayed in the room, sat on the bed and stared at the door.

If the blood words were man-made, or ghosts, or evil spirits, then I could catch them and force them to tell me some things about the Zhang family.

The Zhang family's things were too weird.

Who would think it was normal for an entire family to be buried in the ancestral tomb?

These strange things happened under my eyelids and in my eyes. I don't think anyone can be silent under my eyes.

Just as I thought, strange things started to happen half an hour later.

The sticky scarlet blood beads oozed out from the door panel, followed by more blood beads, which broke and connected into one piece and fell naturally.

Until a few bloody characters were formed

"Return to the ancestral grave!".

I sighed, retracted my gaze, and came to the door to wipe the blood stains that had not yet dried with my hands

Sure enough, it was not man-made, it seemed like a supernatural event without ghosts, was it done by the Zhang family's ancient house?

Constantly reminding me, constantly urging me,

trying to find ways to get me back to the ancestral grave,

This strange thing happened the day after I killed my grandfather's residual soul,

It seemed that the Zhang family's ancient house noticed that I had no intention of going back, so these strange things happened.

The Zhang family's affairs made me upset, so I went back to wash my face to wake up. Washing my face was not a big deal, but when I saw the mirror, my pupils shrank,

In addition to the mysterious double pupils on the pretty face,

there was a group of blood between the eyebrows that could not be dispersed, and it was so thick that it seemed to be dripping with blood.

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