After hearing that I hadn't heard anything for a long time, the Taoist priest Liang Hu said in confusion: "Ah Si, what's wrong with you?"

"You don't want to go back, do you?".

I didn't say anything.

The Taoist priest Liang Hu said in panic: "Hey, you must not have such an idea. The incident in Niuma Village has nothing to do with you."

"Although Niuma Village is your hometown, you didn't kill them. You don't need to go back and cause trouble."

"Niuma Village is now full of Taoist priests from Fulong Mountain, experts from the Supernatural Countermeasures Bureau, and people in the industry. Your identity has not been cleared yet. If you go back now, won't you be going to die?".

"If you ask me, you should just find a place to hide quietly. There are people dying there, and you can't do anything about it anyway."

I kept silent for a while and asked, "Who went to Fulong Mountain?"

The Taoist priest Liang Hu said, "The death toll in Niuma Village is too high, and the Supernatural Countermeasures Bureau has also rated the danger of Niuma Village as particularly high, so my two junior brothers, one junior sister, and Si Tong went there."

I was a little surprised: "Master Si Tong went down the mountain?"

The one invited down the mountain by the Supernatural Countermeasures Bureau turned out to be Master Si Tong?

What would happen if the Master of Fulong Mountain met the ancestral tomb of the Zhang family in Niuma Village, which is such an evil place?

The Taoist priest Liang Hu explained, "This time, the Supernatural Countermeasures Bureau felt that the matter in Niuma Village was not simple, so they asked a person with high Taoism to go down the mountain. It happened that Si Tong had been imprisoned in Fulong Mountain these days, and Si Tong took the initiative to recommend himself, and Sanhua also wanted Si Tong to make up for his mistakes."

"So Si Tong took my three junior brothers and sisters with him."

"So, you can't go there. There are a group of powerful people gathered there. Even Si Tong can't help you openly. Even if you have double pupils, can you defeat so many people?"

"You will put yourself in the spotlight again. Why bother?"

"Besides, Si Tong is enough for that place. Si Tong is a heavenly master. Even without double pupils, he is not something that ordinary evil spirits can deal with. There is also the Supernatural Countermeasures Bureau and people in the industry. No matter what kind of evil spirits, all kinds of ghosts will be exterminated."

"Now in Niuma Village, people are suppressed when they leave, and ghosts die when they leave."

"If they can't deal with the ghost problem in Niuma Village and are wiped out, I'm afraid the whole industry will be shaken."

"Ah Si, did you hear me? Don't go to see them off. They really suspect that you are a ghost in disguise. Maybe they will kill you as a ghost in disguise."

I hummed dully, my eyes focused on the window,

The bloody words on the window changed

"They will die!".

The thick blood flowed like a living thing, twisting, changing slightly, and adding another word.

"They will all die!".

Creak...Creak...I gritted my teeth with all my strength, staring at the window,

They will all die? What does this sentence mean?

Are you threatening me?

I put my phone down, walked to the bed, and pressed my five fingers on the window, turning blue and white.

"Are you threatening me?"

"You mean if I don't go to Niuma Village, then the Four-eyed Heavenly Master, the Taoist priest of Fulong Mountain, the people from the Supernatural Countermeasures Bureau, etc. who go to Niuma Village will all die?".

The bloody words on the window were still flowing, and soon formed a few words in front of my five fingers

[Go back! ]

[Return to the ancestral grave! ]

[No one can survive! ]

[Only you can save them! ]

[You must bear the fate of the Zhang family! 】

I stared at the window, watching the scarlet liquid change one after another,

Every sentence was triggering people's emotional switches, and every sentence could cause people's anger.

The bloody words finally stopped at [You can never get rid of the Zhang family! ]

I exhaled lightly, the veins on my forehead twisted, and my movements were like a desperate beast, and my fists fell heavily on the line of bloody words,

Crack...several transparent cracks instantly split the bloody words, and then the spider-web-like shattering shattered everything.

The fragments of glass showed the fragments of each bloody word in the air. If they were cleverly combined, they might form many new possibilities. The bloody stars sprinkled and added a sense of beauty of rupture and fall.

I stood in front of the window for a while and then returned to the bedside and picked up the phone: "Hello............".

Liang Hu said hurriedly: "You finally have a voice. You were silent just now, and I heard some broken sounds again. I thought something happened to you."

"It's okay, I accidentally knocked over the water cup."

Liang Hu: "By the way, did you hear what I said just now? Don't think about going back to the village or anything like that.

I just want you to be mentally prepared, not to encourage you to go back and die".

I laughed and said: "Do you think I am such a reckless person?".

"There are heavenly masters and the Supernatural Countermeasures Bureau there. I'm going to Chunchun just to die. Who cares about the evil ghosts? Let them deal with it."

Liang Hu sighed: "It's good that you think so. So be it."

"I called you just to inform you of your situation. After all, Niuma Village is your hometown."

"I've been there too. The noodles made by that boss are quite delicious, but... I didn't expect... Hey..."

I was depressed because of him: "Aunt Wang next door... often drives me to the city. Uncle... Village Chief...".

After hanging up the phone, the only sounds in the room were my breathing and the wind.

Without a window, the night wind outside came in even more recklessly,

rolling up thin clothes like a search, blowing the strokes on the wall.

I took out my phone and looked at the group that the two Hu Taoist priests had pulled me into before.

Although I haven't been active in these days, the group didn't kick me out.

This time was to confirm one thing.

Looking through the chat history, the most active person in the group was Xiao Lingdang from the Supernatural Countermeasures Bureau.

Xiao Lingdang: "Something happened! Something happened!"

"There's a big ghost problem! A big ghost problem!"

Li Muyu: "Why do you always have your screen exploded in the middle of the night? What happened again?"

Ghost hunting expert Wang Zhi: "Big ghost problem? How can there be a big ghost problem now? "

"You are spreading rumors again. The last time you spread rumors about a big ghost plague, I went to the place and found out it was just a fierce ghost."

Xiao Lingdang: "Really! This time it is a really terrible ghost plague"

"Everyone in the village died!"

Wang Zhi: "What!"

Li Muyu: "A village?"

Two Taoist priests: "Fuck".

Then Xiao Lingdang sent a photo, which was taken from the air by a drone.

In the photo, hundreds of people were kneeling in one direction with their hands stretched out and their heads on the ground in a weird kneeling posture.

There were also livestock, and at the end of the direction they were kneeling was a blood-brown large tomb mound, the earth red of the tomb mound seemed to be about to ooze blood.

Add to the surrounding darkness, this photo is so weird.

Xiao Lingdang sent a sentence: "All those kneeling here are dead."

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