After the car door was opened, I imitated the previous two times, and suddenly grabbed her neck and burned it with soul flame and double pupil. After dealing with her, I had a guess in my mind, they seemed to be three ghosts, and from the double pupil, they didn't seem to be the same ghost, and I used the soul flame to attack several times, and it worked every time. Now the eldest sister, the second sister, and the youngest sister have all been killed by my soul flame, and there is no fourth sister, right? I was dizzy because of these three ghosts, and I drank a sip of water and drove the car into the road. After driving for five or six minutes, the speed began to slow down. I grabbed the steering wheel and stared at the old woman standing on the roadside ahead.

She waved with her messy hair.

For a moment, I was confused.

Is it her?

They are supposed to be three sisters. I have killed three of them with soul flames.

But why did I meet her again?

Is this the fourth sister?

I tried to stop the car and greet her: "Grandma, what are you doing here in the middle of the night?"

The old woman smiled at me sinisterly, moved closer and said: "Young man, can you give me a ride?"

"I lost my two sisters, and they are on this road."

"Pull me forward and you will see them in a while."

"I will get off the car when I see them."

"Young man, please be kind."

Two sisters!

I subconsciously exerted force with my five fingers. This old woman is the eldest sister...

The first eldest sister I killed among the three sisters has appeared again.

At that time, I was sure that I had burned her to ashes with soul flames, but how could she appear again?

According to the details,

She didn't seem to remember me, and she saw the same painting again.

I ignored her, drove away, and continued to move forward. Soon, the old woman appeared on the roadside in front of me again.

I parked the car, and she came up and said:

"Young man, you........".


Her words were basically the same as before, except that she was looking for her elder sister and younger sister, and she was the second child.

I ignored her and continued to drive past.

Then I met the third old woman.

I took the initiative to greet her: "Grandma, is there anything I can help you with?"

The skinny figure hiding in the night smiled: "Young man, can you give me a ride?"

"I can't find my two sisters.........".

The rest of the words were the same as the previous two.

After a circle like this, I can basically conclude that I have entered a new cycle.

The cycle formed by these three old ladies!

Each of them is like a corner of a triangle. I walked through each corner clockwise once, and now I walked through it again.

This is almost like I destroyed each corner of the triangle, and when I turned around, I found that the destroyed corners appeared again.

This also confirmed my guess that these three ghosts might have been one ghost, or maybe they were three ghosts,

But their categories would never be lonely ghosts, fierce ghosts, and the third category of great evil!

If it is a great evil, then it will be a bit difficult to deal with.

I don’t know her situation yet, and I will be involved in her rules if I am not careful.

This is why I have always killed her before she got on the car.

I thought about it and tried to find a way out. I opened the car door.

The old woman came up with a smile, and then I pinched her neck and burned her to death with soul fire.

After solving this, I drove forward and solved the eldest and the second one in turn.

After the three ghosts were dealt with, I drove forward for a while,

The old woman appeared on the side of the road again, and she greeted me with a smile.

I opened the car window and asked, she was looking for her two sisters,

which means I entered a new cycle again.

It seems that the three ghosts cannot be completely eliminated one by one, as if they can be reborn.

The car stopped on the side of the road, and I looked at the old woman and pondered for a moment,

Depending on the different surroundings and some differences on the road,

I can tell that these three ghosts are on the same road, just at different points,

They will not move actively, but always greet me to take a ride.

There are rules for the murder of the murderer, so there must be a prerequisite for her to kill me,

She did not have the intention to kill me for several consecutive times, which made me speculate.

The three sisters are looking for each other, but they have no intention of moving,

Their murder is likely related to finding someone,

In my

This rule will be triggered when you let them get on the car or help them find their sisters.

Since we are stuck in a dead loop, we might as well take the initiative to touch her rules.

I took the bronze horizontal knife out of the knife box and put it aside,

and drove the car forward a little bit, opened the door and let the old woman get on,

This time I didn't take the initiative, but watched the old woman get on the car little by little,

She was very happy when she got on the car, and there was still the expectation of finding her relatives on her face,

Until the door was closed again, she still did not move abnormally.

The old woman grabbed her clothes tightly and said:

"My two sisters are in front, young man, you can see them if you drive forward."

I nodded slightly and stepped on the accelerator. There was nothing wrong with the old woman's words,

If you go forward, you can indeed meet her two sisters. What will happen if the three sisters meet each other?

Driving at a constant speed with curiosity,

After a while, something was wrong with my eyebrows,

I used my double pupils to observe the surroundings. Even though it was night, there was no obstacle in my double pupils' eyes,

According to reason, at this speed, I should have been able to meet the second of the three sisters,

But when the car passed the position where the second sister was, the roadside was empty, and there was no ghost at all.

The old woman in the car showed an uneasy and anxious look: "Hey, where did my two sisters go? We are obviously not far away."

I didn't say anything and kept the car going straight,

This time the car came to the position where the third sister was,

The speed slowed down, and I glanced outside and there was no trace of ghosts,

There was a problem with this cycle. After I pulled the old woman up, the remaining two sisters disappeared.

A scratching sound suddenly came from behind,

The old woman clasped the soft back of the seat with her ten fingers, her face ferocious and desperate: "People? Where are they!".

"Where did my sisters go?"

She began to question me in a harsh voice: "The road is wrong, the road you took me to is wrong!"

"My two sisters are clearly in front of me, how can I not find them!".

The bloodshot eyes were madly scattered, and her face was distorted: "Where did you take me to!".

When the old woman roared, her mouth was split open, enough to swallow a head, and she bit towards me.

I swung my right hand back,

The bronze green shadow drilled into her mouth like an unstoppable dragon,

pierced through her mouth and back of the head with the green fire, and her head was stuck in the back seat.

"Finally here", I pushed the knife a step further and the old woman's struggle became more miserable.

It dissipated after a few times.

This time, I figured out the conditions for the old woman to kill.

Her killing seemed to be based on the premise that she couldn't find her two sisters.

When she didn't see the second sister, she became irritable and uneasy, and when she didn't see the third sister, she started to kill.

It seemed that the killing intention was caused by disappointment in not finding them.

After driving a little further, the old woman was still waving at us from the roadside.

This time it was the eldest brother.

A new cycle began.

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