The decision to return to the village is not to run to the ancestral tomb in confusion.

The destruction of Niuma Village is related to the ancestral tomb and the villagers.

I want to know what happened on the night of the destruction of the village.

What did the ancestral tomb do to make the whole village kneel down and die in front of the ancestral tomb?

Why did the people in the village stay in the house again?

If you want to find out this information, of course you have to find someone who has experienced the whole thing, that is, the residents of Niuma Village!

Even if they are not alive, isn’t it enough to communicate?

This is the village chief's house. I walked a few steps towards him.

Bright lights shone from the window as I walked in.

There were suddenly several shadows at the window, some of different heights.

The village chief's smoky voice sounded: "Hey, Ah Si, you're back."

"You finally listened to me this time."

"You're still wandering around outside when something like this happened to your family."

I responded calmly: "Thank you very much, uncle called me."

The village chief: "It's a small matter. Since you're back, come in and have a cup of tea."

"My wife has been saying that you're missing."

"Okay, sorry to bother you."

I held the knife in one hand and went to open the door with the other hand.

The caller who made the call in front of the two Hu Taoist priests has now found the owner.

It was the village chief who called, but he wasn't the village chief.

I walked through the small courtyard of the village chief's house.

Under the gaze of the shadows behind the window, I came to the door and grasped the cold and rusty door handle with my hand.

I exerted a little force on my arm and was about to push the door open.


A frightened cold shout exploded in the countryside in the middle of the night.

I stopped pushing the door and turned my head to look behind me. A short figure came out from behind a house.

He looked nervous and said with a look of shock and fear: "Don't open the door!"

"There is no one in there! You will lose your life if you open the door."

I looked at this person with curiosity.

This person wore a black leather jacket on his upper body, ripped jeans on his lower body, held a black pistol in both hands, and had something like a baton on his waist.

The attention of my pupils was all focused on that person, so that the things in front of me became more transparent and more visible.

I raised my eyebrows and saw a very representative thing under his jacket.

Work permit!

That was the work permit of the Supernatural Countermeasures Bureau, which meant that this person's identity was inclined to the Supernatural Countermeasures Bureau.

I hesitated for a moment whether to open the door. If I opened the door, I would not die.

I knew that even if I died, I would not die here. The Zhang family wanted me to go to the ancestral tomb, and the Zhang family would not tolerate anything that would hinder their will.

But now I don't want to open the door.

If you need information, isn't it delivered to your door now?

"I know," I let go of my hand and took two steps back.

The man from the Supernatural Countermeasures Bureau with a gun also breathed a sigh of relief.

He slightly adjusted the muzzle of the gun to point at me, and his peripheral vision occasionally glanced at the bronze horizontal sword in my hand.

"Who are you?".

I thought about it and linked the words that had been prepared in my mind, and blurted out:

"My name is Jing Chi, and I am a disciple of Taoist Chongming of Fulong Mountain."

"Master Chongming and Master Sanhua were afraid that Master Sitong, who was blind, would have trouble on this trip, so they sent me to help and send him a magic weapon."

I held up the bronze sword as if showing it off.

What I was least afraid of was questions, I was sure he wouldn't be suspicious of my identity.

First, there was Qi Qi's lies, and the persuasiveness of his conversation was enough to dispel many suspicions.

Second, Master Chongming did have a disciple named Jingchi, whom I specially noted down when I was in Fulong Mountain.

Third, I had a lot of information about Fulong Mountain, the name of the master, the current situation of Sitong, and this magic weapon. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that this kind of magic weapon was made by Master Sanhua, and even if they couldn't see it, they could feel that the person who made it was not ordinary.

So it was reasonable and legal to send the magic weapon in the name of Master Chongming's disciple.

The man was stunned for a few seconds after hearing my fluent answer, and then he realized it and put down his gun without any suspicion.

Apologetically, "It turns out that you are the Taoist priest from Fulong Mountain"

"I was disrespectful to the Taoist priest just now. After all, this place is too weird."

He took out his work ID: "My name is Li Xugang, and I am a third-level agent of the Supernatural Countermeasures Bureau."

"The Taoist priest has just arrived in this village and everything is not clear yet. I need to inform you of some things in advance."

I showed a puzzled look: "I am also wondering why this village is like this... It's not that..."

I was halfway through my words,

I heard Li Xugang's cell phone ding, like a radar.

It rang suddenly without warning, shocking your heart and making your heart rate unbalanced.

Li Xugang looked around in horror, and then stared at the door of the village chief's house.

I saw the shadows in front of the village chief's window disappear, and some footsteps came from the house.

The footsteps seemed to be moving forward, one step heavier than the other.

Swish! Li Xugang put the pistol behind his waist and shouted with a pale face:

"Go, they are coming out!".

Without waiting for me to react, Li Xugang spread his legs and ran desperately.

I noticed that the ghosts in the surrounding houses seemed to be gone in an instant, and the door of the village chief's house showed signs of turning at this time.

It didn't open at the first seemed to be,

Bang! ........The things inside began to bang on the door impatiently,

Bang! ......The door was about to fall down.............

I saw that Li Xugang was running in a remote path in the village, so I started to chase him.

Soon I caught up with him and asked, "Comrade from the Supernatural Countermeasures Bureau, why are you running?".

"Aren't we here to exorcise evil?".

Li Xugang's face turned pale and he spat fiercely, "Pah, exorcise the hell of evil"

"For people like us, it's good enough to save our lives, let alone exorcise evil".

"If we hadn't run just now, we would have run into those things when they came out".

"Those things are very strange. They come out every forty minutes and return to the house after forty minutes".

"If we run into them, we will die"

Me: "Those things? What are they?"

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