After Li Muyu finished speaking, he felt guilty.

He was furious.

Why did he come here?

How did he meet here?

And Jing Chi, he just said it without thinking.

After greeting Li Muyu, he greeted the two people separately.

The man with a ponytail and a big beard was called Wang Chao.

The man with the work ID of the Supernatural Countermeasures Bureau was Li Xugang's colleague, a second-level agent of the Countermeasures Bureau, named Zheng Jin.


I skillfully pulled out a small stool from under the table and sat down.

Zheng Jinchao asked Li Xugang: "Did you find anything during your trip?"

Li Xugang shook his head with a distressed look on his face: "No, I didn't see the Heavenly Master, nor the experts."

"Although the blood mist in the village has disappeared, there is still no trace of the Heavenly Masters."

"Do you think the Heavenly Masters are at that grave?"

Wang Chao, who had a ponytail, agreed: "It is indeed possible, after all, the Four-eyed Heavenly Master wanted to go to that grave from the beginning."

"Maybe the Heavenly Masters really went to that grave."

Li Xugang's face looked like he had eaten bitter melon: "Then what are we looking for?"

"Is that grave a place we can go? Those ghosts in the village alone can kill us."

I was silent on the side, but I also heard some meaning from their conversation.

It seems that the Four-eyed Heavenly Master has lost contact with them?

Zheng Jin angrily hammered the table, causing it to shake. The old table almost fell apart.

"This damn village, and that broken grave, has caused so many problems for no reason. I was on vacation, but they called me here."

"Now I'm trapped in this place, and there are a bunch of monsters outside."

"I'll dig up that grave if I get a chance."

I glanced at Zheng Jin, my eyelids twitching, feeling a little unhappy.

This guy hid in my house, hammered my table, and cursed that he would dig up my ancestral grave.

If it were me a few months ago, I might have pinned him to the ground and beat him.

I have no feelings for the Zhang family now.

As for digging the grave?

If he had the ability, he could dig it up, and I would applaud him after he dug it up.

"Well, I'll go to the toilet," I said casually and went out.

When I left, I looked at Li Muyu meaningfully.

There is an acquaintance here. She should know what is going on now.

Li Muyu's face changed when she received my hint, and she pursed her lips with a bitter look.

After a while, Li Muyu also found an excuse to slip out.

Behind my side house is a dead end alley, where some sundries are usually piled up.

Waiting for Li Muyu in the alley, she behaved strangely after she came.

She hid one or two meters away from me as if she was afraid.

I opened my mouth and was about to ask, but I heard her say: "You are not a human."

"Your identity is not confirmed yet, so you are not a human, but why did you come here?".

"So many people have just died here, and you appear here again. You make me very suspicious."

"You can doubt slowly, I just want to ask you something," I said with my hands spread out.

"Where is the Four-eyed Heavenly Master? What happened after you came?".

Li Muyu stared at me suspiciously for a while, then slowly said:

"Didn't Xiao Lingdang say that there was a ghost here? I naturally couldn't be absent, so I came here."

"Also here are the Four-eyed Heavenly Master and the three Taoist priests brought by the Heavenly Master, experts from the Supernatural Countermeasures Bureau, etc."

"We entered here and encountered strange blood..."

I interrupted her: "Stop, I already know what's going on above. I know you encountered blood mist. I want to know what happened after you encountered the blood mist?"

Li Muyu said angrily: "Then we got separated."

"After the blood mist dissipated, the Four-eyed Heavenly Master found that the village was full of ghosts, so he asked everyone below the experts to withdraw. There was no point for them to stay, and they would only increase casualties. I was also excluded."

"We have no objection to letting us leave. If even the experts and the Heavenly Master can't solve the evil spirits, we will die if we go."

"We followed the instructions of the Four-eyed Heavenly Master and left the village. There were six of us when we left: three agents from the Supernatural Countermeasures Bureau, Wang Chao, me, and a Taoist priest from Fulong Mountain."

"Just as we were about to leave the village, the strange blood mist appeared again, as if

Something was blocking us from leaving the village. We tried to force our way through the blood mist. We clearly remember that we were moving straight ahead, but after passing through the blood mist, we found that we were back in the village, and at that time they appeared, human ghosts! ".

"Originally, those human ghosts were in the house. It is likely that we attracted attention when we were about to leave the village, and those human ghosts came out. An agent from the Supernatural Countermeasures Bureau died at that time."

"After that, we tried to escape again, and the result was the same. Every time we wanted to pass through the blood mist to leave the village, we would go back to the village, which would also attract human ghosts."

"The Taoist priest in Fulong Mountain exchanged his life for our chance to escape, which allowed us to escape here and figure out some of the action logic of human ghosts."

"The human ghosts will appear every forty minutes and return to the house after forty minutes."

I asked curiously: "Is it okay to hide here? ".

Li Muyu: "No, this place is strange."

"For some reason, those human ghosts would not come near here. Thanks to this place, we saved our lives."

"Oh, that's it."

I can understand why human ghosts would not come near here.

Human ghosts are related to the Zhang family. This is my home. It is normal that human ghosts would not come near here.

I continued to ask: "Did you encounter ghosts when you came to this house? Two female ghosts, one big and one small."

Li Muyu thought about it seriously: "Female ghosts? No, I didn't encounter any female ghosts when I came here. This house is empty."

"But why did you come here? Why are you still asking about the female ghost?"

"Don't be blind...", I just said two words.

There was a knock on the door at the door,

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Li Muyu and I looked at each other and rushed out immediately, Wang Chao and others in the main room also came out,

Bang! Bang! Bang!........

The knock on the door continued.........The door at the door had been broken for a long time,

Now there is only half a wooden board blocking the door,

But there was a black shadow standing at the door, and it raised its hand to knock on the broken door again and again.

A group of us came to the yard,

Zheng Jin and Li Xugang looked ugly,

"The things outside are not human", Zheng Jin cursed and immediately took out the gun, quickly adjusted his posture and fired,

In my eyes, the iron muzzle burst into fire,

A silver bullet shot out, and the bullet was engraved with fine talismans.

Zheng Jin fired several shots at the black shadow, and the black shadow did not even shake, as if it did not hit, and kept knocking on the door,

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