The red light from the window penetrated, and the room was dark and difficult to see. In such an environment, the dark golden pupils, like flowing golden water, suddenly opened, and in an instant, they surpassed all colors and attracted people's attention. The eyes gave people a strange, weird, and arrogant feeling. Not only that, the golden lines spread from the eye sockets to cover half of the face, and continued to go down. The golden lines appeared on the neck, and even on one hand. This kind of gold is very obvious in the dim environment. The dark golden pupil stared at me, and the man disappeared from the spot the next moment.

A black shadow occupied my vision, and a big hand with several golden lines on the palm grabbed me.

I took a step back and barely avoided it, and pulled out the gun of the Supernatural Countermeasures Bureau from my waist and pointed it at him.

"There are talisman bullets from the Supernatural Countermeasures Bureau inside. It's not very comfortable to be hit."

The man's eyes stayed on the gun, and he said familiarly: "This is Zheng Jin's gun, how did you get his gun?".

I put the gun down on my own initiative: "I have no ill intentions, Mr. Wang Zhi, a ghost hunting expert."

Wang Zhi considered me with distrust, but the gun of the Supernatural Countermeasures Bureau and my words just now played a little role,

At least it gave me a chance to make it clear,

Now Wang Zhi is not in a good state. He just tried to grab me but failed, and he was out of breath.

It is worth noting that the golden lines on half of his face are deeper and brighter.

"Who are you?".

Alas.... This question again.

I copied it tirelessly and showed the bronze sword: "I am Jing Chi from Fulong Mountain, a disciple of Taoist Chongming. This time I came to help the Four-eyed Heavenly Master and specially sent the magic weapon...".

I said a lot, including Zheng Jin and Lao Liao to improve my credibility.

After all, Wang Zhi is more difficult and extraordinary than Lao Liao and Zheng Jin.

The golden lines on his body gave me a bad feeling.

It was not the first time I heard the name Wang Zhi. In the group that the Erhu Taoist pulled me into, the ghost-catching expert Wang Zhi often popped up.

When Xiao Lingdang told me about Niuma Village, Wang Zhi immediately said that he would come.

As a result, he really came and I ran into him.

I had information about the Erhu Taoist and Fulong Mountain, and I used ghost stories to dispel most of Wang Zhi's suspicion.

He took a deep breath and sat down on the ground as if he had lost all his strength.

He sat cross-legged with difficulty, pinching the strange magic seal with both hands.

The golden lines on half of his face dimmed and brightened with his breathing.

I frowned and looked at him. Wang Zhi seemed to be suppressing something with the help of the golden lines. I asked with a slight guess:

"You have that fleshy face?"

Wang Zhi nodded while maintaining the seal.

Suddenly his expression froze, and his ten fingers formed a seal and spread out.

The golden lines that spread over half of his body suddenly dimmed,

until they disappeared, and the dark golden pupil returned to normal.

Wang Zhi supported himself with his exhausted hands, and sweat oozed rapidly from his forehead.

And his right face, which was previously covered with golden lines, swelled up after the lines disappeared.

The whole right face swelled up, and the swollen tumor slowly formed a face that looked hideous and roaring.

Not only that, a fleshy face on Wang Zhi's left shoulder was sticking out of his clothes.

Wang Zhi gritted his teeth and pounded the ground hard, then sat up again, changing his hands into seals.

The dark golden pupil opened again, and dark golden lines emerged from under the skin, neck, arms, right face,

The tumorous face that had just grown seemed to have sensed something terrible, and the fleshy face twisted into a terrifying look,

As the golden lines completely emerged, the tumorous face flattened, and the swollen skin gradually returned to its original state,

As if nothing strange had ever happened to that skin.

A minute later, the tumorous faces on Wang Zhi's body were suppressed by him.

I observed the dark golden lines in amazement. It was the first time I saw such a thing.

With this thing, the tumorous face caused by the flesh ghost could be suppressed back.

Wang Zhi is not simple.

Wang Zhi seemed to know that I was observing him, and said calmly:

"You have seen Lao Liao, so you naturally know the weirdness of this fleshy face."

"Lao Liao did not escape, and several of his companions were also infected with this ominous thing."

"Fortunately, I have the means to suppress this thing, so I want to explore it and find a way to deal with it, so I deliberately got infected. I advise you to stay away from me. This thing cannot be removed for the time being, and it will continue to grow."

Intentionally infected? To be honest, I don't

Too confident,

This thing doesn't even know when it will be provoked, did Wang Zhi take the initiative to provoke it?

Wang Zhi glanced at the golden lines on his hand: "Suppression is suppression after all...."

"Maybe I can get rid of this thing."

I don't hide it either.

At the beginning, Lao Liao had been eroded too deeply, and I was powerless.

But Wang Zhi can suppress this thing so that he will not be eroded, and then he can save him.

Wang Zhi looked up in astonishment, not quite believing: "Do you have a way to get rid of this flesh face?"

"I'm talking about eradication, not digging it out, which is a temporary solution."

"It's eradication."

Wang Zhi stared at me for several seconds, and he spread the seal: "Let you try."

"At worst, I will continue to suppress it, just some ominous things."

"How should I cooperate with you?"

"Take off your clothes."

............ Wang Zhi glanced at me with a slightly suspicious look, and finally he did it under my sincere gaze.

Wang Zhi is not very old, in his twenties, and with his casual clothes, he looks like a silly college student.

After taking off his clothes, Wang Zhi's well-trained muscular body was exposed to the air.

There were many scars, gunshot wounds, and scratches on his body.

When he took off his clothes, his ID fell off, and I picked it up from the ground and handed it to him:

"Expert of the Supernatural Countermeasures Bureau... You are younger than Lao Liao...".

Wang Zhi was not proud, and said calmly: "The evaluation of experts is not based on age or work experience, but on ability."

"Level 3 and Level 2 agents are not suitable to come here. Level 1 agents like Lao Liao are helpless. I, an expert, have to rely on others to save me now."

"Experts are nothing."

After Wang Zhi unlocked the seal, the dark gold lines on his body quickly hid under his skin, and the tumor face lost its suppression and grew wildly.

Almost two tumorous faces swelled and formed hideously on Wang Zhi's face.

My eyes fixed, and I quickly peeled off the fleshy faces, and stared at the skin to find the real trouble.

Wang Zhi raised one eyelid and glanced at the tumorous faces on the ground, and said meaningfully:

"Your technique is not ordinary. You took off the fleshy faces so quickly and painlessly. I'm afraid that famous doctors would be dumbfounded."

"But don't worry, you are saving me. I shut up and didn't see anything. I, Wang Zhi, am not the kind of person who beats the chef after putting down the bowl."

"That's best."

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