The nails of the hands on the wall...squeak...squeak.

As the nails scratched, a scripture was torn by scratches and completely destroyed.

I couldn't help but shout angrily: "What are you doing!".

Liaoguo didn't say anything, just smiled faintly at me, and the corners of his lips were slightly outlined.

I almost fell into panic and confusion.

The Liaoguo in front of me was a fake, and the real Master Liaoguo had died on the top of the Buddha statue a long time ago.

There are many other doubts,

Isn't it past three o'clock now?

The time limit of the ghost contract has expired, why is that thing still chasing me?

What's the point of her destroying the scripture now?

Could it be that the validity period of the ghost agreement is not three hours?

Suddenly, a piece of white paper next to the feet of the Buddha statue caught my attention. I could see a few words on it from a distance.

"Including me!"

My pupils shrank sharply. This was the missing corner of the letter left by Master Leguo. I didn't expect it to be in this place.

If the letter is put together, the last sentence is: "Don't trust anyone, including me!"

Master Leguo seemed to have guessed everything.

However, it was still a step too late. I didn't find the missing corner, nor did I find that Master Leguo's body was on top of the Buddha statue.

And I put another Leguo in.

I looked at the clock again with a questioning attitude


The time on the clock is 2:50, and there are still ten minutes to 3 o'clock!

How is it possible? It was already past 3 o'clock when I looked last time, and I waited a little longer on purpose.

At this time, something below the clock caught my attention.

It was a paper-cut clock, and the time on the paper-cut clock had passed three o'clock.

Suddenly I figured out everything.

The time had not actually passed three o'clock, but the paper-cut clock was attached to the original clock, which disrupted my view of time.

But this was a small routine, paving the way for her next move.

She used the identities of Leguo and Jingchu to confuse me, making me always on guard and tense.

And she also took the initiative to reveal her flaws.

The first time she found Jingchu's flaw was her long black hair, and the second time she found Guo's flaw was his weird eyes.

When she met Guo for the third time, she found a blood-stained cassock.

The previous two times were intentional, with the purpose of numb my vigilance, so that I would definitely spy on the outside world again to find flaws next time.

She falsified the time again to make me relax further, and then appeared as Leguo without any flaws.

On the premise that the time of the underworld appointment had passed, she appeared as the person I trusted the most.

In this way, I would naturally trust Leguo, and the door would naturally open.

After entering, she first destroyed the scriptures and destroyed my last line of defense. Even if her identity was discovered later, it was powerless to save the situation.

Her actions made me feel cold and angry.

It was not that I was deceived and fell into a trap, but the death of Master Leguo!

There is a 90% chance that the letter on the cushion was left by Master Leguo. He guessed most of the things and even guessed that he would die.

But I don’t understand why Master Leguo died?

Isn’t she going to kill me? Why didn’t she let Leguo go, and let him die in such a cruel way.

When I turned around in anger, Leguo had disappeared.

The hall was empty again, and the destroyed scriptures were particularly conspicuous.

Where did he go? Where did that bastard go? !

I lost control and roared at the surroundings:

"Aren't you going to kill me!"

"Come on!"

"Why did you attack Le Guo? Is it because he hindered you?"

"Okay, aren't you going to kill me? Come on, there is no obstacle now"

"Come and kill me! My life depends on it!"

"You have been chasing me for these days, and you have spent so much effort just for my life!"

The hall still only echoed my voice, without any other reaction.

I knelt on the futon weakly, and I was really fed up with it all.

I worked hard for half the night, tossed around for several days, and sacrificed Master Le Guo, but in return I still had to die.

Ten minutes, ten minutes left.

Now that the scripture has been destroyed, it means that there is a hole in the airtight eggshell.

I don't know where the scripture is, and I have no way to sew it.

Under the weak moonlight, two long shadows were reflected on the floor of the hall.

I looked up and stood in front of the door

There were two figures, one fat and one thin, swaying in the wind.

They came in swaying, and their outlines became clear.

The facial features were painted with heavy ink, the face was like a painting, and the skin slightly exposed the wood fiber, paper people!

These were two paper people, one black and one white.

The black paper person carried a chain on his shoulder, and the white paper person held a pale mourning stick.

I gritted my teeth and stood up, staring with bloodshot eyes

I was still holding the wooden fish in my arms, and I struck it again


It is not my character to wait for death and give up in difficult situations. Even if there is no hope, I will fight for him a point!


The wooden fish was struck continuously, and the effect was obvious and it was still somewhat useful.

The two paper people, one black and one white, stopped when they heard the sound of the wooden fish, and their bodies creaked and shook.

I kept knocking the wooden fish with a cold look

Ten minutes! As long as I can hold on for ten minutes, everything should have a result.

I have survived for more than two hours, so why should I be afraid of these ten minutes?

The two paper figures could not move forward, and they were swaying as if they were about to fall apart. The two paper figures looked at each other.

The white paper figure suddenly threw out the mourning stick,

The mourning stick flew straight towards me without turning around, as if it had eyes.

I immediately dodged with the wooden fish, and the black paper figure immediately threw out the chain as soon as I moved.

The chain first passed over my body, and the black paper figure moved his arm, and the chain immediately turned around and firmly wrapped around my neck.

The moment it was put on, the chain tightened to the extent that it would break the person's neck, and at the same time dragged me towards the paper figure.

I fell to the ground and struggled to hit the wooden fish.

The mourning stick that had originally flown away flew back and knocked the wooden fish away.

The white paper figure caught the mourning stick again, and the black paper figure pulled the chain and dragged me towards it.

The paper figure grabbed both ends of the chain and pulled it, as if to break my neck.

I could only hold the chain with both hands to avoid the tragic situation of my neck. My strength was completely incomparable to that of the paper man.

Even if I used all my strength, I could only block a little bit.

My face and skin turned red and purple, and the bones in my neck creaked unbearably.

In the last moment of lack of oxygen, a dark green flame flashed through my mind.

It appeared once at the bottom of the lake.

One time is enough to remember it in my heart...

Huh! My neck suddenly loosened, and I took a big breath.

Crash... I realized that the chain was broken and one end fell to the ground.

There was still a dark green flame burning at the broken end.

There was also a dark green flame in another place, that is, my hand.

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