The blood was all over Wang Zhi, who fell to the ground, and the broken arm beside him hurt my eyes deeply.

I was stunned for a moment.

Why did Wang Zhi fall here?

Wasn't he blocking the man coming out of Zhang's ancient house with the Four-eyed Heavenly Master?

Where is the Four-eyed Heavenly Master?

I looked around and there was no Four-eyed Heavenly Master, so I had to rush forward.

Wang Zhi's chest was still rising and falling, and there was a faint breath. He was not dead yet.

After going forward and observing carefully, I found that Wang Zhi had multiple knife wounds on his body and his arm was broken.

The weird thing is that he is different from ordinary people.

If an ordinary person had suffered such a serious injury, he would have lost too much blood long ago.

But Wang Zhi's wound had stopped bleeding. If you carefully examine it, you can find traces of crystal-clear golden blood on his wound, which seems to have locked his wound.

I looked up at Wang Zhi's face. His hand was broken and multiple wounds made him look pale. He was in a coma and showed no signs of waking up.

His left arm was cut off from the upper arm, there was an obvious wound on his waist and abdomen, and there was a finger-length knife wound on his face.

I was greatly shocked by noticing these injuries,

because every knife and every scar seemed to be caused by me, and I had cut them.

The wounds on Wang Zhi's body were exactly the same as the wounds I had cut when I fought with that person just now,

It makes people suspect that the blank white paper was actually Wang Zhi...

At this time, a voice sounded:

"You cut him."

"A Si, are you going to kill Wang Zhi?"

A cold and familiar voice was above.

I raised my head with my eyes narrowed, and a slender black figure once again blocked the red at the end.

Two empty eye sockets were dug out on a piece of white paper, and the eye sockets were dark and silent, with the word Zhang covered in blood.

He continued: "Angry... Why are you angry? Didn't you cut him?".

The words were still so cold, but there was a sense of ridicule.

His words confirmed the fact that I didn't want to guess...

In fact, the person who just fought with me... and was cut by me was Wang Zhi?

Although I knew it in my heart, I still asked with a gloomy face: "What do you mean?".

"What's going on?".

The hole behind the white paper showed a teasing look: "Do you want to know? Kill me... If you kill me, you will know everything."

The four pupils focused their eyes and reflected this strange person firmly in their pupils.

I suddenly jumped up, holding the hilt with both hands and slashing a clever crescent.

The dark green copper knife in the amber pupils approached the man's neck.

But the next moment, he moved while I was watching...

He just took a step back and avoided being beheaded, just a punch away.

What surprised me more than this was that he could move freely while staring at the double pupils?

It seemed that the kind of deep and fixed vision of the double pupils had no effect on him.

My eyebrows twitched, and my body pushed forward. When approaching, I twisted the blade and continued to chop.

This time he did not dodge but pinched my blade with two fingers, stopping the chopping.

At the same time, a strange force hit my upper abdomen, causing a sudden piercing pain.

I endured the pain and threw away the bronze sword, and instead reached out to grab him with my right hand.

But my five fingers continued to advance and stopped in front of the man's face.

The white paper broke into pieces,

The bloody word "Zhang" also disintegrated, and the man's face was revealed.

His body was no longer as dark as a shadow and could not be seen clearly.

It was the Four-eyed Heavenly Master.

The Heavenly Master was facing me with a solemn expression, and his hand was withdrawn from my upper abdomen.

I asked in confusion and confusion: "Why is it you?".

The Four-eyed Heavenly Master asked back:

"I have always been me, but who do you think I am?".

I put my hand down, my pupils shook, and my thoughts were abnormally disordered:

"No... No... You are obviously the person who walked out of the Zhang family... There is a white paper with the word "Zhang" on your face...".

"Who are you?".

"The white paper with the word "Zhang" written on it?". The four-eyed Taoist priest sighed inexplicably.

He stretched out his hand to me, and the white hand stretched towards my face, and his dark eye sockets were empty.

The Taoist priest's hand did not touch my eyes or my face.

He gently grabbed my face and took the object back.

"Aren't you the one with the bloody white paper on your face?" The four-eyed Taoist priest showed the white object in his hand.

Asked in confusion.

There was nothing else in my sight, only a piece of paper... the white paper with the strange word "Zhang" written on it in the hand of the Four Eyes Heavenly Master.

The empty eye slots on the white paper correspond to the eye parts of a person.

The person with the white paper was me?

When was it pasted? Or have I always been carrying that white paper?

I didn't notice it at all... visually... I didn't notice it by touch.

Countless thoughts in my mind stopped completely for a moment, and my eyes were deeply immersed in the white paper.

The Heavenly Master held the white paper, and I seemed to be reflected behind the empty eye slots on the paper.

Before this, the person with the white paper with blood on his face was me... not Wang Zhi... nor the Four Eyes Heavenly Master.

The Four Eyes Heavenly Master said without disguising: "You cut Wang Zhi and cut off his arm."

"Wang Zhi and I wanted to intercept the person who came out of the Zhang family's ancient house in that room, but we didn't wait."

"I sensed something was wrong, so I asked Wang Zhi to catch up with you and go with you. When I caught up with you, I saw you slashed Wang Zhi and stepped on him."

I suddenly realized and immediately refuted: "No... that can't be Wang Zhi... the person I slashed was in the previous room."

The Heavenly Master said helplessly: "You are late... when did you leave this room?"

"You have been in this room since you slashed Wang Zhi with a white paper with blood on your face."

"You didn't notice me until I intervened, and you started to attack me continuously."

"You want to cut off my neck, don't you want to use the dragon pattern to deal with me?"

"I...", I tried to refute, but I couldn't find a reason or excuse. Should I lie to the Heavenly Master?

What the Heavenly Master said was basically flawless... I met Wang Zhi... slashed Wang Zhi... and just attacked the Heavenly Master.

I raised my hand and touched my face with a chill, fearing that I would touch a piece of white paper again.

The skin that my palm touched...the familiar skin...the skin that could be cracked at will.

I shook my head in confusion: "I don't understand...I really don't understand."

The white paper in the hand of the Taoist priest broke into pieces, and his hand went on to rest on my shoulder:

"Don't blame yourself so much, it's the fault of the person who walked out of the Zhang family's ancient house."

"Before, I felt that someone had come out of the Zhang family's ancient house, but I couldn't find him...Now I see you."

"I seem to have found it...You have been to the Zhang family's ancient house..."

"Aren't you the person who walked out of the Zhang family's ancient house?"

The Taoist priest exerted a little force on his hand, just like his heavy voice.

I was silent,

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