I stared blankly at the woman in the floral apron in front of me, with disbelief and astonishment pouring out of my eyes.

If she hadn't spoken or pushed me away... I might have accepted it.

After all, my mother is dead... her residual soul is still in my pocket.

How could she appear in front of me again?

I would rather believe it was fake, or a fantasy caused by my own longing,

But the facts before me forced me to believe this woman,

This woman who looks exactly like my mother, even has the same tone, is real.

Chongtong didn't see that it was a fantasy, and she responded to me truthfully, but that response was hard for me to accept.

My Ah Si had died a long time ago...

Maybe if she said another person's name, I would be better off, and it is not impossible that the world looks the same.

But she was talking about Ah Si!

I didn't bother to confirm whether the paper man on my body was still there.

Maybe the paper man was actually fake? Maybe my mother and sister were not captured by the ghost at all?

Maybe they hid in the Zhang family's old house.

Being denied by my family in person was undoubtedly the heaviest blow.

I hurriedly explained and proved my identity:

"Mom, I am Ah Si... I am Ah Si... I am not dead."

"I am still alive, I am not dead."

"Look, I am really Ah Si", I took off my sunglasses to show my appearance.

My mother looked at me warily and scolded:

"Nonsense, I don't know him at all, and when did I have a son as old as you?"

"My Ah Si died a long time ago, okay?"

"Who are you? Is it fun to come here and pretend to be a dead child?".

"I..." I looked at my mother's back as she left, cursing, and didn't know what to say.

Could it be that she is really not my mother?

Did I recognize the wrong person?

I searched my body and found the paper man with only a small piece left.

The familiarity on it was still there... It seemed that my mother's residual soul was still inside... All this might be explained by the people in the Zhang family's ancient house.

At this time, the mahogany house next to me opened,

A short figure walked out in the shadow,

I noticed that person and my heart tightened. Is it someone from the Zhang family?

There was a piece of white paper on the man's face, and a hideous word "Zhang" was written on the white paper with red ink.

The two holes in the eye sockets of the word "Zhang" revealed two eyes, and I could hear the man laughing.

"You are finally back."

I responded calmly: "You are back... Tell me, what is your purpose?".

"Why do you want me to come back by all means? To come back to the Zhang family's old house?".

He did not respond to my words. At this time, a series of creaking doors were pushed open one after another.

An inexplicable cold wind blew, and a figure walked out of many mahogany houses.

They were of different sizes, men and women, old and young, and they all had a piece of white paper on their faces, with bloody words written on the white paper.

A pair of eyes exposed by the white paper stared at me.

"You are back."

"Finally back."

I took two steps back under the gaze of those pairs of lifeless eyes.

They did not move, but just repeated the words.

A little bit of human figures moved, and I saw three old men came out.

They passed through those people with white paper and came straight to me.

They also had white paper and bloody words on their faces, and the eyes behind the white paper were so dark that the pupils could not be distinguished.

"A Si... is back."

The clothes worn by the three old men looked like paper clothes burned for the dead, and the colors of the paper clothes were different.

The red, green and blue colored paper figures on them looked particularly strange.

The green-clothed old man coughed dryly: "A Si... we meet again."

The red-clothed old man: "Yes... we meet again, meeting again after 18 years."

The blue-clothed old man: "You left here 18 years ago, and you came back here 18 years later."

I looked at the three people and asked word by word: "What is the Zhang family? Why are you so persistent in wanting me to come back?"

"What's going on with Niuma Village? What's going on with my family?"

"What am I?"

The blue-clothed old man's eyes were sharp: "You have too many questions."

Me: "My purpose of coming here is to seek answers."

The green-clothed old man held up the white clothes on his face: "Let's go, let's go somewhere to have a good talk."

"Where to go."

He pointed to a place not far away

A redwood temple.

"Well, but wait a minute."

I no longer paid attention to the three weird old men, but turned around and ran in the direction I came from.

The four-eyed Taoist priest was still waiting for me. I saw my mother and lost control and came over first.

Now that we are negotiating with the Zhang family head-on, it is always safer to have the four-eyed Taoist priest with me.

I ran to the closed red door and my eyebrows twitched.

The four-eyed Taoist priest disappeared... Now there is only Wang Zhi lying on the ground behind the red door.

The blind Taoist priest in white clothes disappeared.

I tried to look around, but there was no trace of anyone, only the Zhang family members with white paper on their faces.

After searching in vain, I tried to see if I could get out, but the red door could not be pushed by human power, and it was useless to yell at the door.

This was also expected. I finally came here. Will the Zhang family let me go?

It is necessary to talk to the Zhang family.

The Four-eyed Heavenly Master was gone, and I couldn't leave Wang Zhi here anymore. If Wang Zhi didn't show up again, I would be alone.

Besides, I was the one who injured him.

I carried Wang Zhi back to the mahogany houses, and the three old men didn't move and kept waiting for me.

Seeing me carrying Wang Zhi, they didn't look at him much, as if this person didn't exist at all.

The three old men led the way towards the mahogany temple,

followed by a group of people with white paper on their backs.

I followed them.

Entering the temple,

the three old men and the Zhang family members were already seated,

the three old men sat on the ebony chairs in front, and the others sat on the high chairs on both sides.

Suddenly, I felt like I was being judged in the government office.

They didn't mean to give me a chair, but kept their eyes on me.

I took a breath and threw Wang Zhi to the ground, and simply sat down on the spot.

If they didn't give me a chair, I wouldn't wrong myself.

I looked directly at the three old men in red, green and blue: "Can we talk now?".

The old man in red tapped the armrest with his fingers: "You should call us elders".

I laughed: "Is it still meaningful to talk about this now?".

The blue-clothed elder: "You are a descendant of the Zhang family".

"You should be proud of this".

Me: "But you have never told me what the Zhang family is?".

The red-clothed elder: "The Fuxie family... The Zhang family is a family that has been passed down since ancient times, and its purpose is to subdue evil and exterminate ghosts".

"A family that subdues evil and exterminates ghosts?" I found it funny when I heard it.

"If the Zhang family is the ancient Fuxie family, why has it fallen to this point? Are you hiding under the ancestral tomb?".

"Only my grandfather's branch is left outside".

The green-clothed elder's eyes were as gloomy as dark clouds: "Not hiding! It's suppressing. The Zhang family is suppressing evil spirits."

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