The truth is, the truth is that the truth is not true.

I muttered in a hollow voice:

"The Zhang family, which takes it as its mission to end the Three-Nothing, has instilled the Zhang family's concept into a Three-Nothing, making him think that he is a member of the Zhang family and that his mission is to end the Three-Nothing."

"You Zhang family are disgusting enough."

"I can eliminate the Three-Nothing, in fact, I am the Three-Nothing."

I also have a general idea of ​​my situation.

I am a ghost, and my current human body is related to the shadow ghost, the flesh ghost, and the longevity ghost.

The three ghosts all know me, and my shadow disappeared immediately after Ma Qing killed the shadow ghost.

It is strange that I, as a Three-Nothing, have a physical body. .

"That's right," Si Tong stepped forward softly, and his slender fingers stopped in front of my eyes.

At this moment, my limbs were entangled by the black in the copper coffin, and fighting against it was the best I could do.

At this time, I could only watch those fingers move.

"It's time to return the eyes I lent you. You will be sealed, but the double pupils will not."

"You will be sealed as the heartless among the three nothings, the fourth generation of skinless. This time it is the success of the Zhang family."

The pale white and round nails enlarged in front of my eyes, and my vision turned black in an instant.

The hard object forced into the eye socket brought an inexplicable swelling and great pain.

Si Tong Tianshi did not neglect at all, and dug out two double pupils at the same time.

Of course, I did not dodge or resist with the Pulao Dragon Pattern. I was looking forward to the last trump card,

The trump card that only appears when the dilemma is extreme.

A few hard objects were pounding in the eye socket, and my head hurt so much that I couldn't think.

This pain was as if I was really a person,

But only this kind of pain made me feel at ease.

Ma Qing will appear!

The only way for me to escape from the current situation, to get out of here, and the only turning point to reverse the ending of being sealed is Ma Qing.

The Zhang family wants to seal me, Wuxin, the fourth generation of Wupi, and the four-eyed Tianshi is also from the Zhang family.

Now I only have Ma Qing.

The reason why I was injured by Xu Tiancuo before may be because I took the initiative to take it, so Ma Qing did not appear.

The injury by the four-eyed Tianshi may be too light.

But now the injury must be enough.

As the foreign objects in the eye sockets were pulled out, after a period of pain from tearing flesh and blood,

Only warm liquid flowed out of my eyes.

It is ironic that a ghost has to rely on physical pain to call out another ghost to save it.

I felt the flow of iron-smelling blood on my face, while trying my best to use the characteristics of being skinless to resist the pull of the copper coffin to buy time.

Five or six seconds passed in this torment, and I didn't feel the familiar coldness.

Usually, I could feel her presence even if she couldn't see me.

But she didn't show up at this moment.

Ma Qing didn't show up when I was seriously injured.

This was the first time, and probably the last time.

This was not right. Usually, no one could stop her when she showed up, but now...

Si Tong had noticed it, and he laughed, "What are you waiting for?"

"Waiting for her?"

"Give up, she won't show up."

I suddenly had a little clarity in my mind,

There was something wrong with this place!

The voices of the three elders sounded around me, and they were pacing around me:

"What do you think this place means?"

The red-clothed elder: "You should know the weirdness of the Zhang family's decision to let you return here at all costs."

The green-clothed elder: "That woman is very difficult, and she is the ominous sign of the Ma family. If she shows up, everything will change, and no one here can deal with her."

The elder in blue: "She was an extremely ominous existence many years ago."

Grandpa finally spoke, and he sighed:

"I told you that the Yin marriage contract is a constraint for you. You are entangled by her, and you are also her constraint."

"From another perspective, you are her restriction."

"It is impossible not to think of her when calling you back here, but you don't know this place well. This is the Zhang family's ancestral tomb and the Zhang family's ancient house!"

"She can't sense your crisis. She lives and dies with you, but now you are the only one facing death."

The Zhang family's long-term plan makes me feel cold. Ma Qing is also a success in the Zhang family's plan...

"You want to seal me and Ma Qing together."

"You Zhang family really knows how to calculate. Sealing me alone is equivalent to sealing Wupi, Ma Qing, and Wuxin."

Sitong smiled humorously: "That's right, it's a pity that Wuhun couldn't be sealed together."

"It's not a loss now."

"Not a loss? Do you think I would be willing to be banned?"


My face broke through the black that covered my whole body, without any panic.

I stared at the direction of Sitong with bloodshot eyes, and said word by word: "No!".

"I will never follow fate and be willing to go with the flow. When I was Zhang Ah Si, I changed my fate against the will of heaven. When I was Sanwu, I was not as you wish."

"Seal? You seal me for ten years? A hundred years?".

"When the bronze coffin is opened again, there will be one more person without a name in the world!".

"When one generation of Sanwu dies, the next generation of Sanwu will be born. Your Zhang family wants to use me as a container to seal me in the Yin-Yang bronze coffin."

"I will destroy this container!".

"You want Wuxin and Wupi to die in this generation, so I will revive Wuxin and Wupi in the next generation."

Under the calm madness, Wupi's characteristics were unprecedentedly stimulated, and the black covering was like a layer of skin that I took off,

I staggered out.

In the stunned eyes of Sitong and the three elders, I rushed forward and grabbed the horizontal sword stuck in the ground.

Wuxin took away Wupi's characteristics, making it impossible for the next generation of Wupi to revive.

Maqing is connected to me because of the Yin marriage contract. If I die, she will die...

I will not be willing to be sealed, nor will I let Maqing be sealed in that coffin.

Isn't it a kind of rebirth to die together for love?

The next generation of Wuxin should be stronger than me, and it will not be controlled by the Zhang family.

If I am really Wuxin, I may be a failure, ridiculous, and ironic.

I was raised as a human by the old enemy Zhang family and used as a gun by others.

The Sanwu will not be cut off. The regrets, loneliness, and obsession of each generation will be inherited by the next generation of Sanwu.

There will always be a generation... Sanwu who will be the real changer.

Sitong's mouth twitched:

"You can always find another more terrifying dead end at the end of the predicament."


The three elders said: "We are pushing it too hard. The trapped beast is going to attack desperately."

When the black color in the Yin-Yang Copper Coffin attacked and pulled me again,

I had already clenched the knife and stabbed it at my chest.

My body is no longer important. My soul is the key.

I must destroy my soul before being sealed.

The bronze horizontal sword made of evil copper and wronged soul bones can destroy the soul of Sanwu.

I have done it, but I have not experienced it yet.

When the tip of the knife fell,


A small hand wrapped in green flames grabbed the blade and forcibly stopped the falling trend.

The crisp footsteps of leather shoes faintly sounded beside my ears, and the soft black hair seemed to brush my face and stick with a little blood.

I felt something in my heart, and I was speechless, not knowing whether it was joy or sorrow:


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