The ghost was buried, and the ghost was buried.

The Taoist in white jumped up and grabbed my shoulder tightly: "The ghost marriage contract is completed!"

"The ghost contract is completed, how can the ghost marriage contract be completed?".

I was stunned at first, and then laughed: "Master, are you kidding?"

The Taoist in white shouted impatiently:

"Your right eye is the proof that the ghost marriage contract is completed"

"How can a person have such eyes, full of evil and cold"

"Just now I was wondering why the death calamity has passed but the yin energy in your body has not decreased at all, but increased instead".

"When I saw your eye, I understood instantly that the ghost marriage contract had been completed long ago, and tonight is not a death calamity at all"

I touched the right eye and frowned:

"Master, do you mean that this eye is like this because the ghost marriage contract is completed?"

The Taoist in white nodded seriously:

"It must be so, otherwise I really can't think of any other way to make a normal person's eyes look like a ghost"

"This time when I returned to Longhu Mountain, I also specifically inquired about the information of the ghost marriage contract, and the ghost contract is the key."

"Your eye should be a symbol of the success of the ghost contract. The ghost contract represents that you exchanged some kind of token with her, and what she gave you may be that eye"

"So you must have given her a token, otherwise how could it succeed?"

I decisively refuted:

"Impossible, after I learned about the ghost contract, I have been careful about everything. Tonight, except for you, I almost didn't touch any living people, let alone give a token"

"Token... Wait?"

I suddenly thought of something:

"Master, you said that the change of this eye was due to the completion of the Underworld Covenant, which means that the Underworld Covenant is a necessary condition for this eye and it came before."

"The Underworld Covenant gave the token before the change of this eye!"

Master in white:

"Yes, think carefully about whether you have given things to women these days. Because of the restrictions of the Underworld Covenant, when giving the token, she must appear as a woman, and it must be given by you on your own initiative."

"Think carefully about whether there have been any suspicious people around you these days?".

"She appeared as a woman, and I took the initiative to give...", I closed my eyes slightly, calmed my heart,

searched hard in the memory of the past few days.

In fact, I haven't seen many people in the past few days, and there are even fewer people who have given things through my hands.

First of all, determine the time. The appearance of the right eye occurred when I was rushing to Qinglong Temple.

At that time, I was dragged into the water by the drowned ghost and almost drowned. The green flame and the strange appearance of the right eye saved me.

Therefore, the Underworld Covenant must have been before this.

Innkeeper? I did give the money to the innkeeper, but the boss is a man.

The old lady in flowery clothes? Although she is a woman, I handed her a bowl of noodles when I was at her house, so it is unlikely that she is the one, after all, her identity has been confirmed.

What can a fierce ghost from forty years ago have to do with my Yin marriage contract?

A little further back?

Pedestrians, passers-by, and people I have seen flashed through my mind one by one

Suddenly, a petite and blurry figure clearly stood out in my mind.

That memory was also completely dug out by me,

Clearly, I put a candy in her hand.

Although she looks only about ten years old...

It's her! It's the little girl at the bus stop!

Although it's very surprising, the fact is that, and I can't find any other memory that can be associated.

Although she is young, she is also a woman, and I took the initiative to hand over the candy.

She is actually the ghost of the Yin marriage contract! It was also her who killed Master Guo!

The Taoist priest in white saw that I looked uncertain and asked, "Have you thought of it?"

I hummed, "Maybe."

"So, in the end, you still couldn't escape the ghost marriage contract?"

He was hoarse for a long time: "The ghost contract has been made, the ghost marriage contract is irreversible."

"I really didn't expect that after all these twists and turns, I still couldn't stop it"

"This is not the donor's fault. To be honest, the donor is the most stable person I have ever seen. If it were someone else, I would probably have been driven crazy by this dilemma"

"It is human nature to be afraid of ghosts, but there are very few people who dare to fight against evil spirits, not to mention that the donor is fighting against destiny"

"I witnessed your birth. That was the first time you went against destiny. This is the second time, but you failed... How can destiny be easy to go against?"

I closed my right eye tiredly: "Please ask the Taoist priest, what will happen to me? Will I die? Or worse?

"If possible, I don't want to involve other people anymore." The Taoist priest in white shook his head: "Unknown, I found a few old people in Longhu Mountain to find out about the ghost marriage contract. As for what will happen after the ghost marriage contract is completed?" "They don't know much. The only thing that can be confirmed is that the person who bears the ghost marriage contract will have a miserable life. It's not as simple as death." I took a breath and held it for a while before exhaling, as if I was venting boredom or some emotions. After a little hesitation, I asked: "By the way, when this right eye appeared last time, there was another strange thing on my body." I raised my middle finger and index finger: "At that time, a kind of green flame ignited on these two fingers. Just now, this flame appeared again and saved my life." "This kind of flame seems to be useful for evil spirits." I will deal with the paper man and burn the chain. I was quite curious about the flames. It was so cool to have fire on my hands.

The Taoist priest in white frowned for a while after hearing this:

"According to what you said, this flame is not ordinary. It should be brought to you by the Yin Marriage Contract."

"The green flames, I seem to have seen them in the books of Longhu Mountain, but I just can't remember them."

"Wait for me to return to Longhu Mountain, and I will definitely remember what this flame is."

"By the way, this is the Taoist priest's mobile phone number. I will call you then."

He took out a cinnabar brush from his bosom and wrote a string of numbers on my arm.

As soon as I saw the phone, I remembered that my phone was still on the ground in the backyard.

I was about to go look for it, but then I thought of something and walked back.

My eyes were fixed on Master Guo's body.

"Master, can I trouble you with something? ".


The backyard of Qinglong Temple

Another tombstone was added to the many monks' tombstones hidden behind the vegetable garden today.

The Taoist priest in white picked up a pen and completed the name of the tombstone: "Liaoguo".

I took the incense from the main hall, lit it and burned it on the tombstones one by one.

Will anyone come here to burn incense after this stick of incense?

I don't bother to think about such sad things. My future is still miserable and uncertain. I don't want to worry and be depressed.

All I can do is burn incense every year. I took some time to come here to burn incense.

After the death calamity, I didn't see any monks in Qinglong Temple again.

I wonder if they hid because they were afraid of the Taoist priest in white, or if something happened during the death calamity?

The phone case is bright-colored and easy to find. I found it after searching around.

I also found another thing,

a snow-white bone, thick at the bottom and thin at the top, just like a human femur.

I picked up the bone, and it felt cold and round, like a bone that had been played with for decades.

"Taoist priest! Taoist priest! Come and see this... ".

The Taoist priest in white came running over upon hearing the sound, looking at the bone in astonishment, and observed it for a long time after getting it.

"This thing is not simple, ordinary people can't play with it, this is the wronged soul bone"

"It is said that when a fierce ghost with great resentment is wronged and his soul is scattered, the resentment will condense on the longest bone in the body, which also means that the resentment is long and indestructible."

"It doesn't mean that every fierce ghost will drop it after death. There are many factors that produce the wronged soul bone, and it is almost impossible to produce it artificially"

"In the past, there was a guy who raised little ghosts, who specialized in raising that kind of fierce ghosts, and then beat them to death, trying to get a wronged soul bone, but he didn't get the wronged soul bone, but was attacked by the little ghost instead."

"Is this thing so rare? ", I couldn't help but think of the resentment of the old lady in flowery clothes who had been chasing the Qinglong Temple for forty years and wanted to exterminate the whole family. It was only right that she left this resentful soul bone after her death.

The Taoist priest in white played with it for a while and threw it to me:

"Take this thing. You have a lot of Yin Qi in your body, don't worry, but others can't play with it."

"This thing is condensed from resentment, as hard as gold and stone, and can hurt ghosts. Keep it for protection."

"God knows what will happen after the Yin marriage contract."

I held the resentful soul bone and smacked my lips. Is there such a benefit for having a lot of Yin Qi in your body?

This resentful soul bone is longer than a normal femur, and it feels like a baseball bat when held.

But it must be carried on the body Do you need to do some packaging? Go shopping with a human bone? I dare not even think about it...

After Master Leguo was buried, it was almost dawn.

The matter came to an end, and Qinglong Temple became a ghost temple.

There was no need for us to stay any longer.

Returning to the main hall again, I cleaned up the spilled ink,

cleaned the main hall a little, and cleaned up the blood on the neck of the Buddha.

Maybe one day this temple will welcome a monk like Master Leguo.

After cleaning, the sun has already emerged.

The light curtain passed through the branches little by little to bathe this ancient temple.

I left the main hall and pulled the broken door to close it.

A wisp of

A ray of light was reflected on my back, passing over my head, and refracted into the hall.

Stinging... My eyes suddenly turned white.

I closed my eyes in pain. I remembered that the light just shone into the hall, and then suddenly a golden object appeared.

The Taoist priest in white came over quickly: "What's wrong?".

I covered my eyes and pointed into the hall.

"This... This is a relic!" The old Taoist priest shouted in shock.

What? I opened my eyes with difficulty.

I don't know if it was a coincidence or what happened.

I saw that the light from outside converged at the broken neck of the Buddha.

And there was something on the neck of the Buddha that was shining, constantly refracting the sunlight, and in a moment, the hall was rendered golden.

The faint sound of Sanskrit came into my ears... Even the Buddha who had lost his head could not help but be in awe.

The old Taoist explained with excitement: "This is the ancient Buddha's relic. I have only heard of it, but this is the first time I have seen it with my own eyes."

"First, there was the ghost marriage contract, the bones of the wronged soul, and now the relic has come out. I have learned a lot from following you."

"Relics are not something that can be produced by the death of an ordinary monk. This thing requires fate, human fate, and Buddha fate. It is hard to get it, and sometimes it seems like nothing..."

"It's like encountering a living Buddha's spirit."

Compared to me, an ignorant newbie, the Taoist in white was much more excited.

He seemed to be afraid that the relic would disappear, and he walked in quickly to take it.

It took some effort to climb to the neck of the Buddha, and immediately reached out to grab the relic.

His palm easily passed through the light curtain, but when he looked back, his palm was empty.

The Taoist in white was dumbfounded, and hurriedly reached out to grab it again, but it was still empty this time.

He seemed to understand.

He turned and smiled at me, "I understand. This ancient Buddha relic is indeed about fate."

"It appeared because of you, and now only you can take it."

I climbed up the Buddha with a doubtful attitude. I didn't even believe that I could take the relic.

I dare not say that I am disrespectful to Buddha, but I have never believed in it since I was a child.

At first, I didn't even believe in ghosts and gods, until the ghost marriage contract began...

After being whipped by reality, I dare not disbelieve in anything.

My palm reached towards the relic little by little, and my fingers entered the light curtain first. The warm and pure sunlight was very comfortable.

The relic itself is colorful, and it will only sparkle under the sunlight.

The five fingers gathered together, grabbed and retracted.

The Taoist priest in white came over quickly: "How is it?"

I smiled at him, revealing the colorful beads the size of a knuckle on the little finger in the palm of my hand.

The old Taoist was so happy: "Haha, I really got it"

"It's really the ancient Buddha's relic"

"Let's not talk about anything else, you are really lucky, you can come across the Yin Marriage Contract, the Wronged Soul Bone, and the relic...".

"The old Taoist really wants to take you back to Longhu Mountain."

I smiled apologetically: "Forget it, I don't want to be a Taoist priest"

"I figured it out. Since the Yin Marriage Contract has protected me for seventeen years, it's okay for me to carry it in the future."

The old Taoist shook his head and sighed:

"If there is a way to take you back to Longhu Mountain, the old Taoist would have done it long ago"

"The Yin Marriage Contract is a taboo Yin-Yang magic. I will find another way."

"You can carry the relic with you as a pendant or something. In the end, it will let the sun shine on you every day and suppress the Yin energy in your body"

"It just saves you a worry, so that you don't have to encounter ghosts all day and can't go out at night."

With the bones of wronged souls and the ancient Buddha's relics, this trip didn't seem so tragic. At least it wasn't a waste of effort.

The old Taoist and I left Qinglong Temple

We didn't close the gate of Qinglong Temple.

Master Leguo closed the door and hid forty years ago. At least after his death, it was time to open the door.

However, what we didn't know was that

Not long after we walked, the vermilion door of Qinglong Temple slammed shut

The bang resounded through the forest!

I seemed to hear something.

Just as I was about to turn around, the Taoist priest in white called me to go home.


After the gate of Qinglong Temple was closed

For some reason, the sunlight that had just bathed the entire ancient temple was blocked by clouds bit by bit.

Many Zen rooms suddenly opened, and the main hall also opened without wind.

But there was no figure or movement of anyone.

Just before the sun was completely blocked,

Although the courtyard was empty, if you look closely, you can see

many figures on the wall of Qinglong Temple.

Based on their figures, you can also see Jingchu... Master Liaoguo... monks

There is also a long-haired woman in the shadows.

The direction the shadows are facing is exactly the way Zhang Asi left.



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