I still can't sleep tonight.

To stay awake, I bought chili peppers, wind oil, betel nuts, etc. in advance.

At eight o'clock, I ate the first chili pepper, and the irritating burning sensation spread all over my mouth.

I squeezed some horseradish into my mouth, and the spicy smell rushed to my brain instantly.


With these things, tonight is not that difficult.

Relying on these and the computer in the hotel, I started to stay up late...



Why do I seem to hear Qi Qi's voice?

I took off my headphones, and Qi Qi's voice really rang in my ears.

"Zhang Asi! Asi!"


She was knocking on the door and shouting outside.

I wanted to open the door, but reason prevented me from doing so.

After a short struggle, I shouted outside: "Qi Qi, just wait a little longer, um... wait until twelve o'clock...".

Qi Qi was shocked and shouted outside: "Twelve o'clock? You want me to wait until twelve o'clock?".

I was busy playing games: "Go to the boss and get another room."

Qi Qi: "I... I'm scared... I couldn't stay at Lin Ying's house just now... It's safer here."

"Just open the door, I'm not a bad person."

Me: "I'm afraid you're a good person...".

Qi Qi didn't give up and continued to shout, and soon began to sob.

I put on my headphones in annoyance. Being kind to others is a slow suicide...


After an hour or two, the time finally passed twelve o'clock.

Qi Qi was still crying quietly outside the door.

I came to the bed, and the red evil box in my backpack could no longer hold back.

Like last time, I took it to the bathroom,

The dry and weird withered hand opened the box, and very consciously carved a line of words on the floor with his nails.

"Open the door and you will die!".

After doing these withered hands, I went back and closed the box myself.

I stared at the line of words, and the aftermath in my heart had not yet subsided.

There really was nothing clean outside the door, these evil spirits were too good at taking advantage of people's psychology.

If I had been a little soft-hearted and opened the door just now, it would really be suicide!

With this sentence, let alone Qi Qi outside the door, I would not open the door even if there were 17 or 18 beauties outside the door!

I played the game until the second half of the night, and my energy was gradually consumed.

I stuffed a chili in my mouth to wake myself up.

Including tonight, I have not slept for three consecutive days.

On the first day, because of the abacus, Fatty and his affairs, I ran to the bureau three times. How could I sleep that night?

The next day, I accidentally entered the old teaching building, which made me even more afraid to sleep.

This third day, which is now, is completely using my life to endure.

Staying up late reduces life span, and sleeping will kill you instantly........

The crying outside the door continued, making the atmosphere both depressing and low.

At this time, the phone rang.

The hotel owner shouted angrily: "Can you ask your girlfriend to stop crying? It's so creepy to cry here at night."

"Other travelers have complained."

I was also helpless: "That's not my girlfriend, how about you drive her away?"

The hotel owner cursed: "Bullshit, she is in your room, how can I drive her away?"

I was stunned and responded: "Isn't she outside the door?"

The boss: "I'm in the corridor on the second floor, where is there anyone? The crying came from your room!"

'My room? ! ! '

My back suddenly felt cold, and I woke up instantly. My first reaction was to grab the wronged soul bone.

The shock of the late realization was still turbulent, and I stood up with the dead soul in my arms.

Dong, dong, dong!

The door was knocked again,

The boss's voice shouted outside: "Open the door! What are you doing? Crying and making a fuss in the middle of the night."

"Don't stay here, go out and find another one."

"None of the guests can sleep, they've all complained."

Dong, dong, dong!

"Where are you, open the door and come out?"

My face was as stiff as iron, and the phone kept ringing in my ear

"Did you hear me? Tell your girlfriend to stop crying, I'm going home"

"I'm so sleepy doing this kind of thing in the middle of the night."


I hung up the phone decisively and looked at the door

The person outside the door was still talking, begging: "Open the door! Don't stay here"

"This is a small shop, there's no room for two big Buddhas like you, this is not a question of whether to make a fuss or not"

"It's about other guests accepting

No, who can bear the pain of being separated from me in the middle of the night? Otherwise, can I return the money to you? ".

I took a deep breath, tried my best to adjust my heart, took the headphones and put them on myself,

Put on my backpack, and sat on the bed with the bones of the wronged soul.

How can I have the mood to play games now?

He was shouting outside, and I was sitting inside waiting.

I didn't even know what the guy outside the door left for,

The guy's shouting was like a lullaby that put a straw on the already exhausted spirit.

Stinging... My right eye suddenly felt burning...

When I woke up, I found that I was no longer in the hotel.

Hard seats, desks arranged in order in the dim space.

Classroom ?

I took out the horseradish from my pocket and squeezed some into my mouth, scratched my head and woke up.

I just dozed off for a moment, sometimes when you are extremely sleepy, you don’t even know when you fell asleep or dozed off.

I dozed off when I was working the night shift in the factory, and the assembly line was piled up like a mountain.

I got up and went to the window, classroom?

Where is this place?

I just dozed off but it was like sleepwalking. After coming to the window,

I compared the surrounding environment and the environment outside the window, and came to an incredible conclusion

"I came to the old teaching building!".

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