Chen Zhihao and his girlfriend were woken up by Lin Ying.

After waking up, they were confused. When they saw the environment,

their faces suddenly turned pale.

Chen Zhihao's legs were weak and he moved his body hard.

" did I get here?".

Lin Ying explained it to him from a supernatural perspective, and also explained that they owed me 100,000 yuan.

Chen Zhihao immediately retorted, no longer showing any fear

"Nonsense! You must have brought me here on purpose, are you still trying to push me down from here?"

"You must be scared now, and then you woke me up, maybe you were the one who did that old teaching building thing"

"You're still trying to get back 100,000 yuan, you're killing me for money!"

I heard this and helplessly spread my hands,

It was almost a casual act to save the two of them, and it was also a fate that we met, after all, we were compatriots who strayed into the old teaching building together.

The fate was over after one move, and money and the like didn't matter.

Lin Ying's tone also hardened: "If you insist on thinking so, then we have no way to defend ourselves."

She didn't care about Chen Zhihao's other words, but he said she was killing me for money, which was simply an insult to her!

Yang Can was much smarter.

The situation was already very strange. She quickly told her boyfriend to stop talking.

Then she smiled and tried to smooth things over:

"I'm sorry. Zhihao was a little too sensitive when he woke up here."

"I'm really sorry. Please forgive me."

"And there's 100,000 yuan. I'll transfer it to you."

The little woman was also a little rich. She said she would transfer the money and she transferred 100,000 yuan to me on the spot.

Her boyfriend looked distressed.

With her easing the pressure, Lin Ying's attitude softened a lot: "Now the first problem we need to solve is to get out of here."

"We'll discuss all the problems after we get out. It's dark down there. We'll all turn on the flashlights on our phones."

"Also, to prevent people from falling behind, we'll hold each other's belts down. Otherwise, if someone falls behind, it will drag everyone down."

No one objected to these suggestions.

In fact, Lin Ying's suggestion of holding each other's belts did help to resist fear.

It's scary to walk alone at night, but what about a group of people walking at night?

After no objection, the action began.

Chen Zhihao took the initiative to lead, followed by his girlfriend, then Qi Qi, Lin Ying, me, and Zhao Kang.

When I thought about my belt being pulled by a man,

I suddenly had the urge to kick him off the rooftop.

But fortunately, I could also pull Lin Ying's belt. Her belt was very thin, similar to some kind of leather, and I could feel some iron buckles.

In this way, we went down to the fifth floor. The darkness inside the building was beyond our imagination.

Unless you put your phone against someone's face, you can't see the other person's face at all.

And you have to light the surroundings and the road.

So the speed of going downstairs was also very slow.

I estimated that it took more than ten minutes to get down to the third floor.

At this time, Lin Ying suggested stopping and taking a rest.

In this high-pressure, dark environment, it is simply a kind of tempering of people's spirit, and the slow and cautious steps make the body particularly tired.

Not to mention that we haven't slept for several nights.

We stopped in the corridor on the third floor and everyone got a rest.

After three minutes of rest and adjustment, we continued our journey.

Because the team was dispersed during the adjustment, we needed to regroup into a team.

It was not like the moonlight on the roof. There was not even a window on the third floor. Except for the light from the mobile phone, it was basically blind.

Since no one could find it, we just stood in a team randomly.

Chen Zhihao held two mobile phones to illuminate and shouted: "Get ready, we are leaving."

At this time, Yang Can suddenly shouted: "Why is there no one behind me?"

I said in surprise: "Isn't there a figure behind you?"

"Ah, no one, really no one", Yang Can's voice was mixed with the sound of running away,

I didn't care who was in front of him and just stuck to him.

Qi Qi also trembled with fear and said: "Who is it, don't come closer."

'Why do I feel like there are too many people? '.

The original team was in chaos.

Lin Ying tried to use her mobile phone to illuminate, but she couldn't see a single face after a circle.

"Everyone, don't panic. Let's report the number of people first to see if there are any missing people and to confirm who is next to each other."

"I'll start first, one!"



Me: "Four!"




After calling seven,

The entire third floor was dead silent.

The weak lights in each other's hands trembled and shook,

Because we all know, we all know that there are not so many people!

Who shouted too much?

Or is there really one more person?

"Ah! There is a ghost!",

I don't know which girl screamed in despair, and the phone in her hand was thrown aside.

It was like a noisy firecracker was lit, and suddenly there were screams on the third floor.

Chen Zhihao was so frightened that he couldn't speak clearly: "Who is it? Who is panicking?".

"There are so many people, it's a ghost! There must be a ghost!"

The lights were flashing randomly, and several people fled in all directions.

Lin Ying tried her best to shout calm down, calm down, but in fact she was so scared that she almost cried.

In the dim darkness, I only saw the chaos of the crowd, and vaguely I could see that there seemed to be six people.

Faced with the chaotic situation, I leaned against the wall, holding the bones of the wronged soul, and was extremely vigilant.

Who dares to come and knock him to death!

As everyone fled, the third floor gradually became quiet.

In addition to the chaotic movements and footsteps of the classes on other floors...

With soul flames burning on my fingers, I used the light of my phone to illuminate the surroundings

Suddenly I noticed a dark mass not far in front of me.

I got closer and found it was a person.

I got closer and made out it was a woman with long black hair draped over her shoulders and her head buried deep in her legs.

I used the Wicked Soul Bone to poke her, and my other hand was burning with soul flames ready to go.

The squatting woman slowly raised her head, and under the light of the phone, she had a beautiful and tearful face.

Her eyes were red with a few stars, shining through the light.

"Lin Ying? ".

The tip of her pale red nose twitched, and she spoke softly and vaguely, choking and shouting: "Zhang Ah Si...".

I pinned the vengeful soul bone in my backpack and freed up one hand to pull her up.

If I had used the hand with soul flame, she would definitely cry even harder.

After pulling her up, I wanted to take my hand back, but found that I couldn't let it go.

I shook it several times before I realized how tightly she was holding it.

I turned back and stared at her: "Let go, or I'll hit you."

Then she slowly let go, but she grabbed the corner of my clothes instead.

I took out the vengeful soul bone from my backpack, and sighed with a sullen look,

Women really delay things, how can they have a free hand for you to hold?

Soul flame does not affect substantial things,

So the hand with soul flame can still hold the phone, and the other hand holds the vengeful soul bone.

I went downstairs vigilantly, and stopped after a few steps.

Suddenly I was smart, shit, it's a little I forgot about this,

I quickly reminded him: "One hundred thousand, now it's two hundred thousand".

Lin Ying didn't say anything, maybe she didn't want me to hear her choking voice.

But through her trembling body, I can feel that she must be very moved.

After all, I saved her twice, and I guess her boyfriend didn't fight so hard.

I'm risking my life.

By the way, she doesn't seem to have a boyfriend yet.

The two of us went downstairs faster, but we had to be more cautious.

Lin Ying was also using her mobile phone to help me with lighting, but the lights of two mobile phones were still very limited.

Go downstairs little by little, and always pay attention to your feet.

After a long time, we finally reached the second floor. Next, we only need to go down one more floor to get out.

However, when I took Lin Ying to the first floor, I was dumbfounded.

The staircase leading to the first floor from the second floor was sealed by a green painted door!

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