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【Remember three things! 】

"First, there is something under the bricks under my bed."

"Second, you must go to Qinglong Temple before your eighteenth birthday and find Master Yin of Qinglong Temple! Only he can save you!"

"Third: Survive, bear everything of the Zhang family and survive!".

After saying that, Grandpa and I ran in the opposite direction.

I ran away with my head down.

Follow grandpa's advice and plug your ears with grass blades and run with your eyes closed.

After a while, grandfather's screams and miserable wails were heard from behind.

I even wanted to rush back, but I couldn't forget my grandfather's instructions.

Don't look back, no matter what you hear.

I understand that my staying will not make any difference.

On the contrary, everything my grandfather has given will be in vain, and all I can do is survive.

Carrying everything of the Zhang family and surviving!

I closed my red eyes tightly and rushed forward.

Many stinging thorns and branches brushed against my body, causing my skin to feel hot and painful.

I don’t know how many times I fell down on this road.

The tired lungs are not irritable,

On the contrary, it was unusually cold, and every time I took a breath it was like taking in a big mouthful of cold air.

My limbs gradually became numb and weak, and I almost ran mechanically based on that one thought.

As I ran, a dark river suddenly appeared in front of me.

The location of this river is extremely unusual and untrue, but it does exist.

When I wanted to stop, my legs no longer obeyed me.

Step into the river.

There was nothing under my feet, as if the river was bottomless, and I fell in naturally.

The cold river water poured crazily into my mouth, and my consciousness gradually became addicted.


"Ah Si... Ah Si".

He opened his eyes heavily, and several familiar faces crowded into his field of vision.


I shook my confused head and sat up, only to realize that there was a circle of people surrounding me.

Most of them were from the village, and even the village chief came.

My mother slapped me on the back with red eyes: "Why are you kid here?"

"Everyone has been looking for you all night, but you didn't answer the phone. I almost died because I didn't have anyone."

"It's so ignorant."

My sister also said angrily: "I waited at the gate of your school until midnight, just let me go."

"Still playing missing here."

My thoughts stopped for a moment, otherwise I felt that everything yesterday was a dream...

I wish it was a dream......

But the wet clothes and arms, and the scratches on my face reminded me that it was not a dream!

Did he really encounter a ghost, meet his grandfather, and eventually fall into the river?

But how did I get up here?

After looking around, I realized that I was in the ancestral graveyard.

Why did I end up in the ancestral graveyard?

Then a voice I had never heard before sounded

"I think your child has probably encountered something bad."

He turned around and saw a Taoist man in white.

A wide white Taoist uniform and a pair of straw sandals.

He has a short face and looks about forty or fifty years old.

I had no time to care about others, so I got up and ran towards home.

My sister and mother were shocked by my appearance and hurriedly chased after me.

I remember very clearly what my grandfather told me.

The first thing that happened was that there was something under the bricks under the bed.

If there really was something under the bed, then everything yesterday was definitely not a dream.

Since grandpa died his room had been used as a utility room, but his old wooden bed was in the corner.

It would fall apart if touched, so no one touched it for so many years.

After I ran back, I ducked into the glove rack.

After a while, I threw out all the things that were in the way, and then I got under the bed.

My sister and mother were stunned outside the door.

The mother even grabbed the Taoist's clothes and kept asking if her child was possessed by evil spirits.

The Taoist frowned but shook his head.

When I came out from under the bed, there was a mahogany box in my arms.

Sure enough, as grandpa said, there was something hidden under the bricks under the bed.

Mom was so surprised,

She is the oldest in the family and spends the longest time at home.

But she had no idea there was such a thing under the bed, and had never heard of it.

My arms were suddenly empty, and in a blink of an eye, the box had been taken away by the Taoist in white.

The man stared at the box, paying close attention.

I hurriedly took it back, but the Taoist threw it back again.


He left a sentence: "This thing has a very strong yin energy, and the things inside are not clean."

I didn't trust this strange old Taoist at all, and asked: "Who are you?".

My mother was immediately angry when she heard it: "Ah Si, how can you talk like this? If it weren't for this Taoist priest, you would still be lying in the grave now?".

'Apologize to the Taoist priest! '

The old Taoist priest waved his hand leisurely: "No need, let him tell you what he encountered yesterday first."

"I think what your child encountered yesterday is not ordinary."

My sister and mother's faces changed suddenly.

I had to look at this old Taoist priest more.

I guessed this, it seems that this old Taoist priest really has some skills.

But what did he say about the things in the box being unclean?

I honestly told me what happened yesterday.

My sister stared at me, obviously she didn't believe it, thinking that I was afraid of being scolded and found an excuse.

But my mother and the old Taoist priest didn't think so.

After all, my mother is from the older generation and has always been afraid of ghosts and gods. With the precedents of my two brothers and father, she dared not disbelieve.

She looked at the Taoist priest for help, her voice mixed with tears: "Master, what do you think we should do?"

"The child will not really touch dirty things."

"You must save him, this is the only male left in my family."

"He must not be in trouble!"

The Taoist priest looked at me several times, and then asked: "You said that you ran into a ghost yesterday and were saved by your grandfather."

"You are about to have a disaster, and you will die on your eighteenth birthday?"

I nodded, and I also said what my grandfather said.

The age limit makes it difficult for me to be independent.

The understanding of my family is necessary, and my mother also has an impression of this.

The identity of the Taoist priest is still credible, and my mother has just introduced it.

This Taoist priest was the Taoist priest in white who helped me on the day I was born.

Yesterday, when my mother and her friends were looking for me, they happened to meet the Taoist priest in white. It was the Taoist priest who calculated that I was in the ancestral graveyard.

According to them, they only saw me lying beside the grave when they came.

The Taoist priest took the tea that my sister poured for him and took a sip, smacked his lips and said, "No.

My sister laughed and said, "It must be wrong, how could you run into our grandfather?"

"Our grandfather has been dead for many years."

The Taoist priest looked at my sister and said, "It must be true that you ran into your grandfather. I am wrong, your grandfather is wrong."

"His death is not on his eighteenth birthday, but tonight!"

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