The door was opened, and the door was opened.

There were footsteps outside the door one after another.

When I mentioned the bones of the wronged souls, my face was solemn: "We can't waste time, hurry up!"

I immediately went over to close the door of the classroom and gently inserted the bolt behind the door.

On the other side, Lin Ying grabbed the curtain rope and began to climb down.

The other end of the rope was tied to two chairs.

The two chairs were spliced ​​together under the force and just stuck on the window.

I put my ear to the door, and the footsteps outside the door became more and more frequent and closer.

My palms were full of sweat because of nervousness.

Knock, knock.....

I don't know what the purpose is, but the guy outside the door suddenly started knocking on the door,

One classroom after another.

Knock, knock... This time, it was the door of the classroom next to mine.

Lin Ying was gone, and I didn't care if I would fall to death, so I gave Qi Qi a look to go down quickly.

She understood and started to go down.

I left the door a little bit and moved closer to the window.

Click... Click.....

The footsteps were approaching my classroom,

Suddenly, the footsteps stopped... As if the person had stopped.

Before I could breathe a sigh of relief, knock!

The door was knocked!

Knock, knock!

It knocked for the second time.

I kept backing away from the door, and finally touched the window.

Click... The footsteps went away in other directions.

Just as I was about to look downstairs,

"Hey, you can come down, come down quickly!".

Lin Ying's shout suddenly rang out in the silent old teaching building.

Her voice was not loud, and she was still outside, so I could only vaguely hear her voice inside, but it was enough.

Because she was downstairs from my classroom!

Dong, dong, dong!

The classroom door was knocked for the third time!

I cursed inwardly and put the wronged soul bone into my backpack, then jumped onto the window and climbed down by grabbing the rope.

Bang! The classroom door was hit, but fortunately there was a table blocking the door.

Bang... creak... another slam...

The table was knocked down, and the door was opened unbearably, creaking and wailing.

At this time, I had already gone down the rope and vaguely saw a black shadow standing at the door.

It also saw me.

Swish... swish....

I relaxed my hand, and the friction between my palm and the rope suddenly made me feel hot. Hot. Hot. Hot.

Fortunately, the speed was much faster, and when I approached the downstairs,

I hurriedly slowed down, otherwise it would be almost like jumping off the building.

Bang! I fell down along the rope and sat on the ground.

I put my hands on the ground and looked up.

I saw a figure in the window of the second-floor classroom where we climbed down.

I couldn't see his face clearly, but he was smiling at me. He soon disappeared on the second floor.

Huh... I lay in the small flowerbed in an unsightly manner, relaxing my tired body and mind, breathing heavily.

Lin Ying was beside: "That...that...that".

"What's wrong?".

"It's not good to lie here..."

I was still confused until I touched a pool of blurred blood and flesh.

Yang Can fell to his death next to me.


The three of us returned to Lin Ying's villa to rest. Although we couldn't sleep,

I had to take a shower. It was one thing not to be afraid of trouble,

but lying in the blood of the corpse was another matter. It was hard to accept psychologically.

It was only three o'clock when we returned.

After the three of them cleaned themselves up, they gathered again in the living room on the second floor.

Last time, there were still six people...

We were exhausted physically and mentally, and we had seen several people die, so we didn't have the heart to chat.

I leaned on the sofa and stared at Lin Ying.

She had just taken a shower,

She was so delicate that I could smell a leisurely fragrance from a distance.

Her wet hair was scattered on her shoulders, shining with a moist luster under the light.

After being stared at by me for a long time, Lin Ying couldn't help but raise her eyebrows, and her delicate face without makeup couldn't hold it anymore.

She said sternly: "Add friends! Transfer money!"

I smiled and took out the prepared QR code: "It's ready, the price is set."

She gave me a fierce look, but still forced me to be a friend, and generously transferred me 200,000.

After that, I basically survived the midnight.

As for how I survived, there was chili in the kitchen, so what?

I received a call during the day, which made me suddenly energetic.

The Taoist priest in white has arrived!

I waited for him for two days, and he finally came.

I didn’t tell Lin Ying and the others about the Taoist priest in white in detail,


Said that a friend might be able to solve the old teaching building incident.

Lin Ying also learned to be smart. When she heard that someone could solve it, she immediately promised to give her 500,000 yuan after solving it.

So I agreed on behalf of the Taoist priest in white. After all, we can't let the Taoist priest make a trip in vain.

The Taoist priest has helped me a lot, but I have never been able to thank him. This is an opportunity to borrow flowers to offer to Buddha.

I took a taxi to the station and met the Taoist priest in a short while.

The Taoist priest was still dressed in the eye-catching old Taoist outfit,

cloth shoes, white Taoist robe, and a dust in his arms, with an immortal air.

When the old Taoist saw me, he teased: "It seems that the things you ran into last night were not very clean."

I handed the breakfast I bought to the old Taoist priest: "The Taoist priest asked even though he knew it was the answer? You almost died."

The old Taoist priest found a place to sit down and eat breakfast, and I took the opportunity to tell him about what happened yesterday.

"Jumped to death? It seems that the ghost has a lot of resentment. It has killed many people."

"The range is getting bigger and bigger. Previously, only those who strayed in would die. Now it can lure you in."

"Twelve people, only three survived... How tragic."

I grinned. In fact, if I hadn't woken up early,

I'm afraid that all twelve people would have been wiped out.

"By the way, Taoist priest, what do you think of the 500,000 yuan I told you about?"

The old Taoist priest shook his dust lightly: "How can a Taoist practitioner covet mortal things, but the girl insisted on giving it to me, so the old Taoist priest had no choice."

"Haha, Taoist priest, what you said makes sense. Then when should we deal with him?"

"Let's go now to prevent him from hurting people again."

As soon as I said it, the Taoist priest and I took a taxi to the school,

but we didn't go there right away, but went to the shopping mall first.

I ran inside for about half an hour to help the Taoist priest buy a normal set of clothes,

A black short-sleeved shirt and jeans, and I also put his clothes in a badminton bag.

Although the Taoist priest was a little reluctant, there was nothing he could do.

How could he enter the college with his original clothes?

In addition, I also bought an axe and hid it in my backpack.

After we arrived at the college, we went straight to the old teaching building.

When I arrived in front of the old teaching building, I subconsciously looked at the place where I climbed down yesterday.

The small flowerbed had been trampled into a mess.

And Yang Can's body was also cleared away.

The Taoist priest looked up and down at the old teaching building, his brows sometimes relaxed and sometimes frowned,

Then he took me around the old teaching building for several laps, knocking on the walls and digging the soil.

When I returned to the front of the building again, I was out of breath.

You know, I haven't slept for several days. I'm really going crazy. I almost fainted after this ordeal.

The Taoist priest in white asked solemnly, "Ah Si, what do you think this building looks like?".

After he said that, I started to pay attention to the appearance of the old teaching building.

I had never paid attention to it before. The old teaching building is indeed different from other buildings. I thought it was an old architectural style.

Now I look at it carefully, and my pupils suddenly tremble.

If you look at it from a macroscopic perspective, the old teaching building looks like a thing as a whole.

Like a coffin!

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