The old man was lying on the ground, and the old man was lying on the ground.

In Lin Ying's villa

I pretended to be asleep and finally got the chance to catch the thing hidden under my bed!

Using the soul flame, I grabbed him with my right hand and pulled him out with all my strength.

The guy's appearance was exposed in the moonlight.

I was about to shoot him in the head when I suddenly stopped.

Because I know this guy,

The security guard?

He was wearing a shabby security guard uniform and looked sloppy.

Isn't this the security guard who hid in the security booth behind the old teaching building? The newspaper was also left by him.

I originally found him and wanted to get some information, but who knew that he died the next day.

As a result, he appeared under my bed again.

He died and reappeared, sneaking under my bed, haha...

The guard rolled on the ground, covering his hand. His hand was hit by the wronged soul bone first, and then burned by the soul flame. It was strange that he felt good.

From this, it can be seen that he is not a human.

Since he is not a human, there is no need to hesitate.

The wronged soul bone stopped in the air resumed movement, and the white stick hit him several meters away.

This guard died accidentally, and he would not be too strong at best.

The wronged soul bone was enough to beat him.

I walked over with the wronged soul bone, and the bone stick rubbed against the ground slightly, producing a mysterious sound.

But to the guard, it was like the devil's cry.

He crawled and rolled to hide by the wall, waving his hands again and again: "Don't do it first, don't do it if you have something to say."

I stopped and hit him on the head with a stick: "Ah?"

"What did you say?".

The guard rolled over with his head in his hands, wailing: "It hurts... it hurts so much"

"What is this?"

"I told you not to do it."

"Oh," I put down the stick and hit his leg again, causing him to cry out in pain while holding his leg.

The guard said with a sad face: "Don't... don't hit me, I'm here to help you."

"Don't you want to know what happened ten years ago? I can tell you everything, and I can tell you about that student."

I raised my eyebrows: "You're here to help me?"

"I'm very sorry, but I don't need you."

I looked at the guard and sneered: "And I don't think you're here to help me, are you?"

"The father of Lin Ying that I met at the elevator entrance before was you pretending to be?"

'Why didn't you tell me at that time? You were still fooling me seriously'

"After I returned to the room, you hid under my bed and attacked me while I was sleeping. Do you think you were helping me?"

"Uh... this...", the guard was speechless after hearing these words.

I did have a bad intention and wanted to try it out.

Who could have expected this kid to be so powerful?

I guessed his position early in the morning, and beat him up even though he pretended to sleep.

The broken stick hurt so much, and the green fire,

It was like experiencing the pain of my whole life just by touching it.

I asked in a low voice: "What are you doing here?".

The green fire of the abyss ignited on his two fingers: "I'll ask you one last time!".

As the soul flame approached, the guard immediately admitted that he wanted to kill me.

Kill me? I don't know why I felt a little funny. We met once last time.

I didn't have any grudges against him, so he wanted to kill me just because he became a ghost?

Why would a ghost want to kill me?

It's funny that he was remembered for no reason.

I picked up the wronged soul bone and hit him a few more times.

"What's the reason?".

The guard stuttered for a while and squeezed out a few words with difficulty: "".

My veins were throbbing, and I couldn't help it at that time.

Seeing that Bangzi couldn't hold back,

the guard hurriedly changed his words: ""

"I'm telling the truth. I don't know why I want to kill you...but I have this feeling that I can get a lot, even everything, by killing you."

"It seems that it is the nature of ghosts to guide me. Killing you will bring endless benefits. This temptation is like a lottery ticket of 10 million in front of you. You may get it if you gamble, so I didn't mean it."

"I didn't want to do this originally, but I saw that other ghosts didn't notice you, and you ordinary"

Thinking of this, the guard must have regretted so much. Why couldn't he resist this temptation?

How could this be an ordinary person?

It's hard for me to accept the guard's explanation.

It makes me look like a sweet commodity in the eyes of evil ghosts, while they seem innocent. Did I take the initiative to seduce them?

But his explanation makes some sense,

Other ghosts

The reason for not noticing me should be the effect of the relic.

Master Leguo said before that humans and ghosts are separated, and it is difficult for ordinary people to be noticed by ghosts,

Unless there are some reasons for people, such as too much Yin Qi...

The relic suppressed my Yin Qi, so other ghosts will not easily notice me.

The guard had met me before he was alive,

I am afraid he has been paying attention to me after his death and looking for a chance to kill me.

To put it bluntly, he is not a good guy.

The right hand burning with soul flames grabbed him directly,

The green fire expanded in the guard's pupils, approaching, he shouted in fear:

"Can I tell you everything I know?".

I did not stop: "No need, the yellow-haired gangster has been dealt with."

The guard was stunned, and his fear stopped:

"Yellow-haired gangster? What yellow-haired gangster?"

"Wasn't it a female student who jumped off the building when she was bullied?".

The soul flame stopped in front of the guard's brow, and the swaying flame danced enchantingly without temperature, just a little bit away from igniting him.

And the green rainbow gradually dissipated,

I grabbed his collar and stared at him: "What did you say?".

"Ten years ago, it was a female student who jumped off the building? If you dare to talk nonsense, believe it or not, I will make your soul fly away!".

The guard frowned bitterly, aggrieved and terrified:

"You put that fire in front of me, how dare I talk nonsense?".

"Although I don't know her name, I saw her jump off the building with my own eyes, and I was killed by her. She is the evil ghost in the old teaching building!".

My hand subconsciously let go of the guard,

but my mind fell into another mystery,

The mental fatigue caused by not resting for a long time made my thinking very slow, and now it is even more disordered.

The information in the newspaper, the appearance of the yellow-haired ghost, the people who jumped from the old teaching building one after another...

The many fragments are superimposed together in a chaotic manner, and the truth is hidden underneath, but it is difficult to shake.

If what the guard said is true, then the Taoist priest in white and I have killed the wrong ghost.

The ghost in the old teaching building is still there, and the curse of the old teaching building has not been lifted!

This time even the Taoist priest in white has stepped in, but he ended up finding the wrong person?

It is not just me who finds it hard to accept, I am afraid it is also hard for the old Taoist priest to accept it.

When did I start to believe that the yellow-haired gangster was the ghost of the old teaching building?

In fact, it was not my unilateral determination,

but all the evidence pointed to him!

The fat man jumped off the building....and mistakenly entered the old teaching building.....until the old Taoist priest and I broke into the old teaching building to catch ghosts.

Gradually sorting out my thoughts, I came to a numb conclusion.

The yellow-haired ghost is misleading me!

He wanted to mislead me and make me think that the ghost story of the old teaching building is over.

The result of this is that the three of us can sleep peacefully, and sleeping will trigger the curse of the old teaching building.

The result at night is to jump from the old teaching building!

Not only that, there is something more terrifying.

Who is the ghost of the old teaching building?

I touched my right eye and inferred that I can definitely see the ghost of the old teaching building.

She can't hide in front of me, just like the yellow-haired ghost and so on.

So (he) she has appeared in front of me, even the people around me.

I grabbed the guard, and my emotions were obviously out of control and asked:

"What else do you know? About the female student who jumped off the building ten years ago"

The guard was confused: "Aren't you with her these days? She is right next to you!".

My thoughts suddenly broke, my brain fell into a blank for a few seconds, and my limbs, including my fingers, were stiff.

What! Beside me?


The guard wanted to say something,

At this time, there were footsteps outside the door,

The guard looked panicked and looked at the door in fear: "She's here!".

He didn't care about anything, got out from under my hand, and ran to the balcony quickly.

When I woke up and chased him, he was no longer on the balcony.

Creak... The door was pushed open.

And standing at the door were Lin Ying and Qi Qi.

Lin Ying looked at me on the balcony and was very confused: "What are you doing on the balcony?"

"Just now I heard someone talking here."

I put away my gloomy temperament and tried to make myself calm: "Nothing, I was on the phone just now"

"But you two girls are not sleeping at night, what are you doing here?".

"This...this...", Lin Ying's eyes dodged, as if she had something to hide.

Qi Qi exposed her mercilessly from behind: "When I went downstairs to get water, I saw Lin Ying sneaking in here, and then I followed her out of curiosity."

Lin Ying's pretty face flushed: ""

"It's you who told me late at night that you saw my father who had been dead for several years, and made me unable to sleep"

"You didn't reply to me

News, I thought something happened to you".

I rubbed my eyebrows sleepily: "I wanted to scare you, but I didn't expect to scare you"

"What a coward".

Lin Ying glared at me angrily.

I complained casually: "I was about to go to bed, but I was woken up by a phone call from some idiot"

"I came to the balcony to answer the call because I was afraid of making a noise".

Lin Ying nodded ignorantly.

Qi Qi pointed at me suspiciously and said: "Then what are you doing with that baseball bat?" .

The ghost bone was painted black by me, and it looked like a thinner baseball bat.

"Exercise, don't you find that my stick skills are very powerful? This is all due to my daily hard practice. Of course, I can't waste my time answering the phone".

The two stared at each other and said in unison: "Oh~".

"Do you want to try? ", I handed over the ghost bone with a wicked smile.

I don't know if they were disgusted by hitting someone or what,

the two reacted in the same way: "No... keep it for yourself to play with."

After that, we chatted intermittently, and my heart was not on it at all,

so it was difficult to continue the conversation after a while , and sent them out with a random excuse.

Watching the two of them leave side by side, I immediately closed the door,

and then crawled down to look at the crack of the door to make sure there was no one, and then I collapsed beside the door like a puddle of water.

My head was swollen and tired like never before,

maybe it was because I hadn't slept for too long.

Things seemed to be too interesting and hard to accept.

I really hope the guard is talking nonsense.

"She's here...", I murmured the words left by the guard when he left.

Who is she referring to?

Things are becoming clearer and more terrifying.

According to the information obtained from the guard,

There are currently two points about the ghost in the old teaching building.

One is that the ghost is a woman, and the yellow-haired ghost before was just an illusion. Method, a substitute.

The second is that this ghost is next to me, and the guard once said that I have been with her these days.

I must have seen this ghost, and it is a female.....

And the guard escaped because of her.

In this way, the scope is greatly reduced, and it is almost obvious,

Qi Qi, Lin Ying!

If the guard's words are true, then one of them must be a ghost!

The guard left only because he noticed her coming.

And she should not have noticed that the guard came to me, and didn't know that I was already suspicious of her identity,

Otherwise, how could she still be mixed between the two,

Her purpose of approaching me is to make me relax my guard.

So first of all, I can't expose any flaws, any abnormalities,

To let her I thought I was still following her trap.

Just pretend that the security guard had never appeared.

To be honest, Qi Qi and Lin Ying came in without knocking, and the words the security guard said when he left really scared me.

God knows how panicked I was to control my emotions and adjust my expression, and I almost lost it.

Fortunately, I managed my expression in time.

I sat on the ground and thought for a long time,

and used the mirror to adjust my expression, etc. Tonight is destined to be another sleepless night.

It must be difficult to find the security guard again. I almost killed him this time. Will he come again?

In fact, Qi Qi and Lin Ying,

I don’t want to, and it’s hard to believe that one of them is a ghost.

Qi Qi is a good friend I met a few years ago, and I A child from the next village,

I have known her for so long, she has her own position and name in the school,

Besides, she has lived in the school for several years. If she is a ghost, how can ordinary people see her?

Not to mention being a student.

And Lin Ying does not feel like a ghost to me, although she is not rich like a human...

She can also be seen by people and live a normal life in school.

Can ghosts do these?

Can ghosts integrate into society like humans?


It was as if something was scratching the floor,

I stood up and saw the red evil box came out of the schoolbag by itself and fell to the ground,

The withered hand crawled out of it and wrote on the floor with long nails.

I looked at the time: 12:00.

Well, it is indeed time,

Let's see what sentence it gives today.

About a minute, the red evil box was engraved and closed by itself.

I squatted down and observed carefully, gently brushing the scratches with my index finger,

My eyes inevitably revealed horror and interest.

[After tonight, there will be only one living person in this house! ]

I sat on the ground and watched for a long time...

"Hahaha... So that's how it is"

I couldn't help but look at the moon outside,

After tonight, there will be only one living person!

It seems that everything will have a result tonight,

Qi Qi and Lin Ying, one is a ghost, and the other is a normal person


Including me, there are only two people and one ghost in the house.

Didn’t the Red Evil Box say that?

Tonight, one of the two living people will die!

In the end, only one person can be left alive!

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