The road ditch that the old man mentioned is not far away. He can take me there now, and I don’t have much time to waste. I went to the tree with a rooster to wake up the Taoist priest who pretended to be unconscious. This Taoist priest is completely different from the Taoist priest in white clothes. Whether in terms of means, mentality, or magic... The Taoist priest woke up suddenly and looked at me in horror: "Is the ghost gone?" I shook my head and pointed to his side: "The old man is right next to him." The Taoist shuddered, his eyes rolled back and he almost fainted. I woke him up in time:

"This is your business, you do it to the end"

"I'm going to a place now, you come with me, I won't be back later."

I dragged the Taoist out of the house regardless of whether he was willing or not.

The old man led us to the ravine quickly.

I threw the old rooster aside and dragged the Taoist down the ravine.

The Taoist was scared by me all the way. He couldn't see the ghost, he could only see me talking to the air.

Whenever I looked at him and talked, his face turned pale, as if the ghost was next to him.

I also told the Taoist about the mayor's affairs.

I won't interfere with the rest of the affairs, and I'll leave it all to the Taoist.

Actually, it's easy to do. If the old man's idea is really to let his grandson be buried, then the mayor's house haunted will naturally collapse, and the Taoist can get the money as he wishes.

Of course, the Taoist must give me part of the money he receives,

Otherwise, the old man will definitely settle accounts with him.

The latter sentence was just something I said,

But the Taoist priest took it seriously, asked for my card number, and swore a poisonous oath.

The ditch was full of garbage, more than a meter thick, but the old man remembered it very clearly.

He directed us to dig, and soon we found the body, but the body was in a mess, and we could barely recognize it with the help of the old man.

Bring the body out, the old man has no requirements for the burial place, as long as it is not in the ditch.

We dug a pit in the bamboo forest next to it and buried the body in it and sealed it with soil.

"I say, old man, your son, are you really not going to help him?".

The old man just smiled bitterly: "I am already a dead man, and the affairs of the world have nothing to do with me...".

'Yin and Yang have their own laws, so they should not interfere with each other'.

Although he said so, the old man intended for us to secretly remind his son.

This is up to the Taoist priest.

Then the old man thanked me deeply again, and then walked away with the child in his arms.

The rustling bamboo forest brought a green whirlwind,

I seemed to see the child lying on the old man's head in the falling bamboo leaves, smiling at me...

The Taoist priest held a bamboo and asked timidly: "Hey, is this old man gone?".

"Gone", I looked at the Taoist priest curiously,

"Aren't you a Taoist priest from Maoshan? Where is your practice? Where are your skills?".

The Taoist priest blushed and said: "Bullshit, who told you that Taoist priests can catch ghosts? Maoshan Taoist priests don't take the blame!"

"No, you can actually see ghosts?".

I said as a matter of course: "Can't you?".

The Taoist priest was so angry that he bared his teeth: "Which bastard told you that the Maoshan Taoist priest can see ghosts?"

"Tell me, I will tear him apart in a minute. Even if we can see ghosts, we need some special methods, such as using cow's tears, etc."

"Who can be like you, seeing ghosts out of thin air, just like seeing people."

I waved my hand, picked up the rooster and prepared to leave: "Maybe I am more popular with ghosts. If the mayor gives money, remember to pay me."

"I have something else to do, you can do the rest yourself."


After finding the old rooster, I first deposited the old rooster with the owner of the paper-making shop, and then went to look for the long hair of a virgin.

Hair is easy to be adulterated.

I am not afraid that the thing is not real, I am afraid that its owner is not a virgin.

To be cautious, I went to the hair collection shop and waited there.

A female customer came to buy hair, and she went up to ask you: "Are you a virgin..."

This is not very efficient, and it is easy to get beaten.

After almost getting beaten, I learned my lesson. These women are unreliable, and little girls are more reliable.

I waited for an hour and finally saw a grandmother bringing her six or seven-year-old granddaughter to sell hair.

My eyes almost lit up at that moment, but in order to avoid being called to the police by the boss,

I still restrained myself and waited until they left before rushing up to buy from the boss.


Just like that, I had my virgin hair, and the next thing I needed was the clothes that Lin Ying had worn.

So I had to go back to that villa.

When I came to the door of this villa again, I didn't feel safe at all with the ghost bone in my hand.

I took the elevator to the fourth floor with my heart hanging in my throat.

The fourth floor was as quiet as when I left. When I came to Lin Ying's room, I was stunned.

Her door was closed!

I clearly remember that I left the door open when I left, but now it was closed.

Who came back here?

Lin Ying or Qi Qi?

I pushed the door open little by little with the ghost bone, and peeked inside a little.

Then I suddenly broke in, and the cans rolled far away.

It was dark and empty inside.

I touched the switch with my other hand, and looked around the empty surroundings with the ghost bone in my other hand.

The lights turned on, and everything was bright again.

It seemed that there was no imaginary enemy as I thought.

I came to Lin Ying's closet and opened it to find colorful clothes, skirts, etc.

Everything looked like a normal woman.

I was really curious about how the ghost in the old teaching building integrated into society,

Integrated into the school, almost without any flaws.

Will no one notice her abnormality?

I guess I will know all this when I see her tonight.

I searched through the pile of clothes and finally found a light yellow short-sleeved shirt that she wore last time.

That short-sleeved shirt was very small, and in my eyes it was almost like a small vest.

I ruthlessly cut off a large piece of that exquisite and expensive short-sleeved shirt and put it in my pocket.

After closing the closet, I left Lin Ying's room,

and went to Qi Qi's room by the way.

Her room was the same as when I left, with the door open.

After entering, nothing changed, and the words on the wall were still: "Run! Be careful of Lin Ying!".

According to Qi Qi's personality, she could do such a thing.

After leaving the villa, I went to Mr. Kou's shop.

This time, Mr. Kou was waiting in the shop early. When he saw me, he asked me to sit down first.

After I took a sip of the tea handed to me by the young girl, he pushed an ancient box over to me.

He smiled and said, "Take a look?"

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