The old man and I were so happy that everything would be settled as long as we got out of the old teaching building.

The ghosts in the old teaching building were trapped by the coffin-shaped old teaching building, and they couldn't get out without Qi Qi's strength.

After getting out of the building, let alone sleeping, you can even lie down at the door.

The lock of the iron door was broken last time.

Now it is just half-closed and can be opened with a slight push.

Suddenly, a figure under the street light outside the old teaching building caught my attention.

The dusk light hit the bridge of the man's nose.

The man jumped out when he saw my reaction. He was very surprised and shouted in disbelief: "Are you still alive?"

"You killed her?"

"No way... You can kill her? No, what are your origins?".

"How did you do it?".

I squinted and recognized him, the guard of the old teaching building.

Last time he didn't succeed in attacking me, but he provided me with some useful information.

If it weren't for him, I might have jumped off the roof now.

The guard screamed in surprise at the door, as if I could survive.

Killing Qi Qi in return was a miracle, an unlikely thing.

I was too lazy to pay attention to him.

This guy is not honest. I beat him up last time and let him escape. I thought I would never see him again.

Let's go out first, there are still a group of little devils behind us, watching us.

I reached out and touched the door panel,

The old man suddenly called me,

"Benefactor, I can't repay your kindness, and I don't have anything valuable on me, only this gold ring passed down by my father, which may be worth some money"

"Benefactor, go and exchange some money, or keep it, either is fine."

The old man spread out his clenched left hand,

A slightly dim gold ring lay comfortably,

The naked eye can see that the age of this gold ring has been slightly deformed.

The old man touched the gold ring with a trance-like look.

The gold ring is indeed very attractive, but I am too embarrassed to accept it.

I don't know how to thank the old man for helping me tonight, so how can I dare to accept the gold ring?

I shook my head and wanted to refuse, but I saw the old man's expression from the corner of my eye.

Sadness, loneliness, regret and other emotions were all reflected in his turbid pupils.

He didn't say anything, just looked at me.

Everything of a twilight man can be seen in his eyes.

This hunchbacked old man is shorter than I thought, and his presence is as low as dust.

I thanked him and took the gold ring silently.

For me, it is just a ring, but for the old man, it is his life journey, the sustenance of the remaining emotions, and the only stubborn dignity left for this little old man.

The old man frowned and smiled: "Now I feel relieved."

"I can still meet such a person, and my life is not in vain. What is the name of the benefactor?"

"Zhang Ah Si...".

I seemed to sense something was wrong.

The old man suddenly used all his strength to push me aside, and pushed the door open with his left hand.

He almost rushed out of the door.

The next second,

The old man disappeared.......

No, he didn't disappear, but it was as if he was crushed by an invisible force, and an invisible heavy object fell.

The head shrank into the chest, and the knees were broken on the ground. The pressure continued, and the chest was broken and the bone spurs penetrated the loose skin.

It was like a small nail under a press. There was no obstacle when falling. It was very intuitive to see how a person was crushed in less than a second.

An old man of about 1.6 meters turned into a blood stain as thin as paper in an instant...........

I leaned against the wall and looked at this scene absent-mindedly.

The shocking scene replayed in my mind over and over again.

The mental atrophy caused by the side effects of the nail soul and the brain stopped working seemed to resume working briefly at this moment.

I almost forgot that I could still breathe. All I thought about were questions.

What happened?

Why did the old man push me away?

Why did the old man become like this?

The doubts that I had discarded deep in my memory were constantly dug out,

The messy things were arranged together, and the complicated pictures were randomly pieced together.

Then I found that there seemed to be a line among these chaotic things,

A line that can connect the clues together!

I grasped that line and picked out the key points one by one.

Result: The old man was crushed after pushing the door........

1. When I first arrived in Zhaocheng, the hotel owner knocked on the door in the middle of the night... In fact, the owner did not...

2. The death robbery in Qinglong Temple that night... The fake fruit kept trying to trick me into opening the door...

3. On the night that Qiangzi died, I went upstairs and found that someone on Qiangzi's bed almost opened the quilt... Afterwards, the red evil box gave the answer: Open it and you will die!

4. On the night when I mistakenly entered the old teaching building, Qi Qi lived in Lin Ying's house and I lived in the hotel. At night, Qi Qi came to knock on the door and I ignored it. Later, it was the owner who knocked on the door. In fact, it was all fake, and the answer of the red evil box was: Open the door and you will die!

The above are all strange things that happened during this period. In fact, these strange things came out of nowhere.

It seems that wherever I go, something will happen...

But now I find that there is a pattern to be found. Combining the four events, one concept is the same.

Tricked me to open the door, lifted the quilt, and the old man pushed the door... These meet the concept of opening.

Of course, these are not the most important. The most important point is my discovery!

These things are almost the same.

Could it be caused by a ghost?

That is, in addition to the person in the ghost marriage contract, there is also a second ghost following me!

That ghost has been trying to kill me!

Kill me without touching the person in the ghost marriage contract!

I looked back with a stiff neck at the wandering souls in the old teaching building.

The ghosts of all those who died in the old teaching building were confined in this coffin building, except Qi Qi...

If that's the case,

the security guard jumped from the old teaching building a few days ago, and he would be trapped in the old teaching building...

But he showed up at Lin Ying's house yesterday,

and now he's in front of me again.


I moved my sight to the security guard's position,

and suddenly looked at the person who was hiding in the dim light under the street lamp,

and only the outline could be seen clearly,

a round of pale teeth was exposed in the dim light, and a sneaky smile was curved.

"Who is he?"

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