"Run?" I frowned and threw a stick to hit his head.

Chen Zhihao hurriedly hugged his head and rolled over,

trying to extinguish the soul flame on his head

I picked up the stick and hit him again,

A good ghost must be the first to do something. Thinking of that day when I had no power to fight back,

This idiot was the first to come up, I got angry.

After finishing Chen Zhihao, I continued to the fourth floor.

With them to practice, the soul bones, soul flames, and my stick skills have become more and more proficient.

A few days ago, I was a little timid when facing these ghosts,

Now I am getting more and more excited.

It seems that the ghosts jumping off the building and opening the door have trained my courage these days.

After more than an hour, I returned to the second floor.

I beat up the ghosts on the fourth and fifth floors.

Of course, some guys I remembered were gone.

I went to a classroom on the second floor, which was the classroom where I nailed the soul.

The two paper figures were still inside. That day, I didn't even have the strength to run away, so I didn't have the time to pick up the paper figures, so

I left them here and waited for them to come back.

The paper figures are not worth money,

but the cat's eye stone on the paper figures and the thousand-year coffin nails are valuable, and the hair can be recycled,

The paper figure method can be used again in the future.

After recycling the paper figures, I left the teaching building,

I didn't forget to say goodbye to the ghosts on the second floor when I left.

Then I went to the bureau to take a statement and came out an hour or two later.

I stayed in a hotel for one night.

I went to the school during the day. The school would not start for a few days, so there were not many people in the school.

I couldn't go to school anymore, so I packed up and went home.

I asked my counselor for a few days off, and he agreed.

I went back to the dormitory to pack up.

There was no one in our dormitory, and Fatty had transferred to another school.

It seemed that he was scared by the incident in the old teaching building, and he didn't even dare to go back to the dormitory. He called me and went abroad.

It made sense, Fatty almost jumped off the building, Qiangzi died, Suanpan died, and I was the only one left alive.

Fatty's family was well-off, so of course his life was precious.

There was no one in the dormitory, and no one in the whole building. It seemed that the new dormitory manager had not yet started work.

I went to the dormitory manager of another building to get the key.

I moved my nose when I came to the fifth floor and there was a bad smell. Was the toilet not flushed?

After opening the dormitory door,

I hesitated at the door for several seconds, frowning,

The dormitory was filled with a foul smell, very foul, disgusting, and nauseating

The dormitory door was closed, and the windows were closed so the smell could not get out. It was very obvious when the door was just opened.

I would not relax my vigilance against any abnormality. I took the wronged soul bone, closed the door and went in to investigate.

The things inside seemed to have not changed. The only abnormality was the smell.

I sniffed around with my nose, and finally I found that the smell came from my locker.

The lockers in the school were rectangular iron lockers that could even hold suitcases.

I slowly opened the locker,

A pair of empty eyes, blood flowing along the eye sockets, and the whole face rushed over,

I was about to swing the stick, but stopped after a closer look,

The face was leaning on my shoulder, very light, and the blood had dried,

The skin had begun to rot, and the stench was pouring in.

I took a step back, and the corpse fell out of the cabinet.

The limbs were twisted like a folding table, the skin was rotten and maggots had already grown.

I stayed there for a while, then called Law Enforcement Officer Wang: "Hello, I think I found Lin Ying."


Since the school was on vacation, all the students in this building have left. It was a mandatory requirement of the school, and no one could stay.

After the old dormitory manager died, the new dormitory manager had not come yet, otherwise you could smell the corpse as soon as you went up to the fifth floor.


I came to the bureau again,

The girl who was taking the statement was speechless to the extreme,

She asked me seriously: "Is your last name Ke?"

I smiled dryly and couldn't respond,

In fact, I was very depressed...Lin Ying was dead...As expected...

But what surprised me was that the way she died was the way the ghost wife did it, and it was the ghost wife who killed her.

Qi Qi was talking about being preempted by other things, and she was referring to the ghost wife.

Why did the ghost wife attack Lin Ying?

Did Lin Ying hurt me?

I thought about it over and over again, but still couldn't figure it out.

Lin Ying must have been in my closet on purpose by the ghost wife. Why did she do this?

The scene of Lin Ying's body falling out of my closet really shocked me.

I haven't recovered until now.

It's unimaginable

, the visual impact of the empty eye sockets, the bloody and rotten face rushing towards me,

But the stronger one is the mental stimulation, that's someone I know...

This time it's not as simple as taking notes,

Lin Ying and I are friends,

I took money from Lin Ying,

Lin Ying disappeared...Lin Ying died in my closet.

No matter how you look at it, it's related to me.

I took notes for a long time, and when I thought I was going to be investigated,

Law Enforcement Officer Wang suddenly came out and said I could leave,

I was stunned at the time,

I could leave?

So simple?

It's like you and your girlfriend checked into a hotel, and you suddenly died,

Then the law enforcement officer asked your girlfriend to take notes and let her go home to take a shower and sleep.

Law Enforcement Officer Wang also understood that it was incredible to say so suddenly,

So he pointed to the office inside,

I went to the door of the office sensibly and knocked on the door

"Come in."

The voice inside was a man, probably middle-aged.

After entering, a middle-aged man in a black coat sat on the sofa, holding one file after another to read.

He looked at me and pointed to the sofa opposite.

After I sat down, he threw a file to me.

I picked it up and looked at it, and my eyebrows couldn't help but raise.

This file is about me. It records the dead people who have been related to me in these days, Qiangzi, the guard, Lin Ying, Chen Zhihao and others.

He also drew a relationship map for me, with me as the center and others around me.

The middle-aged man poured me a cup of tea, sat down and looked at me and asked:

"What do you want to say?".

I put the file down and chuckled: "Isn't it all written on it?".

"Some things can be written on it, but some things can't... Just like you can say some things, and you won't say some things", the middle-aged man seemed to be pointing to something and said.

I spread my hands to show that I don't know, I don't know anything.

The middle-aged man rolled his eyes at me helplessly: "You are such a hard-headed guy, forget it, I won't keep you in suspense."

"I am from the Supernatural Countermeasures Bureau of the law enforcement agency, my name is Yang Wei."

I subconsciously repeated in my heart, impotence?

Yang Wei saw that I was stunned for a moment and immediately guessed it, and said with a dark face: "It's Yang from Poplar Tree, Wei from Megatron."

"Don't think about it!".

"Our Supernatural Countermeasures Bureau is responsible for things like yours. Do you know what I mean?".

Afraid that I didn't believe him, he also took out his ID and other documents.

Yang Wei continued: "The supernatural aspect is something that the secular world cannot understand, let alone spread. Our job is almost to deal with things like yours."

"But this time we were slow. We just evacuated the students and invited experts, but you took the lead."

"The ghost in the old teaching building was done by you, right?".

"Don't tell me you don't know. I know the bones of the wronged souls. You are also in the same industry, right?"

Since people have asked me this question, I didn't hide it and said, "I was forced to do it to save my life."

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