The old lady was very happy.

I sat next to the old lady in flowery clothes with the urea bag in my hand

I was saved by her after all, and I misunderstood her, so I felt a little guilty.

It turned out that the little girl was a lunatic, and the old lady couldn't be a ghost.

If she was a dirty thing, how could she save me?

"Grandma, did you know that the first No. 7 bus was wrong?"

The old lady in flowery clothes grinned and said, "There are dead people on the bus, and you still want to get on?"

"If it weren't for me, you would be lying in the river now."

"Kid, you are a good person. Help me, and I will save your life."

I was very grateful, and at the same time I was relieved to have survived the disaster: "Thank you, grandma."

"But how did you know?"

I couldn't help hoping that this grandma was some hermit who was a capable person.

She could see dirty things and maybe had a way to untie the ghost marriage contract.

The old lady shook her head: "People are about to die, so they can naturally see some unclean things sometimes."

"By the way, kid, don't go out blindly these two nights."

"We're almost at the old woman's place..."

The old lady walked to the door of the car with a cane, and the car just stopped at the station.

Looking at the old lady's back as she got off the car, I seemed to understand something.

The old lady's waist was fine at all. I asked her to help me to the station, as if she was trying to save me.

Sure enough, good people are rewarded.

If I turned a blind eye like others, I would have drowned in the river like those people yesterday.

I got off the car in Wuliu Town and found a hotel to stay in.

When I was lying on the bed, I realized that everything was just a dream.

What ghost marriage contract, what white-robed Taoist priest, what Qinglong Temple... A few days ago, I could not imagine that these would be linked to me.

It was even closely related to my life.

Perhaps it was because I was extremely exhausted physically and mentally after many frightening moments during the day, and I fell asleep in bed after a short while.

In the end, I was still awakened by my rumbling stomach. I looked out the window and saw that it was already dark.

Even though I was extremely hungry, I had no intention of going out.

Going out now is not to seek death.

You can encounter ghosts during the day, let alone at night.

I found two packs of instant noodles from the urea bag. My mother stuffed them in because she was worried that I would be hungry on the road.

I originally thought it was unnecessary,

but when my hungry stomach met instant noodles, I realized that my mother was right.

While I was chewing instant noodles,

the door of the room was knocked.

"Who is it?".

"Handsome guy, I'm the boss of the hotel. The tenant downstairs said the ceiling is leaking. I want to come in and see if there is a problem here."

"Leaking? Okay, wait a minute," I got out of bed in confusion.

But when my hand was on the door handle, I hesitated.

I never used the bathroom in this hotel. Why did it leak when I moved in?

And now it's the middle of the night and I don't trust anyone, and I don't dare to trust anyone.

I made an excuse: "I think there is no problem with the bathroom. Is it other rooms?"

"It's so late now, otherwise you can come and see it again."

The boss said stubbornly: "I'll just go in and take a look. The tenant downstairs is making a lot of noise. I can take a look to make me feel at ease."

I continued to refuse:

"I said tomorrow, there are still people like you. The people downstairs are guests, but I am not?"

"Why should I sacrifice my quietness for their peace of mind?"

"I don't care, go away!"

Hearing my firm tone, the boss's voice became much lower:

"Guest, I'll just go in and take a look"

"I'll just take a look and leave, just one look!".

The more he said this, the more suspicious I became: "If you say no, then no, I'm going to sleep, you go away."

Dong! Dong! Dong!

"Guest, guest!".

Seeing that I didn't move, the boss outside knocked even harder

Dong Dong Dong!!!

"Guest, I'll just go in and take a look!".

Dong Dong Dong!!!

Bang Bang Bang!!!

Gradually, the knocking sound turned into banging on the door, and each knock made the wooden door shake.

The boss' tone was angry and impatient: "Open the door! Open the door!"

"Let me in! Let me in!"

Bang Bang Bang!!!

The heavy knock on the door made the whole room tremble, as if the next wall connected to the door frame would collapse...

In the dark night, there was nothing else but this strange knock on the door, which made my heart beat...

"Open the door! Open the door!".

I stepped back

Closest to the window, holding a chair with his hands, staring at the door.

This banging on the door lasted for half an hour

Then the boss seemed to leave.

I wiped the sweat off my head with my sleeves, and I was more and more sure that the boss outside the door was strange.

I looked at my phone and the time was 00.30.

The second half of the night was particularly peaceful.

When I woke up the next day

I saw the boss lying on the counter weakly when I went downstairs

I squinted and tentatively said: "Boss, can you go to the bathroom now?"

The boss looked confused: "What are you looking at?"

"Didn't you say that the tenants downstairs complained about the water leak, do you suspect that my room is leaking?"

The boss looked like he had seen a ghost at this time: "What are you kidding so early in the morning? No one lived on the first floor yesterday. When did I look for you?"

At this time, I understood that it was not the boss last night. If I really opened the door, it would be terrible.

I casually responded to the boss and said that I was confused after sleeping.

"By the way, boss, do you know Wangwu Mountain?"

"Wangwu Mountain? Yes, go out and walk along North Street to the end of the town. You will see a big mountain, that is Wangwu Mountain."

"Do you know Qinglong Temple?"

This time, the boss thought for a while, then shook his head: "I have heard of Wangwu Mountain, but not Qinglong Temple."

"But I heard from my father's generation that there is a temple on Wangwu Mountain. I haven't been there either, but I don't know if it is the Qinglong Temple you are looking for."

"Thank you, boss. Here is the room fee for one day."

Then I went upstairs to take my luggage away.

After leaving the house, I found another hotel and booked a room.

I didn't have the confidence to find Qinglong Temple right away, so I planned to stay in the hotel tonight, and I could come back in time if I didn't find it in the afternoon.

Occupying a room can also save some accidents. I couldn't stay in that hotel last night psychologically.

After arranging the accommodation, I went out to buy a few breads and stuffed them into my bag, then got up and headed for Wangwu Mountain.

What the last innkeeper said seemed to be right. Following the road he pointed out, a dark green towering mountain stretched across the front.

I randomly grabbed a few passers-by and it was indeed Wangwu Mountain.

There was a stone staircase on the way up the mountain, which was jointly paved by the people in the town for the convenience of people going up.

Following that road, I soon entered the mountains.

I looked back and could not see the shadow of the town, and the stone staircase under my feet had turned into a muddy road without knowing when.

There was a thick layer of soft rotten leaves on the ground, and a rotten hot air would burst out when I stepped on it.

There was no signal on the mobile phone in the mountains, and the only use was to check the time.

I climbed for about a morning, but I felt that I had not even climbed half of Wangwu Mountain.

What bothered me most was that I had no idea where Qinglong Temple was in this dense and boundless mountain?

No matter what, I must get down the mountain before the sun sets in the afternoon.

Today is the 13th, and the death will happen on the night of the 14th.

If something goes wrong with the Taoist priest in white, it is possible that I will encounter an accident tonight.

In short, I must find Qinglong Temple before tomorrow night.

I must not lose my life before that!

I found a cool place to rest and took out the bread I bought in the morning from my pocket to fill my stomach.

After a good rest, I set off again.

Strangely enough, I didn't walk far before I realized that I didn't seem to move.

No matter how many steps I took, I would return to the same place.

I didn't believe it at first, but the bread bag on the ground reminded me that I hadn't taken a step!

The first thought in my mind was that I was trapped in a ghost wall!

I was really impressed by the ghost wall.

No matter where I went, I couldn't escape the ghost...

After that, I kept trying, whether I walked with my eyes blindfolded, walked in circles or jumped.

I could always return to the same place.

It seemed that there was a trap in the dark that had trapped me, and it was like an ant in the circle that was circling back and forth in the circle.

As the sun moved down little by little, I became more and more anxious.

I could encounter strange things during the day, so would I be able to survive at night?

But now, let alone finding Qinglong Temple, it would be difficult to even go down the mountain.

I sat down with a frustrated look, and suddenly I heard a click

A sharp foreign object pierced my buttocks.

I stood up and saw a pale bone hidden in the dead leaves under my buttocks, and the bone had been broken into two sections.

It seemed that I had done it just now.

I carefully pulled away the dead leaves and stepped back in fear.

This turned out to be a human hand bone!

Then I thought, could it be that this brother was also trapped here by a ghost wall?

I quickly looked around, and sure enough, I found a lot of human bones in a small area.

The most

Finally, they were pieced together to barely form a human figure.

But some bones were still missing, probably taken away by wild wolves.

I made a new discovery, this is not a brother, but a sister.

The bones of men and women are roughly the same, but there are obvious differences in many details, such as the angle of the pelvis.

The angle of the pelvis of men is about 70-75 degrees, while the angle of the pelvis of women is 90-100 degrees.

Thank you biology teacher for expanding extracurricular knowledge.

Whether it is a brother or a sister, at this moment, I am also a sister.

Although she died early, her skeleton was scattered and buried shallowly on the surface of the soil.

Meeting is fate. After burying her, maybe the next person with a predestined relationship can still touch my bones.

I dug a hole on the spot with the folding dagger I brought with me and put all the woman's bones in it.

After I buried it again, I said a few words to the bumpkin.

"Sister, I'm really sorry for breaking your bones just now. Now I'm letting you rest in peace as an apology."

"This is all I can find of your bones."

I looked up and saw that the sun was not far from setting. I couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "Alas, maybe I can meet you later."

"Buried here together, at least I have a companion."

Huhuhuhu! Huhuhu........

The sound of the wind was like a woman's whistle,

Tens of thousands of branches were bent, dead leaves danced, and dark clouds covered the sky.

An inexplicable cold wind swept in, mixed with a lot of wind and sand.

My sleeves were the first to swell, and I couldn't open my eyes.

I could hardly stand in the strange wind, and the direction was turned upside down.

The wind only blew for a while, I rubbed my sore eyes, and my vision slowly recovered.

Damn, where does this strange wind come from?

Suddenly, my eyes widened like a thief, and my expression became more joyful

Cooking smoke!

There was a white smoke from the misty mountains in the forest ahead.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

A faint bell sounded in my ears, and it rang three times in a row.

Although the sound was weak, I was sure that it was the bell.

Cooking smoke... bell sound....

I seemed to see a way to survive, and I ran anxiously.

This time I did not return to the original place, and the surrounding scene passed by quickly.

The humid mountain breeze gently caressed my face, and my chest was unprecedentedly comfortable.

A delicate, kind voice came from behind, sounding vaguely

"Thank you...".

In an instant, I seemed to understand something.

I locked onto the smoke and ran, and the final destination was indeed the temple.

The quiet and refreshing incense filled the surroundings, and a vermilion gate separated the temple from the outside world.

My heart was beating like my inner emotions

The plaque on the temple attracted me.

[Qinglong Temple]

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