After a night of adjustment at home,

When I woke up the next day, the swelling on my face had subsided a little, but the bandage on my neck was a little noticeable.

So when the Taoist priest and I left the village, I bought a black bucket hat and scarf.

Wearing a scarf and a hat is better than exposing a neck full of wounds.

Fulong Mountain is not close to our place.

The train is a quick way, but it takes two days.

To take the train, you have to take a bus to the city first, and then take a taxi to the station.


On the bus

I hid most of my head in my hat and its brim, and the Taoist priest kept talking:

"Are you sure you want to go to Fulong Mountain?"

"Actually, there's nothing to see in Fulong Mountain, and the Taoist priests there are very boring."

"I don't even want to stay there, but since you're going, I'll definitely take you there to have some fun."

I didn't tell the Taoist priest many things, and I only said I was going to Fulong Mountain to ask about someone.

The Taoist priest looked like he knew everything and said:

"You're going to Fulong Mountain to ask that Taoist priest in white, right?"

"That's easy. I'll find my senior brother when I get to Fulong Mountain, and he'll know once I ask him."

"So...are you sure I'll accompany you, and you'll give me 10,000?"

I pulled the brim of my hat: "You're a man of your word, I can give you 2,000 first."

The Taoist priest patted his chest excitedly: "Brother, you are reliable. I will follow you."

"I will definitely find out the truth about this Taoist priest!".

After arriving at the station, the Taoist priest bought the ticket because I looked very sneaky.

There were two berths, one above and one below.

Although the hat could block my face, it also blocked my sight.

I basically followed the Taoist priest. After leaving the security checkpoint, I went straight to the train.

There was a female conductor near the train. She saw my appearance and thought I was blind and helped me into the station.

How could I take others' kindness as a donkey's liver and lungs? I had to accept it humbly.

The conductor introduced me as he walked.

"This train is called Dongsheng, which means that it keeps running from the starting point of the sun and witnesses the rising of one sun after another. The whole train, including the dining car, has a total of 15 carriages..."

The Taoist priest and I were in carriage No. 15, so we went straight to the end.

The conductor saw that the Taoist priest and I were all the way and asked the Taoist priest to take me there.

The entrance to the fifteenth carriage was too crowded and we were urged to hurry up.

So the Taoist priest took me through the fourteenth carriage.

The last few carriages were sleeper carriages, so it was easy to get through.

The aisle was a little narrow, and it took some effort to get through.

Perhaps the passengers had found their seats, so the fifteenth carriage did not seem crowded.

The Taoist priest and I were in the eighth and ninth beds, which were easy to find.

I lived in the upper berth, and the Taoist priest lived in the lower berth.

After taking off my backpack, I stretched my shoulders and looked around the carriage.

There were two men on the upper and lower berths opposite us.

The one on the upper berth was sleeping, and the one on the lower berth was eating. The smacking sounds hurt my ears.

Just when I was about to lie down for a while, I heard the Taoist priest on the lower berth sigh: "Hey, there are only two of us in the four berths in our compartment."

"The train will leave soon, and there will probably be no one there."

"Doesn't this mean that we can enjoy four berths with two tickets?".

I slowly straightened up and looked carefully at the big brother who was sleeping on the upper bunk,

and the man eating below,

My pupils shrank suddenly, and I couldn't help frowning as I looked at the man on the lower bunk,

What he was eating looked a bit like a human hand...

Smacking, smacking, smacking... He was chewing it very deliciously,

It seemed that he noticed my gaze and looked up at my position, then handed the human hand in his hand to me,

with a greasy face, he smiled and asked: "Do you want to eat?".

I stopped for a moment and looked elsewhere,

looking around, pretending not to see it and said:

"Yes, it's just the two of us, it's quite quiet, and we can sleep well."

The man in the lower bunk saw that I ignored him, and seemed a little angry. He came over with a human hand,

almost close to my bed, and handed the human hand to me.

The rotten skin, the flesh was bitten and pitted... It was almost indescribable...

I didn't dare to smell it, so I lay down and played with my phone, completely ignoring it.

Even though the hand was almost close to my face, I still pretended not to see it.

"Do you want to eat it?".

The man asked again, and when there was still no answer, he returned to his bed and continued to eat it.

My hand sliding the screen

My fingers were a little stiff, and I cursed in my heart.

What kind of luck is this? I can encounter such a thing even when I am on a train.

Fortunately, I pretended quickly. If I can't see it like a Taoist priest, maybe there will be no problem.

He noticed me only because I looked at him.

Under the control of the relic, he shouldn't pay much attention to me.

The bloody human hand pushed in front of my eyes was exciting enough. I think I don't need to eat lunch or dinner.

I turned my head away and played with my phone against the wall, not caring about that ghost.

I don't know how long it took,

There was no smacking sound from the lower bunk, but snoring sounded instead.

At the same time, there was a sudden movement on the upper bunk opposite, and he seemed to be turning over.


He suddenly screamed, and this sound without any warning scared me to death.

His scream was very miserable: " hand...where is my hand..."

"Who took my hand! My hand!"


Hand? Could it be that the man on the lower bunk ate the hand of the guy on the upper bunk?

Plop, it seemed that the man on the upper bunk jumped down...

I saw through the reflection of the phone,

The man on the upper bunk came down, his face was as white as paper,

He covered his bloody left shoulder, but his left arm was not on it,

He screamed and looked around,

Suddenly he came to the Taoist priest, almost lying on his face,

"Have you seen my hand?"

The Taoist priest was concentrating on watching the beauty live broadcast, ignoring him, and he couldn't see him anymore.

The man on the upper bunk asked several times, but got no response.

He suddenly stood up and lay down beside my bed,

his eyes bulged and asked me sideways:

"Where's my hand?!"

"Did you see my hand?"

His face was only four fingers away from mine, and his breath was very cold.

I felt my palms were sweating, but I couldn't show any reaction.

I could only pretend to be tired and turned over and continued to play with my phone.

The man's face on the upper bunk gradually disappeared in the reflection of the phone.

I was relieved.

It's not that I'm afraid of ghosts, but I don't want to cause trouble.

I can see ghosts because I'm forced to.

I can't fight with a ghost or kill it when I see it, right?

It's reasonable for people to exist, and it's also reasonable for ghosts to exist.

I just don't interfere with each other.

I suddenly envy the Taoist priests, who are carefree.

I can't see ghosts, but I can be happy all day by watching a live broadcast.

I have to stay on the train for three days. I hope these two ghosts won't do anything weird again.

After the man on the upper bunk left my bed, he stayed downstairs for a while and then returned to the upper bunk.

He also started eating, smacking his lips and making crunching sounds.

This is also a torture for the ears.

I finally waited until the man on the upper bunk finished eating.

After a while,

"Ahhh!", the man on the lower bunk screamed.

He cried and howled:

"Ahhh...Ahhh...My legs...Where are my legs?"

"Who took my legs! Ahhh! Who took my legs!".

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