After leaving this message, the Red Evil Box climbed back into the box and closed it.

I squatted on the ground and pondered,

It is not difficult to understand,

I will be eaten in an hour,

But will I be eaten by the messy ghosts in the carriage?

Or will I be eaten by the big ghost who dominates the carriage?

I am not surprised that the Red Evil Box has this prophecy, because I caused it on purpose,

I deliberately took off the relic for a while, so that the dominant ghost in the carriage noticed me,

You know, I am a very fragrant and delicious thing in the eyes of ghosts,

If there is no relic to suppress it,

At night, any ghost within a few kilometers can be attracted by me.

So after I took off the relic, the ghost would not let me go once he noticed me.

Seeing the prophecy in the red evil box further proved that my behavior was right.

Although this is a self-destruction, it is better than killing all the other ghosts.

Because I am the only one who will die.....

Back to the Taoist priest, the Taoist priest held a blue talisman in his hand.

He smiled proudly and said: "Five Thunders Breaking Evil Curse, as long as you stick this thing on the ghost, it will definitely fall."

I was surprised and said: "You have such a thing now? I have never seen you use it before."

The Taoist priest: "This is my bottom-of-the-box thing. I know that I am not very good at magic, so I stole a lot of talismans from my fellow apprentices when I went down the mountain."

"How can you go out and travel the world without doing some private work?"

"But how do you find the ghost?"

I lay on the bed carelessly, pretending to be mysterious: "No need to look for it, he will come"

"Just stay by the side, he will come at one o'clock."

The Taoist rolled his black eyes in confusion: "Why? How do you know?".

Me: "I said I can tell fortunes, I told it myself, do you believe it?".

The Taoist turned his head and sneered.

As time got closer,

The Taoist didn't believe I could tell fortunes,

but that didn't mean he didn't believe me,

He kept holding the Five Thunders Breaking Evil Curse, waiting

I was also confused, the Red Evil Box should not be wrong, I reached out to take my phone to check the time,

Click... A face squeezed out from the upper bunk, his facial features were full of pits and bite marks,

He squeezed out a hole, he opened his mouth wide, that mouth could almost swallow my head.

I focused my eyes and shouted: "Here it comes!"

"On top of me!".

The Taoist priest immediately rushed out,

I also took out the wronged soul bone hidden under the quilt and stuffed it directly into his mouth,

Sizzle... white smoke came out as if his mouth was on fire,

The Taoist priest randomly slapped the Five Thunders Breaking Evil Curse like a blind cat catching a mouse, and it happened to hit his head,

Suddenly I saw several blue arcs flashing, the face trembled, and the hair trembled.

But his life was still long, and the Five Thunders Breaking Evil Curse and the Wronged Soul Bone could not make him fall,

He wailed and retreated, trying to stretch his head back.

How could I let him escape? I sat up and shoved the Wronged Soul Bone deep into his mouth, and grabbed his hair with my other hand so that he could not retreat.

The ghost who felt the crisis of death resisted unexpectedly strongly,

He tried his best to force his head back, jumped to the aisle and fled as a black shadow.

I grabbed the strand of hair that was broken in my hand and looked at the Taoist priest standing stupidly: "Chase?".

The Taoist priest was very confused: "Chase what?".

Oh... I suddenly felt a headache, I forgot that the Taoist priest couldn't see ghosts.

I took him to chase him, but I couldn't find his trace.

We ran around in the corridor,

but attracted the attention of other ghosts.

The Taoist priest felt hopeless: "Now he has escaped, where can we find him?"

"He just pretended to be a ghost, we can't recognize him."

"Don't worry, he can't escape", I took off my backpack, sighed and made a decision, there was no other way but to use this trick,

The Taoist priest stared at me in amazement as I took out a paper man and a long black nail from my backpack.

"Paper man nailing soul method?"

I looked up in surprise: "You know?"

The Taoist priest nodded: "I have heard that this paper man nailing soul method is neither evil nor righteous. It is composed of thousand-year-old coffin nails, cat's eye stones, virgin long hair, etc. All the souls nailed cannot move"

"And the person who nails the soul will consume a lot of energy."

"Since you know that, that's great. Come on." I stuffed the hair I just pulled out into the paper mannequin and handed the coffin nail to the Taoist priest.

Luckily, I made another paper mannequin before returning to the village, and it really came in handy now.

The Taoist priest pointed at

I was at a loss: "I stab it?".

I asked back: "Do I stab it?".

The Taoist priest took the coffin nails with frustration. There was nothing he could do. Who made him a bad boy?

The black nail tip pressed against the forehead of the paper man, and then stabbed it fiercely.

The Taoist priest's physical strength and energy were also rapidly lost.

After the Taoist priest nailed the soul, his steps were very weak when he stood up: "Damn, this thing really wastes energy"

"I almost fell down."

The paper man suddenly moved, and his long hair fell to the ground.

The little paper feet ran quickly.

I pulled the shaky Taoist priest and hurriedly chased after him.

The more the paper man ran, the more surprised the Taoist priest and I were.

The paper man actually ran to our original bed.

The four ghosts were still there, looking at us at the same time.

The paper man passed through and quickly hugged a ghost who could not move.

The man on the upper bunk!

The Taoist priest and I blocked the entrance of the bed, and the man on the upper bunk looked at us with astonishment.

I attached the soul flame to the wronged soul bone and walked over.

At this time, I remembered that the man on the upper bunk could see the Taoist priest before.

The Taoist priest had the Maoshan Heaven Covering Curse on him, so ordinary evil spirits could not see him.

Unless the evil spirit was extraordinary.

The wronged soul bone pierced through the man on the upper bunk's mouth with one blow, and the soul flame spread rapidly until it was completely burned.

The paper man also lost his target and fell down helplessly.

I skillfully removed the hair, coffin nails, and cat's eye stones. The paper man can only be used once, but the cat's eye stones can be repeated.

After killing the man on the upper bunk, it was naturally no problem for the Taoist priest and I to get out of the sixteenth carriage.

We stepped out of the carriage and came to the interface between the fourteenth and fifteenth carriages.

The conductor who was pushing the dining car in the fifteenth carriage looked at us with a confused face,

Wondering where did these two people with luggage come from?

After confirming again that the Taoist priest and I were in the fifteenth carriage, she let us in.

It was so comfortable to be back on a real bed.

Even if there were snoring and smelly feet everywhere, it was better than seeing a ghost.

There were no other accidents in the rest of the trip, and we arrived at the foot of Longhu Mountain as we wished.

With the Taoist priest leading us, the journey was much smoother. The Taoist temple was on the top, and we only needed to climb a few thousand stairs.

My legs were shaking when I ran up, and the Taoist priest took me straight into the Taoist temple.

The first thing I saw was two Taoist children in white clothes.

As soon as they saw the Taoist priest, they hurried up to stop him and pointed at his clothes.

The Taoist priest suddenly realized that the Taoist robe he was wearing was still from Maoshan.

So he took off the Taoist robe and turned it over, and it turned white.

Wearing a white Taoist robe, the two Taoist children pouted and couldn't stop him.

On the way, I did see a Taoist priest wearing the same clothes as the Taoist priest in white, which made me more convinced that the Taoist priest in white must be related to Longhu Mountain.

It's impossible for the Taoist priest in white to wear Longhu Mountain clothes to deceive himself. There is no need and no meaning for this.

The Taoist priest took me to a room for receiving guests and disappeared.

In response, a young man in white Taoist clothes came out. He was about 30 years old.

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